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All one suit mission?


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Hi .... Ok I would just like to express my dissatisfaction at this specific mission challenge.

I don't understand it? ... If the aim of the missions is to challenge poker players to reach certain goals in order to reap a few rewards and progress to the nexxt step... then how exactly is this a challenge?

For those in the dark on what I'm talking about the challenge requires you to be dealt all the same suit of cards twice in Omaha.

I mean ... there is absolutely no control over what cards are dealt to you... so having to sit for more than an hour playing Omaha hoping to be dealt the same suit and never getting it is just something I'm having a hard time understanding.

This is a very demotivating challenge and Unibet. You should reconsider such things plz ...

Anyone else feel this way?

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I very rarely read the missions while I'm playing poker as most of them require very little or no tactical ability. These for the monthly missions are basically put in to get you to try different games and formats, some that never play PLO have found they enjoy playing it after attempting a mission, or trying sngs increases the traffic for that game for a while and some may play more of them in the future. I don't particularly like having to get a bouny in an mtt but you have to try all the different games to complete the missions. It's not that the challenge is difficult or requires specific tactics, it's just to spread the traffic out and play different games. I think the missions are under review and we may see an overhaul in the near future, meanwhile you'll just have to carry on regardless.😃👍

"It turns out that 75% of all poker players think they play better than the other 75%."     image.png.99a4e82708d54abfc527324e8836768e.png

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@MackDaddy @GR1ZZL3RI dont think its impossible... but you really are dependant on what the game deals you in that moment. I dont mind the Omaha challenge but would prefer if the goal was something to work for... eg. Win from the button.... win with full house etc.


@wwaanneess .... I have no disagreements nothing comes close IMO to Unibet ... but I dont think you understand my post lol. I actually love the mission challlenges.... except this 1 lol

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I think everyone's missing the point, no one is saying they're impossible but more pointless really which I agree with. You're dealt what you're dealt so it's not a challenge just to sit there and wait for the hands, I think you're asking for challenges to be a bit more meaningful aren't you  @FishWisperer. As I said I think they are done just to get you to try different formats, but are under review. 😃

"It turns out that 75% of all poker players think they play better than the other 75%."     image.png.99a4e82708d54abfc527324e8836768e.png

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