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Unibet Open Sinaia live thread


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Edit 13/2: We're live in Sinaia and will use this thread for updates, news and notification on potential promotions :)


Let's get an overview of who of you are coming to Sinaia and might be interested in joining the Community Freeroll scheduled for Saturday the 16th of February :)

We already had a question about it here, but if you're a member and in Sinaia during the UO, we'd love to have you in the freeroll(no UO package needed)-

So please, if you've qualified, or if you're planning to buy in, or just want to come by and enjoy the UO atmosphere while playing in the freeroll, do let us know here that you're coming to Sinaia! :)

So far we've got these fine people :Happy:

@Hotzonicu  @FeelsBadMan  @StarKebap + girlfriend @skyforthewin  @AndreiBN @Support4 + @MDMApex @babodrago @Zotyika @HAI_ROMANIA @MrGarfield @reluni @TeddyKGB @Sangria16 @Kris-Unibet  @Patric-Unibet  @Leo-Unibet  @Stubbe-Unibet  @Michael-Unibet


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Hi i will be there cant wait looks gd will be my 1st unibet opan. few questions i no u can use euros to buy into side events, But will i need Romanian Leu for spends etc or will bars and hotel take euros. If there do are we better getting Romanian Leu from uk or are exchange rates better in Sinaia.

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@skyforthewin wrote:

Hi i will be there cant wait looks gd will be my 1st unibet opan. few questions i no u can use euros to buy into side events, But will i need Romanian Leu for spends etc or will bars and hotel take euros. If there do are we better getting Romanian Leu from uk or are exchange rates better in Sinaia.

Hotels and some bars, and most stores will take credit cards, even for ski passes you can use card if you get them at the bottom (not at the top). A bit of cash for taxi and small things might be necessary. About exchanging money idk what the uk rates are but I would assume that supply of said currency also affects the price, therefore should probably be cheaper in Sinaia if you're planning on exchanging large amounts, for the minimum necessities like sub 100 pounds probably doesn't matter much. As everywhere else, for exchange shops pay close attention to the exchange rate and do the math before you take the sum, don't get scammed. Exchanging at a bank will probably have a very slightly worse rate but no more risk, some queues tho, and airport rates are horrible, everywhere (again fine for a tiny amount). Out of the banks available in Sinaia I would assume Banca Transilvania or Alpha Bank to have the better rates. Local currency might be needed for cash games but I'm not sure about that, dunno what deal they have in Sinaia, in Bucharest it was in euros during the UO.

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@FeelsBadMan wrote:

@skyforthewin wrote:

Hi i will be there cant wait looks gd will be my 1st unibet opan. few questions i no u can use euros to buy into side events, But will i need Romanian Leu for spends etc or will bars and hotel take euros. If there do are we better getting Romanian Leu from uk or are exchange rates better in Sinaia.

Hotels and some bars, and most stores will take credit cards, even for ski passes you can use card if you get them at the bottom (not at the top). A bit of cash for taxi and small things might be necessary. About exchanging money idk what the uk rates are but I would assume that supply of said currency also affects the price, therefore should probably be cheaper in Sinaia if you're planning on exchanging large amounts, for the minimum necessities like sub 100 pounds probably doesn't matter much. As everywhere else, for exchange shops pay close attention to the exchange rate and do the math before you take the sum, don't get scammed. Exchanging at a bank will probably have a very slightly worse rate but no more risk, some queues tho, and airport rates are horrible, everywhere (again fine for a tiny amount). Out of the banks available in Sinaia I would assume Banca Transilvania or Alpha Bank to have the better rates. Local currency might be needed for cash games but I'm not sure about that, dunno what deal they have in Sinaia, in Bucharest it was in euros during the UO.

The exchange rates were a lot better in Bucharest for me changing GBP, using the cash machines was even better than the rates given in the UK.

I would take cash myself and card as a backup if you need extra.

You can exchange UO tickets again all is unicorns and rainbows in Unibet land.
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@MDMApex It says the destination in the title of the final satellites and the description. Right now there are the following sattie finals.

- 2000€ package 5 of them GTD on Sunday for London 250€ buyin (the Sinaia version of these is over)

- 2200€ seat (no hotel no expenses) 1 GTD on Wednesday for the 2k Highroller in Sinaia 250€ buyin

You can get 250€ Unibet Open tickets from any of the feeder satellites and you can use them for any final, for any stop before their expiration date.

- 550€ seat 1GTD for the DSO in Sinaia (or any other DSO stop of your choosing) 25€ buyin, can't use UO tickets for this one, 

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@babodrago wrote:

I will also be there, you can count me in too. Where do we need to signup for the freeroll, anywhere online, or just there at the Event?

Awesome @babodrago @MDMApex @Zotyika, we're looking forward to meeting you all there!

All you have to do to play the freeroll is to sign up at the registration desk on the day of the tournament. I'll let you know here when I've provided the desk with all the names of players and then you are free to join 😃

@StarKebap Your girlfriend is of course welcome to play as well!

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Check out and join the community last longer bet in the thread here: https://www.unibetcommunity.com/t5/Poker-Promotions/Unibet-Open-Sinaia-Who-lasts-longer/m-p/225577/thread-id/22/highlight/false :)

@HAI_ROMANIA I'd love to meet up as well and say hello here over the next few days, also feel we need to discuss your bingo issue :)

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