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Everything posted by RayL

  1. I guess it gets old to just mindlessly hit civilians with your car after a while @Rushbie 🤣. Speaking of carnage and destruction, the video below is one of my gameplays in Dying Light. Now I might not be the best or skilled gamer but I enjoy Video Games allot, maybe a bit too much acording to my wife :haha:. Anyways this is one of my favorite "venting" games. You grab a construction hammer, attach a blow torch, hook all that up to some high voltage batteries and go all in with a horde of zombies. I highly recommend this game 🆗
  2. @Boby, Classic 90's fun. I remember my "IT" teacher had a habit of not showing up in the first 45 minutes of the hour, but he had the games installed on the School PC's so he can keep us busy 🤣 Smart guys if you ask me.
  3. @Rushbie, I'm looking at your Twisted Metal 2 video (never played it :( ) and something else comes to mind Familiar with this gem?
  4. Hi @ScottishSteve, welcome to the Community. :) We would be more than happy to forward your bet to be analyzed by our experts. All I would need to do so is a Coupon ID which is found in your betting history on the bet its self, in the top right corner. Leave it here down below and we'll gladly have a look at it. /Ray
  5. Update @Sinem120, @JusThieF. New poker users can go to the web poker client where they'll be able to create their poker alias and other iniital settings. Once that has been done, they will be able to either continue there, or they can login to any other client and it will work as expected for them. For the time being this is the workaround to this issue untill the poker provider has developed the fix, which should be soon :) /Ray
  6. @Kamon, I loved the Mafia series although I can't say that I particularly liked Mafia 2. I am currently playing Mafia 3 as it was for free with my ps+ subscription :) It's entertaining if you disregard the driving mechanics which are just awful.🤣. @MoreTBC, I understand their point of view, we are indeed living in a volatile world, but thinking that this is the reason that one of my all time favorite franchizes are deciding not to go for it just makes me sad. Speaking of which, anybody remember this gem? I watched only the first minute of gameplay while I was getting the link and it almost brought tears to my eyes. :Happy: If you wake me up in the middle of the night 10 years from now and play me the sounds in the game I wouldn't have to think what game it is from. Do you guys play CS GO? I am not particularely fond of it but we do get together sometimes with @JeppeL, @MarcoV and some other colleagues in an "Internet Caffe" :P to play . Maybe we could organize something like this with Community members, that would be fun. @Kamon, @MoreTBC, @WuDu, @pittpitt, @Rushbie
  7. @WuDu, I never played "Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis" that one slipped under the radar somehow, but they didn't stop the point and click genre completely. It's true that with today's gaming market they have a pretty small slice of the cake, but there are some good titles out there like "Heavy Rain" and lately "Detroit: Becoming Human". @Nospheratu, I couldn't agree more on the sexuality/gender controversy's impact over how game producer's take their decisions. We were recently talking with a friend and he told me that he read somewhere that GTA 6 is being canceled for reasons that are somewhere along these lines. I tried looking the info up but didn't find it online so I can't confirm first hand that this is the case. But I believe it's a strong factor that is always in the back of the minds of game studios.
  8. Did I play Return to Castle Wolfenstein? 🤣 the more we talk here the more I realize why I didn't have any friends in my childhood, I didn't go out. To answer the question @WuDu, yup, I did. It's interesting that the game actually got banned though due to the obvious reasons. But still interesting that the government would censor something like that even though, well I wanted to say it's just a game but on a second thought, playing in a room littered with swastikas and the iron eagle, defeating Nazi's, and ultimately Robot Hitler, yeah. I think censorship was somewhat called for.
  9. @Nospheratu, we rewinded waaaaay back to basics now 🤣. Of vourse I am familiar, same makers of Duke Nukem, a true classic. I'll raise you this beauty :D anybody familiar with this piece of gaming history? Do you think that in today's world something like this could hit the market without serious repercusions to the makers?
  10. I briefly played Civilizations 2 @WuDu, for some reason it wasn't widely known in my circle. One of the most frequvented strategy game besides HOMM mentioned above was AoE2 and I especially liked it for the cheatcodes 🤣 I used to "how do you turn this on" (05:03 of the video below) through the maps with ease. :happy:
  11. @pittpitt, As I said, an oppressed scenario like "Abe's Odyssey" just darker in nature. Looks fun though, they keep rolling out games like this monthly on PS+ subscriptions, I'll keep an eye out for it. @Nospheratu, Vice City was a game changer in it's genre, I remember being able to delete the music files and being able to import my own music into the car's radio (now that I mention it, it might have been ("San Andreas"...), the missions, jumping with motorcycle and the havoc that can be raised in "Malibu Club" remain priceless childhood memories for me 🤣 . There was a feature in Vice City in which you could pick up a "hitchhiker", do you remember that?🤣
  12. Funny @pittpitt, I had a quick look and I'll have to admit, I never heard of "This war of mine". it's even out on consoles. Seems like a dark strategy game, something like "Abe's Odyssey"😛 but more serious. What's it about?
  13. Awww man, @pittpitt and @WuDu, MOH Allied Assault and especially the invasion of Normandy Map were my favorites back in the days I used to love that game! Sure I converted to consoles now, but I'll never forget the days when I had a 500 mb HDD "gaming" rig at home and I had to decide whether to install Virtual Cop or Virtual Fighter on it because the memory couldn't hold both 🤣. Speaking of PC gaming, did any of you guys get hooked on Heroes of might and magic? I had countless sleepless nights with that one! 😉. Oh the nostalgia...:waterfall: @pittpitt, I also enjoyed GTA V, I found it the second best story driven gameplay after "The Last of Us". I also see @WuDu mentioning FIFA, but I never got that far. The last football game I enjoyed was World Cup 98, when I used to pick Brazil against a way weaker team and beat them to 49 - 0 🤣 I might be threading on thin ice here, but to me as I see EA and their "Sports" games lineup, it seems to me that less and less effort is going into actually making these games. Sure the Football craze is on and people will buy it anyways but c'mon, I saw my colleagues play 2019 the other day and graphically I must say I was shocked to see that the game is literally a copy / paste from years ago...
  14. Well @MoreTBC, I have to agree that GTA 5 Online was a mess 🤣, I didn't like it one bit, however I think RDR2 will go in a different direction in terms of online gameplay. I found a Multiplayer trailer from the first one (Never played it myself) and it looks like it was a gang coop. If they implement this in the same style, I'll be a happy man. Fingers crossed :happy:
  15. Hi @fish8one, since we don't support Dutch registrations at the moment, "Ook" triggered the filter, it means "Also". It is deleted from the list and should be ook to use it now :)
  16. I think the same of The Last Of Us @MoreTBC, re played that game around 3 times, first on PS3 and when I bought the PS4, 5 years ago when it came out, as soon as they remastered it I had to get it again :). "RDR2" will be having a Multiplayer feature from what I understood. Is there any info on that so far? Will it be someting like Co/op or more like you against the world? I reaaaaly enjoy Co/op, would be nice to be able to join up with friends and gangster around in the wild west.
  17. Heyah gang. How many of us play Video Games? What platform are you guys using? What's your favorite game? What are you playing at the moment? Myself I have a PS4 and used to play quite regularly, one of the games that I've put in the most hours is Tom Clancy's "The Division" but stopped playing it. I just finished the new "Spiderman" game and can hardly wait for "Red Dead Redemption 2" :laugh:. One of my all time favorite games is "The Last Of Us" and am realy excited for the second part. If you are present on PSN, let me know your Alias, maybe we could be killing zombies, dragons and badguys together one day :happy: :peace:
  18. @GR1ZZL3R , I should learn to keep my big fat mouth shut sometimes.
  19. @GR1ZZL3R, I am ashamed to say so but I had to google Jennifer Tilly and Phil Laak 🤣
  20. Hi @Charl_xoxox :) Welcome to the Community. Don't let these guys intimidate you, let me know if you don't like anybody and I can ban them:popeye:. /Ray
  21. Love the idea man :) is she a community member? If not, sign her up, I'd love to see a conjugal Poker debate sometime 🤣
  22. :) I know @Purps, it's him indeed. There was no drama and there is nothing to be worried about. It was his choice to stop all online activities of this sorts for now. Now in light of the new GDPR changes we need to make some adjustments whenever a player requests his profile to be "deleted" and we agreed on this resolution. This is somewhat complicated especially when a valued, active member requests this. Since you guys contribute with allot of valuable content, removing that content will cause the community not to make sense anymore. Empty "Accepted Solutions" threads for starters, but it goes deeper than that. This is the golden middle way in my personal opinion in an already anonymous forum. What do you think? @testuser1 I'd love to hear your thoughts on this as well.
  23. Hi @FuzzyDunlop, welcome to the Community. Your request has been sent to the guys responsible for the exchanges. I'll let you know here in this thread once the confirmation is received. /Ray
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