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zero money back


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Thank you for putting me  on zero moneyback. 

I won some money at the casino tournament.

But BANG everything stopped when I played Dead or Alive 

I have played on Dead or Alive for more than 25000skr mostly 1.80skr and the more I put in the less i get back.

And the same with the other games I've played now. Direct to zero and it is with more money 

But to be fair i did vin 700skr on Narcos which disappeared very quickly.

So are you going to check up my money back status or shall I block my self from Unibet

Best regards Djingis


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Hi @Djingis, welcome to the Community :)

I'm having a bit of a hard time understanding the fine details here but I believe I get the big picture. I can assure you that there is nothing of that sort going on, an option to "limit" individual players, like a doomswitch that we can pull the plug on whenever it suites us, does not even exist in Casino. I'ts all up to luck, but I am sorry that you feel this way. Systems are incorporated in our provider's processes to ensure that the "Return to player" is met. Sorry I couldn't be of more help, there isn't much more that could be said, but do let me know if there's something you would like us to touch upon.

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@Djingis, believe me, I know how you feel :)

The first couple of months I played book of dead, I got the bonus feature almost every 100 spins (at least it felt like that), and I had a RTP of well over 100. Then, from one day to the other it felt like someone had touched the doomswitch Ray is talking about, as the game was suddenly cold as Ramsay Boltons heart. I think I had close to 2000 spins where I triggered the bonus feature ONCE, and I got less than 20x the buyin in that round.


This is the beauty of the high volatility games like book of dead and dead or alive. When you're lucky, you can win really big, but when you're unlucky, it'll suck your balance faster than if you're betting on Schalke :)

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