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[CG] From Poker Donk To Winning Monk


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  • 2 weeks later...

Will be doing another update soon, just haven't come around to it yet. Partially because I've been waiting for my stats from Unibet, received it twice now but first time they sent me cash/sng/mtt etc and said all cash so not sure if it was accurate so requested it again. Then they sent me a ZIP file but once unzipped I couldn't open the file lol.

Sometimes I wonder how hard it is to send a bloody file, poker has been a part of Unibet for a long time now and yet it's a hit or miss to get a proper file from support.

Anyway, last month I was up €930 ish with €300 being from rewards and for the rest I can't remember. I think I started counting from the 2nd of January so my actual stats might be different once I get them. I remember it said something like €250 up for last month which I couldn't understand. Maybe the leaderboard reward of last month had something to do with it. 

Also had some probs with my pc/router connection, wasn't letting me access certain sites like hotmail and unibet lol. Took a long time to figure out what was happening but eventually found what was wrong. I had connection issues with the poker client before where graphics wouldn't display properly and that's fixed too now.

Only played 6k hands this month so not the best volume but running well so far. I know I'm going to jinx myself but going to say it anyway, might hit 5k bankroll this month 🙊 😂

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  • 2 weeks later...

PC / internet connection worked fine for about 2 days and now it's back to this weird issue with not connecting some sites etc etc, don't really get what's going on. Sometimes it works when I clear cache and cookies, then next time it doesn't. It's mostly hotmail and Unibet for some random reason. Have re installed google chrome (although same issue on Microsoft Edge) but then forgot to save my bookmarks so lost all of them as well lol. Starting to piss me off.

Also changing job soon hopefully, had an interview last week just waiting to hear back, hopefully before end of this month. Will affect the amount I can play poker but that's to be seen.

Haven't played a massive volume so far this month, almost 14k hands now, good result so far nonetheless. Games have been pretty good at 50NL I must admit and it's good to run good too. Almost forgotten the terrible run from last year.

Guess we won't see any hard stats anymore as really cba with this new stats request BS. 👎

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  • 3 weeks later...

@KrustyTheClownHere we are, I waited till the start of March to request my stats again for both months and they have come through, and no (more) password this time! 🥰 😂

So 'made' €932 in January and €429 in February, these numbers are actual profit/loss on the tables + bonus money etc etc, also place a few sports bets here and there just for a punt, no big amounts - €10 here and there - but can affect the number but I don't keep track of it. Mostly lose money on bets 😅

From stats:
January: €264.52 profit over 36,631 hands = 1.44 bb/100
February: €333.56 profit over 17,785 hands = 3.75 bb/100

There is a discrepancy in January where I counted January the 1st towards December as that was the end of the week, that day I lost €445 lol, can't even remember but I know that's when I won the leaderboard. If I were to ignore that day I would have ran at 5+ bb/100 for January haha but that's all whatever anyway.

Checking the last 4 months where I played 50NL only, I ran at +0.56 bb/100 over 140k hands, I'm a winning poker player 😂

So far I have flirted twice with the 5k mark, coming 2 buy ins away (twice!) just to get destroyed again after. I mostly check my losing hands the day after or few days later and I must say there aren't many hands where I think I made a big mistake as far as my knowledge goes. This makes me actually wonder if a 10 bb/100 profit is realistic over the long run. Maybe playing nittier would work but it's not something that interests me a lot to just sit and wait on premium hands all day as you don't learn much post flop play that way and I wouldn't enjoy it either.

So far this month I've only played about 5k hands, not much motivation and I'm not too sure why lol. Just a few hands away from having played 600k hands 😲 Should get a few in this weekend.

Still got some issues with my internet, still no idea what the problem is, did a whole pc reset and still same, starting to think I need to replace the router or something.

Also starting a new job in a weeks time so I won't be doing any commuting by car anymore but just walk or cycle. Will be 12h day and night shifts with enough days off in between but no idea how it will impact poker as a whole, time will tell. 

Still working my way through the €500 playthrough bonus I received from loyalty lvl 6 - 1st step and I've almost cleared 4/5. Then still have a €20 playthough, a RAKE 600 GET 120 which I prob won't do and a €50 playthrough after.  40,595 Bonus Points in the bank.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Currently 21 buy ins down for the month, absolute BS yet again. Don't think I had a winning session in the last 2 weeks apart from some break even ish session. Just played an hour and 2 buy ins down, AA-AK all in pre no good, AA-KK all in pre no good, called a 3b with 77 get to the river and flop a boat, no good as villain had flopped a boat with 99... 

I've noticed that my result in general depends a lot on how good the all in graph looks, last month was 16 lost vs 33 won and January was even better I think, compare that to this month which is 26 lost vs 27 won... crap.

Calculated rake paid for January and February and I paid 6.88 bb/100 in rake.

Just passed the 50k bonus point mark again and I'm tempted to take all the money off again and buy 2 tickets for 25NL.

Started last Monday on my new job and will be going on shifts next week Saturday and I'll make as much money a month as I have in my bankroll right now so does feel like a waste of time putting all these hours in for no result. So yeh prob do like I done before and start off with some tickets again and no real money and then see where we get again from there, probably play a much lower volume over the summer. 18k hands played this month so far. Shite result.

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  • 1 month later...

Boooh! 👻  Still alive here!

Loving my new job, especially the days off 😆

Haven't played that much poker, when I'm at work there is little time as I work 12h shifts and the weather has been ok in April so spent more time outdoors than behind the pc / Ipad.

Still learning / watching stuff about poker most days either way, have subbed to Charlie Carrels site Epiphany Poker and going through the vids, not got in too far yet so not sure how the content as a whole is but will come back with a review later on (end of the year probably 😅). His content on YouTube is pretty good tbh.

Also bought Peter Clarke's Carrot Poker School, the full scholarship which is £1k but had a 25% discount with Easter so snapped it up, haven't watched a thing yet but I follow all his content on YouTube and I know his content is top notch.  Again, I'll give you guys the review once I get through it lol.

Update on the 2x €250 tickets:

Had a bad start, halved both tickets ish rather quickly, ran bad (lost 3x AA all in pre if I remember right, but w/e) and didn't adjust entirely perfect dropping down to 25NL from 50NL (yes there is a difference) but got my focus back and atm cruising upwards. Difference in tickets also shows how variance works, always played both tickets at same time.


Finished a €50 playthrough and atm I have 9,425 BP and 2x RAKE 500, GET 100 but the current active one is one for the bin as won't have time to finish, will see if I give the 2nd one a go once it goes live.

Been betting on snooker a bit with the €50 so up and down a bit, will see how much I got left after the final today, I blasted through it all before, put £50 back on, doubled my money, took £60 off 😄 (sportbook is in £) then ended up to €80 and will see how much I got left after tonight lol. Just playing around a bit for lols.

Plan for poker going forward, clearing the tickets of course then use the 'strategy' of moving up at 20 buy ins for the next stake and drop down again once I hit 17 buy ins. At least that's for NL50, not sure yet if or when or what I'll do to ever move up to 100NL but that's not for now anyway. See what happens, might jump straight in to NL50 once I clear these tickets, fingers crossed 😎

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  • 3 weeks later...


And that's cleared the tickets, weirdly enough I couldn't get one ticket going eventhough I play them both at the same time so it's just weird how it played out with losing most hands on 1st ticket and winning on the 2nd... €961.78 so €461.78 profit made to clear them, close to doubling them. Probably should of doubled them easily as I sometimes pay off to easy to the obvious nuts vs nit regs, they never bluff!

So we have 1k in the account now, prob give 50NL a shot again then drop back to 25NL when I lose 3 buy ins. Tried a bit to clear the RAKE, GET but with my weird working schedule (4 days on, 4 days off) it seems hard to do, the bonus actually has to start when I'm off so I get more days off during the 2 weeks period that I'm working.

Will request my 25NL stats tomorrow, then report back when I get them. 

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On 5/17/2023 at 8:42 PM, P0kerM0nk said:

And that's cleared the tickets,...

What kind of sentence is that 😅

Got my stats, Unibet support is on it the now, had 2 emails back with stats with an hour and half difference lol, both the exact stats I asked for, amazing 😄

Played 33k hands to clear both tickets and won €462 so been winning at 5.6bb/100

Guess it's ok, should be higher imo but had a small bad run stint in the middle. No excuses but I'm sure I can squeeze more out of it, or there is more to squeeze out of anyway lol, 2 different things.

See how we get on it with 50NL the now and will see if I keep the RAKE, GET or I might dump it and use my bonus points for a playthrough, prob suits me better now with my work. Again, playing 50NL till I drop down to €850 then back to 25NL and back up at 20 buy ins for 50NL, rinse and repeat.

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Ah well, lost my RAKE, GET because I never played for 2 days or whatever it is since it got live but now have another one, RAKE 325, GET 81 and will give this one a shot.

Started back on 888 poker, only reason being is they have zoom (SNAP) and that's handier to play when I'm at my work 😄 I sometimes can play on Unibet but that's only when I know my machine runs for a long time so a zoom format is just much better. I thought about trying some new sites but would rather save it till I can put in some proper volume like more towards the winter so I can take benefit of a sign up reward of some sort.

Only deposited $50 and playing 5NL SNAP and work my way up, see how it goes, game does feel very nitty I must say for being 5NL lol. But haven't played at a weekend yet.

Apart from that, just want to mention another channel on Youtube which will be worth following:


Check it out, it's free 😎 so much free and good content out there nowadays.

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Already halfway through the RAKE 325, GET 81 so def going to make this one although it will be for next week prob as I'm back at work on Sat till Wed morning but still have 11 days left on it.

Pretty easy to clear now I've moved up in stakes but I'll prob get a higher target next time round lol.

50NL going pretty good so far, running pretty decent, not looking forward to getting pulled back down again at some point 😆


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a quick post, that's the RAKE, GET cleared and I'm now on a €100 playthrough (2/5 done) I bought with BP as had no bonuses left, hopefully get one again on Monday (hint hint Unibet if you are reading this 😆) as I have 4 days to work starting tomorrow and then I'm off for 12 😎

Cleared the 25NL tickets 2.5 weeks ago, giving me €962 in the account, today I just hit the 2k mark:


Running decent but I also find I'm playing decent, not a bad start of the month either.

I've had 1 losing session in the last 10, hope I can keep it up like this, prob give 100NL a shot soon too.



888 poker going absolutely shite, $20 left from the $50, can't hit a thing on 5NL lol, AK vs AA, KK vs AA, AK vs JTo and lost etc. That pool plays so nitty for a 5NL it is shocking, the SNAP/ZOOM at least. Would not advice beginners playing there, much better on Unibet lol.

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I requested my 50NL stats for the period after I finished the 2x 25NL tickets up to when I started at 100NL and I played 14.5k hands with a profit of €1084 resulting in me winning at 15bb/100 😮 small sample but results so far since restarting with the tickets have been upwards at 3 different stakes. Only just started playing 100NL this week so I'm not taking anything for granted but so far it does not feel much different than at 50NL. Hopefully I can keep my bankroll big enough and don't hit any serious downswings to keep playing 100NL as long as there are enough players in the pool.

Guess I am running pretty decent as only had one losing session since finishing those 25NL tickets lol, I wouldn't say I'm sunrunning so I guess it's a bit of both, run good and playing well 😆


I have the last €20 to clear from a €100 playthrough bonus and next is a RAKE 550, GET 55 and hopefully I will be able to clear this before I go back to work in 10 days.
25k Bonus Points in the bank atm.

Would be nice to get to loyalty lvl6 (562k) as this keeps the BP multiplier but think it will be a bit too far off as I'm only at 142k now. Playing 100NL makes it more achievable though since they moved the post further down the road with the last loyalty update. So yeh, should get there next quarter if everything goes fine.

One thing I'm not a big fan of is the new interface with that menu at the bottom to get to loyalty, promo, game lab etc... was easier to use before with just tabs.

Edited by P0kerM0nk
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On 1/21/2023 at 6:08 PM, P0kerM0nk said:

First time ever I've hit 4k in my account, hmm 100NL soon? 🤔


5 months later after taking off my entire bankroll and restarting with 2x 25NL tickets worth €500 and here we are again:

Also one month ish after clearing the tickets and having 1k in the bankroll.


Cleared the playthrough bonus as well worth €55 and no bonuses left atm, have 44k BP but saving up till I can buy a €500 playthrough. Would have been nice to have received another bonus this week being on holiday but hey ho 😅

Plan for now is just to stay on 100NL and trying to get a decent sample size and see how we get on. See if we can ride it out and stay at 100NL. Won't get to loyalty lvl 6 unless I play day and night till end of the month but I got work again next week so sadly enough it will be for next quarter hopefully. Should get one or two €200 loyalty rewards (5.1 & 5.2) but that's about it I think.

Might burn some candles for some rungood 😄

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Well that's variance hit me right in the face like a truck 😂 ran terrible for the past 2 days wiping out all of the profit I made during my holidays 😭 18 buy-ins down and made the 5.1 loyalty bonus so only 16 buy-ins down but still crap lol. People hitting trips, sets and boats time after time. Some tilt crept in as well so had to stop a session. Poker is hard when you don't flop or hit anything for a long period of time. Lost so many pots vs 30-50bb stacks as well when they call half their stack with random hands and keep hitting the boards. Also called too many rivers which I would normally fold but it's hard to fold decent value hands vs a very narrow value range on the river but people always have it 😔

Was on my way to 5k but now back at 3.2k so yeh, still enough for 100NL and just trying to keep my head sane and play a solid game. Back to work tomorrow so at least I get a break 😂

Spent 50k Bonus Points on a €500 playthrough to get something back 😅

On a positive note, in the past I would have been depressed now but for whatever reason I barely give a hoot now, take it on the chin, run bad is part of the game just try to get through it without tilt. We'll get back on track 👊

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On 6/19/2023 at 2:27 PM, P0kerM0nk said:

Was on my way to 5k but now back at 3.2k so yeh, still enough for 100NL and just trying to keep my head sane and play a solid game.

Ahh damn you were on such a nice run too! 100 NL is cursed, my biggest downswing ever was from me being foolish enough to try 100 NL as a cash noob.

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On 1/17/2023 at 9:53 PM, P0kerM0nk said:

I don't like running bad.

And I don't like running good either.

Because I know running bad comes after it.


Said this before and it is bloody true, running terrible recently after a decent run. It's weird how every time you run good, it has to be followed by the worst run in poker history ever 😂 Bankroll at 2.4k atm, struggling to get a decent win on the board lately, feels more like trying to survive. Yesterday another 7 buy ins down, or actually 6 as I cleared €100 from my playthrough but it is tough going. 3 bet / 4 bet pots are absoluty a shocker, barely hit anything or the absolute worst when I have the decent premiums. Yesterday I lost KK to AA 3x and never get much action when I do have AA... and when I do I lost the pot as well because everyone seems to hit the absolute dream when calling 3 or 4 bets IP or OOP pretty unreal.

It feels like I've been throwing away money this month but I'm actually still up lol, hope I can say the same by the last day of this month. Played 30k hands so far... played about 200k hands in the last 6 months. Think it shows how important volume is as pro's are playing 100k hands a month?

Another 30k xp to go for the 2nd €200 bonus and that will be it for this quarter. I guess lvl 6 would be achievable next quarter if I keep playing 50/100NL. Still 4x €100 from the €500 playthrough bonus to clear and then I have a 5% bonus RAKE 1700, GET 85. Doubt that is doable but will see when I get there.

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