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I was getting worried that this series was going to be a complete bust. But then I won a nano event yesterday to start climbing the leaderboard and tonight this happened.


I'm actually pretty gutted. I made a few mistakes towards the end and should of done things a bit different with 6 left. But it has at least give me a big confidence boost that sometimes I do actually know what I'm doing... lol And now the series is finally in profit!! So I am going to do a stat update now it looks better 😛

Leaderboard: High 41th, Low 111th(?!), Nano 6th, Overall 31st..... Nowhere near happy with these positions. Lots of work to be done.


Total games played: 1930

ITM: 566 / 29.33%

Total buyin: €13,859.50

Total Cashes: €15,638.43

Profit: €1778.93

ROI: 12.84%

Tournament wins: 22

1x NLH Deep Space

2x NLH Deep Crazy Moon

4x NLH Fireball

4x PLO Fireball

1x PLO Singularity

3x NLH Wormhole

3x NLH Shooting Star

1x PLO Shooting Star

2x Unibet Online Series Nano Event

1x Betting Freeroll

Titles: 1

Q1 2018 Nano Leaderboard Champion

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Nice result today!!! At the high tier it's about cash and points secondary.  I went out in 4th with Ak losing to T8.  8jq flop for the madman chip leader.  I played decent all day and cashed in the high bounty.  In the rebut one I doubled twice pre add-on and had a 30k stack post add on and sucked for a bit then lost 2 flips back to back.  Gl tomorrow.

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Gonna start playing in a sec drunk as a skunk because it seemed that’s what everyone else who played against me last night was, and it worked! Good luck all.


ps.... don’t call me

PPs..... don’t raise me

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@MetalWolf wrote:

Typical the biggest night of the series so far would be the worst for me. Played awful and out every event already. Roll on tomorrow...

I know the feeling. I seem to run the worst in every High event I enter – just had one decent High event where I collected some bountys to freeroll the tournament to bust just short of the money. And I won the Daily Deepstack multiple times so far (without playing it everyday), so I know what I’m doing – I just can’t win any flips in High events, it’s crazy. :laugh:

Obviously just variance, but it’s getting annoying for sure. Best of luck to your series!

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@GamesDeanThanks mate you too! I have certainly ran a lot worse in this series than I did in the last one but no excuses, I've played pretty awful for a lot of it, too. Was so annoyed with myself for the schoolboy errors I made to bust the high last night 3 off the money. Should of been able to cruise into the pay slots and bottled it. I do seem to have a lot more luck in Nano's typically than high, though.

It's the lows I seem to have the big problem with and I realllllllllly can't put my finger on why. It was my worst leaderboard in the last series and I'm not even in the top 100 this series! Going to have to do some proper study on it because clearly I am doing something wrong in these games and I just don't get it. 

Won my second event on the series last night, another nano and still only 7th on the nano board. The 6 above must be doing immense seeing as I've actually won 2 events! Orrrrr just goes to show how poor I have been otherwise. Slight confidence boost though as I was very happy with how I closed out the final table last night after coming to it 6th in chips and being a massive underdogin terms of stack with 4 left.

Best of luck today!

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@MetalWolf wrote:

It's the lows I seem to have the big problem with and I realllllllllly can't put my finger on why. It was my worst leaderboard in the last series and I'm not even in the top 100 this series! Going to have to do some proper study on it because clearly I am doing something wrong in these games and I just don't get it.

I wouldn’t think too much about it. It’s probably just variance since you’re crushing Nanon events and doing well in High events. If you think you make good decisions, it’s all good.

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Quick leaderboard update!

Nano: 3rd (all set up for the big finish!!)

Low: 136 (Eurghhhhh....)

High: 69 (Very disappointed)

Overall: 51 (Also disappointed)

Only one thing for it. Gonna have to win the main event. Watch this space!

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Well done sir on the Nano board.  I tell you I'd have easily been ahead of you but the mental stress my wife has put me under for wearing this moustache for a few weeks is beyond words.  Needless to say it has affected my play as my results have steadily gone worse. 

Hit that #1 spot as back to back would be quite impressive.

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Lolz Metalwolf :laugh:kinda makes u wanna defend the "champion title" what was previously, with all costs :laugh: Causes pressures, screwes up the game a little, u think? 😉

Stop worrying ,man. your game is good. Doesn't work this time perfectly, well fk it. Next time coming soon 🆗

p.s. and good job btw so far 👍

edit. Awesome job, man 🆒

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@Rushbie wrote:

Lolz Metalwolf :laugh:kinda makes u wanna defend the "champion title" what was previously, with all costs :laugh: Causes pressures, screwes up the game a little, u think? 😉

Stop worrying ,man. your game is good. Doesn't work this time perfectly, well fk it. Next time coming soon 🆗

p.s. and good job btw so far 👍

edit. Awesome job, man 🆒

Thanks man! 😃 Anyone that has been on my table in the first three UOS must be thinking the pressure has already got to me... went out all three very early lol

Appreciate the words though thank you! I love competition and I love the banter of challenges but ultimately I just want to learn, grow as a player and help others in the game. Best of luck!

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Just one thing bro, people might be older than u, more experienced, that doesn't mean they're better players than u. Keep it real, man 😉

There's no leak or more exploitable feature in a player, than the fact it gives too much respect for its opponents on the table 😏 No mercy, man. It's all good still😃

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Just busted a nano in 26th. Called allin from small with AA and J8 flops trips. Also had 2 splits with AA in that nano and went out a low allin pre with it. My last 22 AA hands allin pre have been busted 17 times. What a time to go on a run like that.... Looks like the guys around me on the nano board have done well. Will take a titanic effort this weekend (and some luck) to retain it. 

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Gutted again last night when a final table in the high event was cruelly taken away in a big 3 way allin with 14 left. Me JJ, against 66 and AQ. I hit my J but unfortunatley the AQ rivered the gutshot to crush my realistic chances of a high leaderboard finish. 

I did make the final table in a low. Came 4th when calling allin AK to 88 and missing. No worries.

Going in to the final day I have a lot of thoughts about myself over the series and how I've played which I will share after it's finished. I know I shouldn't beat myself up too much. I managed to win two events, probably going to finish in the money on all leaderboards and make a good go at defending my nano title. 

For now thoughts are about what lies ahead today. An expensive day in store so lets hope for some run good and a damn big finish!!!


Nano - 6th

Low - 85th

High - 51st

Overall - 42nd

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Due to Unibet obviously tallying the points against me in a grand conspiracy I will submit to this "moustache photo op" to give the legions of Sectoholics something to aspire at.  Photo coming within 12 hours.

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Nice one mate! Suits you! 😀 I've been hiding from responding on this forum the last few days. 8 hours+ of poker a day 2 weeks straight really takes it out of a guy and I felt like a vampire when I went outside and saw the sun. 

Will do a full recap and reflection on the UOS in the coming days. I had to settle for 32nd in the overall leaderboard in the end after coming 9th on UOS1. Today I am very much looking forward to some beers, the World Cup and having some absolute chill.

Thanks @Sect7G for being such a good sport and great competition throughout. Really enjoyed the series and the nano especially where we were both on the final two tables. I look forward to future banter! Well done to @GR1ZZL3R on his deep runs and thanks for your contributions to this blog and special thanks for you railing me!

Congrats to @KostenBerg and his leaderboard finish. Immense throughout and well done to all other winners and players I've spoken to throughout. And @DaVitsche for his excellentand hilarious streams!!

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Thanks for the mention @MetalWolf, unlucky or run bad for you but well done anyway. It was a lot harder than I thought it would be, didn't realise how long these took, 10 1/2 hours to final table is my personal record by far, after absolutely blowing my 1st chance earlier, and now I know the format better will try harder next time. Pleasure to rail you and @Merenitsu and others, shout out to @Sect7G, well done all, enjoy the beer, chills and WC 😃

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"It turns out that 75% of all poker players think they play better than the other 75%."     image.png.99a4e82708d54abfc527324e8836768e.png

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