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The Journey Continues : Dubnjoy's WSOP, EPT and Inner Healing Process Yo 😎

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Keep Da Mind On Da Grind (an Intro)


Here's the thing : after playing professionally for 13 years, we kind of go through the (daily) motions.  Of clicking buttons online while grinding 7-8 tables of PLO, NLHE and Hexapro - on Unibet, of course 😉.  Of meditating for a couple hours daily to clear the mind before rinse-repeating the grind.  Of going to your MMA class to strike away the tilt on boxing bags like a mama-fracker (if not directly into the faces of fellow MMA colleagues).  Of taking the dog to the park or by the riverside to catch fresh air and for her, well...  to poop and see if she can engage in a fight, of course!!!.  Of preparing a lovely dinner for the gf as you have done so for the past 4 years (and a more fast-food one for her son).  Of going out on weekends for lovely romantic dinners, more casual ones when her son tags along (as well as the dog), or of simply chilling together sipping on coffee on the sunny afternoon grass, you know ❤️... until it all vanishes away 😮. The gf, her son, the dog...  The lovely weekends, gone in a flash!  The cosy routine, a forgotten page tucked into the book of faded memories! All that remains is the grind, that eternal grind of pouncing on the mouse with that familiar omniscient Unibet fracking beeping sound when the PLO 400 tables are SWINGING up and down like an uncontrollable manic madman while simultaneously ending up HU at several NLHE tables against that oh-TOO-familiar-obnoxious-villainous-foe and also witnessing that failed attempt of binking a 10x Hexapro on the last table 😡🙃😉.  Frack, FRACK and a thousand times frack 😡😡😡 Yup, all gone.  Vanished into ether.   Nonetheless,  in the midst of all this vast emptiness, at the horizon a breach has opened itself into a never ending sense of freedom yo 😎


On the road ahead awaits a 3 weeks layover in Las Vegas for the WSOP.  The main targets will be the Millionaire Maker, the 10k PLO Championship, The Colossus and the Main Event, of course.  EPT Prague will also be awaiting in December - no fracking way I am going back to Bahamas this year 😡 -, while several small series in Montreal, Punta del Este and Brazil might require a stop...  But one cannot simply engage in such an MTT live itinerary without prior inner healing, right, as lest not forget that we are just recently being exposed to the tribulations of a 4 year relationship separation, so I will be going to a 10 day Vipassana meditation retreat in a couple of weeks (in Buenos Aires) before hopping over to Peru for an Ayahuasca ceremony in the Sacred Valley.


Yup, poker has granted me with an uncountable amounts of privileges over the past decade+, yet that 100k+ live MTT score still remains elusive...  We got this yo 😎

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   Let's face it Hardgain, me and the rest face a pretty stiff task competing with an X factor style back story, adventures in Vegas Prague Montreal et al, and an Ayahuasca ceremony. It's already looking like a great read so I suggest Stubbe opens the competition to 4 finalist places and awards the winner right now. 

New York Yankees I Give Up GIF by MLB

Edited by GR1ZZL3R
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"It turns out that 75% of all poker players think they play better than the other 75%."     image.png.99a4e82708d54abfc527324e8836768e.png

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Hi there! I liked your post, not because all the things happend to you, but for wishing you all the best from now on! 💪 Let's go for a venture and thanks for taking us with you with your blog!!

Edited by HardGain
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On 04/04/2024 at 17:11, GR1ZZL3R said:

   Let's face it Hardgain, me and the rest face a pretty stiff task competing with an X factor style back story, adventures in Vegas Prague Montreal et al, and an Ayahuasca ceremony. It's already looking like a great read so I suggest Stubbe opens the competition to 4 finalist places and awards the winner right now. 

New York Yankees I Give Up GIF by MLB

Haha, I will take the latter as a (strong) compliment!!!  But in all seriousness, I think all of us believe in the Unibet community, no!?!  And in terms of community, I am not referring strictly to this page, but more so the poker site at large where we all believe in the mission of Unibet to please equally to the recs and regs and making poker fun again - God when I think back to sites like Stars, 888 and Party and their egoistical short term vision 😬-, or in the Unibet Open events that was an ELITE af series where strangers from numerous cultures got to befriend and whatnot, and in the direct communication that one can have with the poker management ; GOAT site, I say 😎

On 05/04/2024 at 04:28, Stubbe-Unibet said:

Looking forward to following this one. Wish you some peaceful healing and good luck in Vegas!

Hey, thx for the kind words friend 😎

On 05/04/2024 at 05:48, HardGain said:

Hi there! I liked your post, not because all the things happend to you, but for wishing you all the best from now on! 💪 Let's go for a venture and thanks for taking us with you with your blog!!

Yes, of course, I think all of us have the best interest of others at heart (or at least should...) and equally for you friend, all the best 😎

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A Day in a (newly) Bachelor's Life


So I had a special guest show up at my door this morning : the cleaning lady!!!  Let me explain : even after my ex gf had packed her bags - and much more, sigh and a thousand times sigh!!! 🥺 -, and deserted the place, I did not expect my house to transform itself into a sort of frat/poker house...  but it did!!!  Now of course I anticipated that a bit of dust would accumulate itself and that the dirty dishes would be somewhat left unattended, but somehow my buddy and I managed to mess up the living shit out of this 2 bedroom/2 story household in the span of a few days 🙃.  So it was with great delight that I greeted the maid, kissed her on the left cheek and opened up the door WIDE OPEN to her in order to tidy the living/grinding quarters back into form, you know 😬


Proper sleep has been an issue lately.  As has been mustering enough motivation and brain power for the grind - or at least to put in decent volume.  But thankfully I have a powerful tool at my disposal : vipassana meditation yo 😎. If the past two decades+ has seen me meditate 2h daily, I am now required to meditate for 3-4h per sun cycle.  Yup.  That much.  As it has been necessary.  To clear the mind for the grind.  And to chase away that sticking sadness, of course.  Thankfully though, it is now the WE and the games are juicy as fuck, so one needs little motivation to click away at the mouse when there is THAT MUCH action on the virtual felt yo 😎.  On the MTT live front, I had planned to go to Rosario for an 8 days long midstakes series at the end of May, but given that there is a FULL-ON-BLOWN-GANG-DRUG-WAR exploding recently in those parts, I had to forego the idea when factoring in my recent life run bad...  It kind of sucks as I love live tournament series and Rosario offers an elite venue, but considering that this city is already known as the drug capital of Argentina and given that the last time I grinded there and was HANDILY the chip leader at the table in the ME which happened to annoy the living shit out of my left (gangsta) neighbor, to the extent that he felt the need to mention (and repeat) of that time when he killed someone and left his body dry on the highway!!! Moreover, the fellow was probably carrying given the lack of security in the casino, so I think I will pass this time around...


In other news, I have reengaged the dating scene.  The irony is that when you are in the midst of a LTR relationship and make love to the same sexual partner every night - or gradually down to a couple of times a week over the years... -, you find yourself fantasizing about a new woman, you know, a new fresh body to explore...  until you become single again and find out that those handily available opportunities of yesteryears are just that much harder to come about when you actively seek them!!!   And a time crutching burden, might I add...  But anyhow, enough complaining : my first date was with a classy Belarusian lady.  We sipped on wine by her Airbnb rooftop poolside, had a lovely dinner in a Peruvian joint, walked hand-in-hand back to her flat, only for me to be left HIGH-n-DRY after a couple of benign French kisses!!!  Sigh!!! Of course, it was a nice distraction, the girl was hot as fuck and I always knew she was a tease, so...  The second one was a Tinder date with a Colombian lady ; sure she was sexy, the evening lovely, but I should of paid more attention to her Tinder profile that mentioned that she was seeking a "LTR" while mine is distinctly not 🙃. So moving forward, I might leave aside for a while the dating apps and focus more on that appealing Argentina lady that works in a nearby office...  Besides, I suck at creating an appealing profile and in-person romantic advances simply work better in Argentina where the local culture happens to be as direct as can be!!!  


Well, that is all for now.  Be well folks 😎



A painting by a famous Argentina immigrant artist

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To Conquer the (Dating) World Yo 😎


Well only 8 days to go before the Vipassana meditation retreat.  Quite ironic that I feel so stoke about the upcoming experience though, as I know that there will be quite a TITANIC amount of pain accompanied by various mental and physical challenges, and this despite having undertaken the deep (10-20 day) dive close to 40 times!!!  But such is the inner work of meditation, as without suffering, one does not evolve, unfortunately.


My buddy will be leaving tomorrow morning, thus leaving my two story house a bit vacant.  I will of course occupy my time with da pokerz - more volume is needed, as the 2 weeks play-through bonus have been a hard task to fulfill over the past couple of months -, but will also need to get the fuck away from all these imprisoning white walls, right!?!  So here's the plan : firstly to message my (previous) spiritual, pretty and classy massage lady friend.  While she has made me a couple of undeniable romantic advances in the (distant) past (when I was still with my ex) and initially accepted to accompany me on a date a few weeks ago, I did fail to get back to her in a respectable timeframe, hence her not responding to my latest whatsapp message, sigh!!! But fear not folks : at the risk of appearing insistent and hence (potentially) smashing my head into a thick wall of rejection, it is still worth the pursue, right!?!  I mean she is hot, has a pair of generous boobs the size of the ANDES, is smart, determined as fuck and is incredibly open minded and kind!!!  Plan B will be to walk into the office of another lovely lady that I have been interacting with weekly for a year; now this demands a bit more audacity and to defy the sensation of those battling butterflies in one's tummy, you know, but is also fun as hell and well worth the trouble, no!?!  The third option would be to ask the lady from the nearby grocery store out for a drink ; this will also have to be done in person and during her working hours, but she is always by her self, is very laid back and works in a less official setting. The fourth and final option is the server from the nearby sushi place ; a bit hippyish and a little too wild for me, but still worth the engagement, me thinks.  Now I will must likely accomplish two of the above, and perhaps three, but all four would come as a surprise, tbh.


In other (more poker related) news, I will have a handful of different group friends coming along to the WSOP.  Which is pretty darn cool!  I only play MTT series sparsely (and more recently in Latin America), so I never really got a permanent group of buddies tagging along to every stop.  I mean I was traveling somewhat the tournament circuit in 2019-20 just prior to the pandemic, do know how to shuffle adequately chips without making a complete arse of myself, you know 😉, am social at the table and whatnot, but I nonetheless never created a click of poker friends along the journey through different continents (despite making multiple friendly acquaintances).  So anyhow, I will have a group of Alaskan friends tagging along, a few Yukon (rec) friends and a couple of full-time live Canadian MTT pros, amongst others 😎. Good stuff, I tell you, good stuff! 


Be well folks 😎



La Boca, Buenos Aires, near the port and a couple of blocks away from the stadium of the famous futbol team

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4 hours ago, Dubnjoy000 said:

My buddy will be leaving tomorrow morning, thus leaving my two story house a bit vacant.  I will of course occupy my time with da pokerz - more volume is needed, as the 2 weeks play-through bonus have been a hard task to fulfill over the past couple of months -, but will also need to get the fuck away from all these imprisoning white walls, right!?!  So here's the plan : firstly to message my (previous) spiritual, pretty and classy massage lady friend.  While she has made me a couple of undeniable romantic advances in the (distant) past (when I was still with my ex) and initially accepted to accompany me on a date a few weeks ago, I did fail to get back to her in a respectable timeframe, hence her not responding to my latest whatsapp message, sigh!!! But fear not folks : at the risk of appearing insistent and hence (potentially) smashing my head into a thick wall of rejection, it is still worth the pursue, right!?!  I mean she is hot, has a pair of generous boobs the size of the ANDES, is smart, determined as fuck and is incredibly open minded and kind!!!  Plan B will be to walk into the office of another lovely lady that I have been interacting with weekly for a year; now this demands a bit more audacity and to defy the sensation of those battling butterflies in one's tummy, you know, but is also fun as hell and well worth the trouble, no!?!  The third option would be to ask the lady from the nearby grocery store out for a drink ; this will also have to be done in person and during her working hours, but she is always by her self, is very laid back and works in a less official setting. The fourth and final option is the server from the nearby sushi place ; a bit hippyish and a little too wild for me, but still worth the engagement, me thinks.  Now I will must likely accomplish two of the above, and perhaps three, but all four would come as a surprise, tbh.

Think dating can be approached similar to poker. It's about probabilities and the potential reward and loss 😄 Usually, the best-case scenario far outweighs the worst-case scenario, and Michael Scott said it better than most:

Platform Communications on X: ""You miss 100% of the shots you don't take -  Wayne Gretzky" - Michael Scott #MotivationalMonday https://t.co/BetbbjU90j"  / X

May the poker gods bless you with many pairs of queens 😄 

:Qc: :Qh: 


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Check the latest poker release notes. Have a look at our poker promotions

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33 minutes ago, Stubbe-Unibet said:

Think dating can be approached similar to poker. It's about probabilities and the potential reward and loss 😄 Usually, the best-case scenario far outweighs the worst-case scenario, and Michael Scott said it better than most:

Platform Communications on X: ""You miss 100% of the shots you don't take -  Wayne Gretzky" - Michael Scott #MotivationalMonday https://t.co/BetbbjU90j"  / X

May the poker gods bless you with many pairs of queens 😄 

:Qc: :Qh: 


Good thing that you didnt treated your daiting life like your poker career or you wouldnt probably be married 😁

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Havent read the other stuff, but I decided to mention a thought. Relationships core part is often having commonalities. Certainly not against dating, but I think one - maybe sometimes even superior way to meet good people for lives - is different camps for activities we like. So think about a hobby what you really love and find an organization or an event that is for that stuff. Another way is, register concerts alone - depends tho ... if you are very introverted its a bit hard maybe. If extraverted, it can be pretty good. The other plus-plus side of it is, not just finding romantic partners, but could also find friends. While all places could have a potential some1 somewhere - its better to avoid circumstances where most people go just to get laid. Because there are more unstable people together for a real long-term. 1 time marrige broken, doesnt have so bad statistics yet.. but people with more than 2 or even 3+ - significantly reduce the probablity of stayng long term(so some more critical thought if some is coming for you for their 4th lap for instance). I just shot this into here, didnt read much so, sorry if I totally butchered the relevancy and miss read something. But my 2cents when thinking about people and connections etc. 

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On 09/04/2024 at 03:29, Stubbe-Unibet said:

Think dating can be approached similar to poker. It's about probabilities and the potential reward and loss 😄 Usually, the best-case scenario far outweighs the worst-case scenario, and Michael Scott said it better than most:

Platform Communications on X: ""You miss 100% of the shots you don't take -  Wayne Gretzky" - Michael Scott #MotivationalMonday https://t.co/BetbbjU90j"  / X

May the poker gods bless you with many pairs of queens 😄 

:Qc: :Qh: 


Yup, totally agree Stubbe!  I believe it is all about running your equity and just adding it up in the process by firing more attempts ; the only thing that I would add to the above equation, would be the emotional dejection of any potential rejection and how this would affect my overall Happiness EV.  But in my case, it is just about nil, thankfully! And thx friend, a pair of queens it will be 🤪

On 09/04/2024 at 04:04, marlini2 said:

Good thing that you didnt treated your daiting life like your poker career or you wouldnt probably be married 😁


On 09/04/2024 at 19:26, Estzen said:

Havent read the other stuff, but I decided to mention a thought. Relationships core part is often having commonalities. Certainly not against dating, but I think one - maybe sometimes even superior way to meet good people for lives - is different camps for activities we like. So think about a hobby what you really love and find an organization or an event that is for that stuff. Another way is, register concerts alone - depends tho ... if you are very introverted its a bit hard maybe. If extraverted, it can be pretty good. The other plus-plus side of it is, not just finding romantic partners, but could also find friends. While all places could have a potential some1 somewhere - its better to avoid circumstances where most people go just to get laid. Because there are more unstable people together for a real long-term. 1 time marrige broken, doesnt have so bad statistics yet.. but people with more than 2 or even 3+ - significantly reduce the probablity of stayng long term(so some more critical thought if some is coming for you for their 4th lap for instance). I just shot this into here, didnt read much so, sorry if I totally butchered the relevancy and miss read something. But my 2cents when thinking about people and connections etc. 

Thx for chiming in friend 😎  Yup, I totally agree with your assessment and if I was to seek out a LTR right now, I would definitely be searching within the Vipassana meditation community at large, but given that I am just recently removed from a 4 year relationship (and an INTENSE AS FUCK breakup), that I will be on the road for a good chunk of the reminder of 2024, I will be indulging more so in short term relationships/friendships for the time being.  About communities : I also am of the opinion that they act as the best sources for making solid friendships as well, especially in this day and age that when one goes to a new place and knows nobody (which I have done an insane amount of time over the past 3 decadees/almost 4 decades), he can easily seek out online activities and communities to partake in ; easy game yo 😎  Now, I am a fellow that has an heterodox mix of activities that I indulge in - such as MMA, poker and meditation/ayahuasca, for example -, and while I am open minded and tend to get along with most peeps as well as not being particurly tribalistic (especially when it comes to politics), I nonetheless tend to prefer spiritual communities to make friends/a gf.


So anyhow, a brief update : my massage lady did get back to me, has agreed to meet up on a date but did, alas, specify that she is not interested in anything beyond friendship!!!  Odd, I tell you, as she was the one making advances in the past, but...  you know, women 😉🙃  Tomorrow I will be moving on to plan B and C.



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On 06/04/2024 at 23:02, Dubnjoy000 said:

The second one was a Tinder date with a Colombian lady ; sure she was sexy, the evening lovely, but I should of paid more attention to her Tinder profile that mentioned that she was seeking a "LTR"


We're gonna win on so many levels! We're gonna win, win, win. You're gonna get so tired of winning, you're gonna say: "Mr. President please, we don't wanna win anymore, it's too much!" And I'm gonna say: "I'm sorry, we're gonna keep winning because we're gonna make America great again!"
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That Ambitious Rainbow beyond the Horizon...
Goal settings (and meeting them) has been a progressive linear trajectory thus far in my life ; if at first I had NUMEROUS various goals in my early 20's and would meet some targets, most of them would remain fleeting and untouched - in a dreamy state, you know 😉 Fortunately, my mature years have transformed me in a determined realist in the sense that I now fulfill north of 80-85% of my projects yo 😎. Any lower than this threshold puts one in the undesirable category of being a dreamer, while a much higher percentage that would approximate 100% would most likely make you an unambitious fellow.  So the perfect ratio resides in the 70-90% region, imho, where one sets out to accomplish the good majority of his ventures while having a sufficient amount of ideas left pending as to eventually conquer the world, you know 😉
When I first showed up in Argentina in early 2020, the hiatus of the world during the pandemic gave me the opportunity (and extra time) to learn a new language (Spanish), get back into physical shape and learn how to defend myself/fight 😎. These were henceforth integrated into my routine, to the extent that I would train 3h weekly and use Castellano verbally 95% of the time (or at least when not in Canada).  Great.  Super!  (Self) tap on the back!  But what happens when a (personal) black swan comes along and shatters the well oiled and established routine...  Shit hits the fan, of course 🙃
I have been skipping my MMA classes way too often.  It does help that I have weights in my house, a boxing bag in the back yard and thus manage to get an hour+ weekly of maintaining physical form/fighting skills, but it is still WAY below what a 2h+ course guided by an experienced teacher provides.  I have also been drinking and smoking (little cigars) more than I should.  Not to concerning levels, mind you, but enough to warrant cutting back.  But, you know, that numbing effect of that extra beer/glass of wine is just that more desired presently, as is wasting those 10 minutes puffing on a little cigar in the evening while staring into the dead emptiness of the twilight...  Speaking of wasting time, moments of being unproductive have also been accumulating themselves.   To the extent that this week I had to (innerly) scream out "enough is enough!!!".  And lo and behold : I came back to good productive habits yo 😎

I will be assisting my meditate retreat in 5 days, but beforehand, I am still aiming to have a lovely date tomorrow evening...  More on this later 😉


Be well all ❤️


Rio de Janeiro during the KSOP in February ; spending hours in the hammock listening to the sound of the crashing waves from the balcony-view, was elite as can be 😎

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On 12/04/2024 at 19:04, Dubnjoy000 said:

my mature years have transformed me in a determined realist in the sense that I now fulfill north of 80-85% of my projects yo 😎

Just out of curiosity, what do you consider as "project" and success? 80-85% seems quite high to me, unless you count sleeping, eating and taking shit as projects? 😄

Anyways, nice views 👍 Wish to have same..

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On 13/04/2024 at 17:33, Livertool said:

Just out of curiosity, what do you consider as "project" and success? 80-85% seems quite high to me, unless you count sleeping, eating and taking shit as projects? 😄

Anyways, nice views 👍 Wish to have same..

Hey friend.  I mean meaningful life projects.  As to use concrete examples I set out in the past 4 years to learn Spanish (done), play/take courses of tennis 3 times weekly (done), practice MMA for a min of 2 years (done), write a novel (partly done, might get back to it...), learn how to sail (pending...), lose at least 5-10kgs (done).  The thing is, as opposed to in my 20s when I was scattered and was setting a myriad of goals (the Grand majority unmet) just to impose myself some sort of (illusionary) life direction, the maturity of my 40s has seen me with much less time (at least when I had a family) and thus much more focussed upon setting realistic goals and achieving them.  I think it is both a product of meditating heaps in my life (12k hours) and having the maturity to realize there is very little time left to lose moving forward and one most plan accordingly 😎

Thx for following!!!

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Yeah, if the goals are realistic and something that depends solely on your own actions then for sure doable. But if projects include some variables that you can't have affect for then 80% seems very high, like Putin or Kim numbers and they have their whole nation to brainwash in order to reach their goals 😄

Anyhow, good luck with future projects. Even if they all don't work out, something to aim for keeps mind busy and hence good for well being 👍

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A Crashing Realm

Buenos Aires, Argentina, January of 2020.  I have just barely arrived in this lovely place that things are already lining up neatly for me : I have met a pretty lovely woman with whom the connection was STRONG AS FUCK, am heading towards the meditation centre to do a couple of weeks of service and everything just seems to fall in place. Peachy.  Within the happy natural flow of things. gangsta style yo 😎.

On March 23rd of 2020, the country completely shut down.  Like totally.  Signs of "quedate en tu casa" (stay at home) were spread across all highways as well as all major boulevards.  The cops were monitoring the streets, surveying all non-essential movements.  The parks were locked/fenced up.  Health workers were passing door per door, inquiring about potential symptoms and recent whereabouts.  The streets were deserted.  All it took was one glance to realize that if we did not shake up this little virus known as COVID 19, the economy was going to ineluctably crash.  36.1% was the inflation for that year, which seemed low in comparison to the damage that was inflicted to businesses being forced to keep their doors shuts.

When I met my gf, she had a comfortable middle-class salary working as an accountant in a hospital firm.  Not rich by any means, but she got to live in a comfortable and well located apartment, got to indulge in yearly vacations across Argentina, eat out  (occasionally) in fancy restaurant and, most importantly, not worry about being short at the end of the month ; in a third world economy, this is luxury.  Living well.  Breathing freely 😌.

In 2021, the inflation in Argentina hit 50.9%.  Shit was just getting worse.  Businesses were being replaced regularly.  Families were feeling squeezed together.  Yet this country wasn't a stranger to financial downswings and had always risen from the ashes in the past, so there was still a sense of hopefulness subsisting within all this doom-and-gloom, a (dim) light far-FAR away at the end of a (fabricated and perhaps non-existent) tunnel...

At first, the economical downfall was not an abrupt one.  Nope.  Nah.  Much more lugubrious in fact, as we all saw it coming.  Slowly.  Progressively.  Inevitably and cruelly.  Middle-class folks had to cut down on the vacations and restaurant fees, and, well, outside of depriving oneself of agreeable social outlets, one still managed, right, as they still had food, the security of their apartment...  But then many folks saw the need to move away from their hip neighborhoods, where they had alas been comfortably living for years/decades, for more affordable districts of Buenos Aires.  Others were losing their jobs when their employers decided to back-stabb them with cheaper alternatives.  Rich corporations were flooding out of Argentina.  Cars were lining up at the Brazilian and Chilean borders to get the fuck out of the country.  Tourists and expats alike were leaving by the thousands.  As far we were concerned in our little nest, we were still living a comfortable upper middle-class life, but I had taken on the sole responsibility of the expenses and, well, we were not of course sheltered from the constant palpable tension of the outside world...

In 2022, 94.8% was the damage caused by the inflation.  Homelessness was flooding the streets.  Petty crimes were EXPONENTIALLY rising across the country.  Supermarkets were being raided during the twilight hours.  Tension and long faces were painted on the majority of passerby.  Murders and violent crimes were piling up.  And restlessness was building up politically.

It was in March of 2023 that, driving back from a 6000kms road trip vacation across Pantagonia, we came back to the desolated scene of our house having been burglarized my gf bursted into tears, her teenage son ran outside to punch his frustration into my boxing bag while I stood there, soaking it all in, contemplating on how to amend this whole affair...  This was of course more critical than my 2 mountain bikes that had been recently stolen, the 3 phones that had been snatched away from my gf's son and even the theft of my gf's motorbike...  Yup, it was HEAVY.  That sentiment of no longer feeling secure within the 4 walls of your own God damn house!!!  Of having numerous OCD moments henceforth when every time you leave your home you ask yourself "did I lock the door???" , "was the window left open???", "will the house be ok while we go out for this brief dinner!?!" .  And just an overall and generalized paranoia.  Nonetheless, it was still pale in comparison to when, a couple of weeks later, my gf's son was threatened to get shot in the face if he did not hand over his mountain bike and phone.

In 2023, inflation levels skyrocketed to 211.4% : the once dimmed (somewhat) perceived light at the tunnel had all but vanished 🥺.  Argentinos had lost all illusion of eventually making it out of this financial calamity ; acceptance was thus not sought out externally but internally : Argentina was indeed imploding, but at least it was not exploding like other countries exposed to barbaric wars...  One might be left out in the streets in a short notice, but still had enough food on his plate for today, God permit.

This country has toughened me the fuck up.  I learned that one must battle for every inch of space.  And literally fight if the occasion arises and the thieves happened not to be carrying.  In fact, the Dubnjoy of yesteryears would of never fathomed on taking on a MMA training (and be passionate about it).  Nor would he of thought that SCREAMING THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF HIS LUNGS would become a thing....  When I go back o Canada in July-September , perhaps the  friendliness of Canadians as well as the cozy security levels of the country might convince me to stay permanently... And yet Argentina with all its melodrama and whatnot, has somehow lured me in, even if it left me with a certain amount of PTSD...


IMG_0768.jpegA labyrinth designed in honor of the writer Jorge Luis Borges and located in San Luis, Mendoza.  It is all fun and games during the first few minutes and the initial twists and turns, but then becomes an emotionally distressing mind game the deeper you engage and realize that you can no longer find your fucking way out!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Gathering Up the Leftover Dust

Periodically, it seems inevitable that a Storm is about to come crashing down on Buenos Aires.  The heavens are grey, the wind is wildly pushing its weight around, fiercely shivering the leaves and branches of the autumn trees outside while trying to break through the doors and the windows of the urban households... But the deluge just never breaks through...  A day goes by, the grey does thicken up in its atmospheric weight, but still not a single drop in sight...  On the second day the pressure builds up, the stratosphere seemingly squeezing up the urban population like a juicer , but alas no sign of an outburst yet...  On the third day the city streets become deserted, almost in this post-apocalyptic feel, and yet absolutely nada...  On the fourth day all citizens hold an umbrella in hand and are squirming along to their destination...  And nonetheless still zilch.  Not a fracking drop.  A pure fucking farce from the Gods, I tell you!!! Until it finally happens : a divine OUTPOUR and a FLOOD for the ages strikes... 😮😮😮 Or at least this is what happened during the fifth day of my meditation retreat.


At first it was only a few rain drops : bodily pains here and there, AKA that unpleasant feeling of having to sit for hours on end accompanied by some emotional distress...  But then came the rising howling wind and that all-out threat of an unleashing thunderstorm : the emotional pain was such that I could no longer sleep in the evening.  1-2h is all I could managed at night time while sneaking a few 30 minutes restless naps during the day...  And yet, I did not blink a (worrisome) eye : I just remained extremely calm, did not feel at all concerned about the lack of snoozing and just accepted the situation as it is 😎

The thing about meditation is that, despite all attempts by the storm to shake one's inner world, with enough equanimity, one rides the monsoon while remaining unscathed yo 😎. You sit there in this Buddha posture, observing every single breath as it comes into your nose... to then leave calmly its canal, even if the wildest of thoughts are distracting you from the task at hand...  You scan calmly your bodily, scrutinizing every sensation that rises, that passes away, despite this ABSOLUTE TORTUROUS pain that is trying to rip your bones apart...  And then they are the persuasive thoughts of your mind reminiscing of how your ex was once an angel that then proceeded to become this diabolical she-devil you know, and yet you come back to your respiration, to your bodily sensations, letting your mind dissolve itself and its memories away...

The storm has past.  It was potent.  High-octane.  Wiping out a little bit of everything along its path.  And yet I sat through it.  An observer.  And let it proceed ahead without me.  It is a much lighter Dubnjoy000 that has come back to the outside world, yo 😎 And I feel that we got this!  This fracking sticky and annoying mourning of my ex gf.  This upcoming WSOP.  This fracking world!  yup, we got this 😉


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Back to the Outside World, Notepad Style Yo 😎

Dating : If one settles into a set routine while in the midst of a long term relationship, God damn does being single/being in contact with multiple ladies, threw that schedule in the trash 🙃. Think responding to several random DMs at all hours of the day/night, trying to work out your weekly timetable as to not conflict any potential romantic rendezvous, remembering the names of each ones, their stories, interests while not mix and matching them... 😉  Anyways, am working out 4 candidates for this Saturday evening ; we got this 😋 

Da Pokerz Online has been going amazing this year.  Thankfully.  As the latter is the backbone of my grind and what permits me to take shots in live MTTs (I play a series every second month or so).  Hence, if the majority of my time is spent bent over my computer grinding da ole Unibet tables, my mind usually dreamily escapes into the future and visualizes the upcoming poker trips, you know!  As such will be the case starting on June 21st, in Vegas yo : 2024-WSOP-Schedule.pdf?fbclid=IwAR3ZePnb

I will be arriving on day1A of the Millionaire Maker.  Getting settled in and shaking off the jet lag will be a thing, so am not sure that I will be physically rested and mentally ready to jump into the 1B flight the following day...  They are 60 minute levels with one entry per day, so perhaps 1C will be sufficient enough to get my feet wet and to get things started, you know...  Assuming I don't make a deep run - which I will, of course 😉-, there is a 3k NLHE with 60 minute blind levels on the 24th ; not too shabby yo, not too shabby 😎.  Now the latter really depends on mood and whatnot, as the 10k PLO Championship is simply the shit and the biggest focus of mine (excluding only the Main Even).  This will be on the 26th and also offers 60 minutes levels.  The Colossus debuts on the 29th and might be an energy sucker given the 40 minutes levels and much lower BI, but holds too much good value to sneer at.  And then comes...  the Main Event, of course!  Which will be my first time playing it, imagine that!!!  I say the latter, as I have played several WPT mains, the Aussie Millions main and even other WSOP mains and whatnot, but never in Vegas, as they withhold 30% of cashes from Canadians, sigh 😵‍💫  Now the CAD government does return the vast majority of the latter (minus a little), but only after a thorough verification and several years.  So I just never bothered before, but cannot for the life of me let this recent liver poker boom pass by without gunning for the God damn Holy Grail of poker!!!  We got this 😎

Studying If I have spent the past two years going into the lab for the great game of pot limit omaha, I have been recently sharpening up a little my NLHE game yo.  I had fallen behind.  Now I do prefer the 4 card game variant to its 2 card form, but holdem nonetheless remains more widespread, especially in live MTT formats.  So I will thsu be polishing my holdem tournament game starting next week before switching to its PLO format prior to the WSOP starting ; we fucking got this 😎

Training : I finally got back to my MMA training yesterday ; it was about fracking time!!!  I will be aiming for 5 hours weekly for the reminder of the month left in Buenos Aires, I have also booked an AirBnB with a gym in Lima and have a hotel with proper training facilities on the strip.  For the record, I am in my late 40s, so this intense of a training, is quite taxing for my middle-aged body and mind 🙃. Thus quite ironic that yesterday while we were matched up in pairs to go at it, those kids were just taking it easy on each other and barely punching in the face...  I mean, I don't have too many years left ahead of me to train, right, so let's fucking go punks 😉. In all seriousness, folks were perhaps punching each other at 30% capacities (no exaggeration), while I strike for 70-80%, hence simulation more of a real combat situation.  It does have the uncomfortable effect that once we switch partners and my opponent goes from barely fighting at all to me aiming to fucking punch him awake, I can see lines of anger instantly popping up on his facial expressions, tension rise in his body and him desperately trying to fracking land a good one!  But the fraternity in MMA is such that once we drop gloves at the end of the three minutes round, all is forgotten and hugs of brotherhood replace the previous blows, you know 😁

Anyhow, that's it for now folks, 



Mendoza, Argentina

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Runner-Runner (Im)Perfect

Darn, the swings in the dating game are MUCH MORE pronounced than dem found in the 4 card PLO game, who would of phunked it 😮😵‍💫🙃  I mean, you go from multi-tasking chatting with a classy Architect lady living a mere 2kms from my house (AKA a conveniently quick one distance 😉), while simultaneously hitting it off with another pretty as fuck Visual Arts teacher (who is quite the alternative lady as well, might I add) and another (much younger) vegan activist to...  fucking dead silence from all three of them in the same fracking day, go figure 🫠  I mean, speaking of running bad - and being the victim of tremendously bad variance, to say the least -, what does the latter equate to in terms of equity???  27o cracking AA aipf...  Nah, worst then that...  How about a 1 outer with 1 card to come...  Getting closer, but not quite nasty enough yet...  How about a runner-runner perfect, AKA 0.1%...  As crazy as it sounds, I still think this falls short, even if 1/1000 is the smallest possible % one can have in holdem (and in all of poker(???)), outside of drawing dead, of course...  Nope, nope, the following is more accurate : villain has (seemingly) 0 outs, is drawing fracking dead and yet somehow binks that one outer that you had alas failed to realize he still had!!!!  Yup, that sounds about right 😉

Anyhow, given my bad luck in the dating game and after seemingly failing to capitalize on securing a date for the most important evening of the week (Saturday), it seems that I will be ineluctably falling to my plan B...  Which is not too bad neither : watching the the Canelo Alvarez vs Jamie Munguia boxing fight at my buddy's place, followed by UFC 301 😎  Now I placed a little wager on Munguia (the line was juicy enough to justify the home run pick) but am not by any means a boxing connoisseur...  My field of (semi) expertise in the sports betting realm, is basketball and UFC.  So I usually place larger wages on these, but do splash around a little bit with fun boxing bets.  Speaking of these though, I did fuck up ROYALLY a few weeks ago when I was still severely exposed to the emotional distress of my breakup with my ex...  I went ahead and placed BY FAR the biggest bet of my life on Jake Ryan vs Mike Tyson, without investigating sufficiently on the rules/intrinsics of the fight...  Sigh and a thousand times SIGH!!!  Having doubts about my betting position 4 days later (Jake Ryan) and after seeing a video of Tyson training and punching like a young buck, I tried cancelling my bet only to get smacked with the bad news that only 50% would be refunded, ffs 😡😡😡. So I did the only possible thing that was left to do - outside of shutting my eyes and praying... -, and hedged on Tyson.  Of course, this meant that I was guaranteed to lose in between 10-15% and that the overall sum of betting both sides was north of 25k CAD, but still an acceptable loss, given the circumstances ; and then I got hit with some inexplicable run good : about a month in, the option of simply cancelling my bets with a full refund was offered 😎  I went ahead and cashed out everything and then placed a relatively benign 1.5k bet on Tyson, even if this fight has the most potential of any bouts this year of being fixed...  Live and learn, I guess, and study more the terms of the fight ahead of betting so much next time 🙃

Brazilian .jpeg

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The Tribulations of Sports Betting 

Well, let's see...  The Orlando Magic lost, as did the Denver Nuggets...  Combined with going 0/4 in my UFC and boxing bets and one can safely assess that my sports betting took quite a hit yesterday (in the tune of almost 3k🫠. The good news is that I crushed it at the virtual poker tables, so still ended up quite in the black for the day yo 😎  Speaking of which, as most of you folks probably noticed by now, I am not a big fan of sharing my poker results nor a ton of HHs...  I do realize that most readers/followers actively seek that kind of shit and I will indulge once in Vegas playing the WSOP, but I do find online to be a too mechanical to narrate and 50-200bbs spots to be quite repetitive and dull as fuck 🙃  Hear me out : there is something to be said about traveling to a new city, booking a hotel, putting down your luggage for a week or two while you engage on the crazy-maniacal-roller-coaster-swings that is a tournament series, right, a ride that just naturally creates a storyline fueled by multiple ups and downs that simply makes the narrative that much interesting to be told as opposed to...  well, clicking buttons online 😉  Especially if a live stream is involved...  Or a spot played on the bubble/at the final table that fracking involves a ton of ICM equity/emotions...  Contrary to, you know, the monotony of flipping your stacks in the tune of 55-45% on 7 tables simultaneously... 😴. Also, I did take a decision many years back to not contribute - if minusculely - to the games getting tougher.  So sorry folks, but I will not bore you with tedious virtual HHs, but more so with the tribulations of my life, you know 😉

Anyhow, this week will be a fairly quiet one where I will finish organizing my upcoming trips to LIma-Vegas-Dawson-Montreal as well as leaving my rental house here in Buenos Aires in tidy shape, you know!  1-2 MMA trainings will also be at the rendez-vous, along with a BBQ - called asado in these parts - with a handful of friends (my buddy will also be staying with me for the next couple of weeks).  So yeah, the grind (both the poker and the online dating one), training and a bit of social time sounds about right yo 😎

That's it for now.  Peace y'all

gambling cartoon.jpeg

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Ehhhh, the online dating game is so fracking tilting 😡.  WTF happened in the past 5 years, for Pete's fucking sakes!?!  Somebody remind me the next time that I get myself into a LTR to never get myself out/back to this ludicrous virtual courting realm ffs 😡 😡😡  So apparently the presence of AI and crypto schemes have become a (rampant) thing nowadays, thus replacing the old school schemes of gradually seducing the lad while extracting the most possible money from him after trust has been gained...  Or the good ole (obvious) Skype sextortion...  Yup, the easy-to-spot stupid tricks are being replaced with...  deep fake whatsapp video calls!!!  I kid you not folks 😮😮😮 Yesterday, after being vigilant and performing a google reverse picture search and thus having to write off the hotter-then-life chick,



She was using pics from a couple of relatively famous IG accounts


I got startled by an incoming whatsapp call from her.   Half asleep in front of a Netflix show, I nonchalantly answered and almost jumped off my bed when I saw that she was actually... for real...  and hot as fuck 😮😮😮  But something was off...  I mean, I was caught up in the moment and whatnot and (almost) caught with my pants down, sort of speak, but the image was blurry...  Granted, it was raining outside and my wifi was spotty, so this could of been part of it, but her face and expressions were a little weird, almost cartoonish you know...  But she remained responsive, interacted well, so what gives, right...  Except that a quick search today led me to deep fakes and how far they have come along...  Jesus fucking Christ, I think we are all doomed 😮😵‍💫😬

So yeah, a pretty tilting experience to waste so much unproductive time in the dating apps, chat regularly for a week or so to either gradually discover that her profile is carefully fabricated (and thus fake and scammy) or to simply have her cut off all communications without notice 🥺. I had forgotten about these (empty) parts about being single, sigh...

In da online pokerz, a steady grind.  My ❤️‍🩹 is not in it as it once was, so with the combination of spending 3 weeks at the WSOP, I will not be completing the loyalty system this time quarterly.  Nor the next one, for that matter (family time in Montreal).  The final Oct-Dec quarterly is actually the only feasible one I can reach the end goal of 3k Euros this year, after completing the system 2-3 times yearly since its inauguration, unfortunately.  But such is the lot of throwing in a handful of live MTT events into the grind 😉

That's all for now, be well folks ❤️



Am contemplating getting a similar Lady-Tree tattoo on my arm, a bit like in the movie Annihilation...

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Que Se Yo!?!?!

Que se yo...  Each culture possess its own idiomatic expressions, right, which clearly distinguishes it from neighboring heritage.  To use examples closer to home, In Quebec we have some very unique and off the wall sayings that stand out :

- "Qu'est-ce que tu fais avec tes skis dans le bain!?!"  which translates to "what are you doing with your skis in the bathtub!?!".  Sure this phrase is an oddity in itself and refers to when someone is acting foolishly, but it also stems from a winter connotation (or at least one of its sports).

- "Attache ta tuque!!!".  While literally it can be converted to "tie your woolen hat", "hold on to your knitted cap" represents a more appropriate inference.  This phrase is used when one warns his interlocutor of a crazy ride to come!!!  And of course, once again a strong hibernal undertone can be found.

- "On n'est pas sorti du bois" translating to "we are not out of the woods".  This time it is the immense desolated uninhabited areas of our vast province that is being invoked to allude to a tough situation that is very hard to solve/overcome...

But anyhow, to come back to this frequently used Argentino expression, que se yo, which permutes to "what do I know"...  I mean, this might appear simple as fuck and not that outstanding at first glance, right, but when it really comes down to it, wtf do we ever know...  We spend so much time as civilized creatures to pretend to be above and beyond many of life's curveballs, while in fact, when we are being fully honest with ourselves, those fracking existential baseballs hit us smack in the face 😮😵‍💫😬  Sure, an employee would be hard pressed to answer "yes boss, right on it", or "of course I understand the task at hand" and whatnot, but come on now, let's be more honest when it comes time to share with our peers, shall we not!?!  Perhaps we should stop consuming ready-to-serve-easy-peasy religions and embrace doubt and rational agnosticism no...  Or perhaps we should question ourselves a bit more before giving in to that inner ideological strong urge of fully embracing a partisan stance pushed by our (left or right politically) tribe, and take a step back...  think...  contemplate...  analysis a bit more thoroughly the equation at hand and ask ourselves if we are truly doing it out of compassion or out of a conformist and emotionally heavy outburst...  Que se yo...

I know that that if it wasn't for the past 4 years that I have spent in Argentina, I would perhaps want to impose my first world ideological POV's upon this society without knowing frack all about it...  I know that I would firmly believe that social-democracy is a universal answer, regardless of one's history background...  But que se yo!?!?!  I know that I can no longer take security for granted and must forever look over my shoulders...  I know that there are no answers for the world's problems and that we are most likely fucked, as is manifested in more than half of the globe...

These were the thoughts infiltrating my mind Monday evening as the psychedelic sound of Tortoise, along with the herb that I had just inhaled, were shivering my being  : 

The show was fracking amazing, easily a top 5 concert lifetime with each of its songs literally vibrating my essence yo 😎

Peace y'all ❤️

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The Road (Less Travelled) Ahead

A mere two weeks to go to Argentina.  2 weeks that will for the most part spent with my good buddies over here, outside of da online pokerz, of course 😉  But tbh, I am a bit bored.  You see, the dating scene in Argentina is particular in the sense that what works the most in these parts, is simply to approach the lady and express your interest outright.  Which is a touch of old school romanticism.  And completely fine.  But I live in the northern suburbs of Buenos Aires which are highly residential (restaurants and bars shut down at midnight in these parts, as to make it more of a residential and family orientated neighborhood).  So yeah, things become much easier when you head into the more touristy areas of BsAs, AKA Palermo, have a few drinks and let the seduction magic ride, right, but is alas something I just about never do (am located 15 kms away and would require a wingman to do so!!!).  And the dating apps are just less of a thing in this country, especially if you are seeking short term.  So anyhow, my spirit has been drifting towards the future...  Thinking of my lovely lady Peruvian lady friend with whom I will be spending a couple of weeks yo 😍

We stayed relatively in touch throughout the years and it will be great to share again, both in a platonic/compassionate sort of way, while also indulging in a lustful non-platonic appetite, you know 🫠

Of WSOP Vegas which, of course, will be exciting and full of optimistic fantasies at first, with obvious bumps of tilt and exhaustion along the way.  Of going back to Dawson City and saying "what's up" to some amazing friends, and back to Montreal for family and friends yo ❤️

Looking even further down the road, beyond the horizon and its blurry converging point where all perspectives get fuzzy, you know 😀🙃😉, I will be coming back to Argentina to give it a last shot.  I have just received my residency last week and it would be a shame to not put it to usage, at least for this year.  I will thus be checking out Cordoba in September, doing 2-4 weeks of meditation retreats over there to continue this inner healing journey of mine and to also make friends - and a gf...??? - in a new region of Argentina...  I will probably have a live MTT series in Punta del Este, Uruguay and/or Brazil before stepping foot on the old Continent for EPT Prague 😎

Anyhow, that's it for now folks, be well ❤️

IMG_3866.jpegA park in Palermo

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