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Poker refund requests thread


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Hi, third night in a row with technical issues. How on earth is this to be compansated? Hours spent in tournaments and in then suddenly it disconnects. Still haven`t got refund for earlier tournaments and no compansation whatsoever. This is deeply concerning and no short of amateur night.
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You can check https://www.unibetcommunity.com/t5/General-Poker/Technical-poker-issue-on-the-15th-of-April-2020-and-continuing/td-p/323492 if you want more info about what is happening and how we're dealing with it.


@fjakka, if you're talking about issues the 15th, I'm hopeful I'll manage before 2am tonight. If you're talking issues the last couple of days, please post the tournament ID's here and I'll review it. There's CS through the chat, but I can imagine they're extremely busy and with a long queue right now + there's really not a lot they can do. You'll get the best service here tbh.


@mathew1982, if it's regarding the 15th, please have a bit more patience with us. We're working on it. If it's not about an issue the 15th, I'd love if you could help me with the tournament ID. Sorry and thanks :)


@kristof666 refunded you two buyin in bonuspoints.

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8/11 in the dwarf star bounty, tournament id: (18148170), 10 euro titan, 46/82 Id: (18148611)

I also had a spot 1 off the money in the 10 euro sputnik where I was currently in a hand where I had trips on flop then the client got ❤️♥️❤️ed up, when the server got up briefly again I was really short and ended up bubbling. 

Really sucks that people are ddosing the servers.

Hope this will get solved soon.

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now it happend again played 5 4e sng and lost conection on and off able to play them to finsih but got short and had to gamble alot... would lika some compensation for these too.... this is not fair ... thanks for your work anyway... 

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Вчера 23:12:29 279793121 Покер - Турнирный Buy-in - 10,86 
Вчера 23:11:58 279792990 Покер - Турнирный Buy-in - 27,15 
Вчера 23:11:20 279792768 Покер - Турнирный Buy-in - 27,15 

Вчера 23:07:42 279791536 Покер - Турнирный Buy-in - 10,86 

Вчера 23:07:34 279791492 Покер - Турнирный Buy-in - 5,43

Hi, there are tourneys for this evening, so much technical problems all the time today. In another days (on 16, 17 april ) was much problems too in tours. Check all my tours for this 3 days please.

P.S Still waiting for refund from 15th of april

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@slmr, takes some time to do it based on the transaction ID's you've provided (tournament ID's are in the hand history in the poker client), but I've had a look at a few, and I don't see any real impact. You're timed out a handful of hands in total - which obviously sucks and I'm sorry about it, but from a compensation point it means it's limited what I can give. I've sent some bonuspoints your way.


@Boby, that sucks with the multiplier :( I've sent some BP your way :)


@Carleon, sent BP your way as well.


@Andy7914, refunded 4 buyins in tickets

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I had problems tecnical problems with client today. First time I was able to reconnect and continue play, 2nd time I was not able to continue.

I'm looking to get refunded from tournaments:

€100 €7,500 Neptune rebuy (18147591) -> I had 35808 chips 600/1200 ante 150. 

€10 Sputnik €600 (18147590) -> I had 27641 chips 800/1600 ante 200. 

€10 Titan €5000 (18148611) -> I had 77224 chips 900/1800 Ante 225.




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Hey @Stubbe-Unibet 

just gonna start with I understand you're tired of it as well and doing your best getting rid of the issue :popeye:

I  finished 2 the most frustrating deepruns I've ever had, 2 Neptunes, 10th and 12th, which gave me only one mincash...I busted on spots that shouldn't have happened because my stacks melted down during disconnections...some players were able staying in the games and blinding down another, or were able coming back quicker...I should be entilted getting some compensation, cause in any other case I would've had a chance for a lot more...my EQ in these 2runs was worth a lot more than 218€ i got....I would say at least 300-400€ EQ in both burnt...some SN tickets?

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