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Got my cashout greyed our for the whole game


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So I betted on Astralis v Big (Map 2) and I started doubting when I could get 215 euros out of 234 so I decided to cash out. It didn’t want at first and then the option stood greyed out for the rest of the game. Guess what? I lost that money.

I feel totally scammed.



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Since I'm now on my computer, I think I can explain myself better than previously.
I totally understand that unibet takes no responsability and by saying "I feel scammed", I meant that okay, unibet didn't scammed me but the system/the bug or Idk what, yeah.

I've been able to cashout during games that had the same instances but I feel like it's kinda sketchy that the cashout got greyed out for 15+ rounds since I've already cashout during mid+ games. Taking that into account well I got f****d all the way down to the bottom even if I don't really mind since it was money I got from betting but it would've been nice that I could've retrieved it in time.

At the end, I just want to have an answer about why this happened and not on other matches, maybe I'd feel less dirty having a real logical answer than just "well the odds can't always stay online" when it was a match from unibet's sponsored team (Astralis) and of course it didn't happen when it was a game from idk, Virtus.Pro and other teams.

Flaws like that shouldn't happen when there are money on the line. I know I'm the one who risked it but still, if I knew that'd happen, I would've stop betting directly.

Have nice day all and be careful.

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A quick update @CalS4:

We can see that the cash-out was enabled but, was suspended at 4/25/2019 23:52:30 CET, this was near end of Map 2.

I'm sorry to say and I know that this is not the answer that you are loking for but the below rule applies B.1.3:

  • The 'Cash Out' function allows the Account Holder the possibility to redeem a bet, which status has not been settled yet, at its current value. It is available on selected events both in pre-match and live, as well as on both single and multiple bets. Cash Out functionality cannot be used on free bets. Cash Out requests might be subject to the same delay procedure as listed in “Section A, Para 4.5”. Should it happen that during this delay, for whatever reason, either the offer is removed or odds fluctuate, the Cash Out request will not be accepted and the Account Holder will be notified with an on-screen message. [the Operator] reserves the right to offer such functionality solely at its own discretion and does not acknowledge or accept any liability whatsoever if the Cash Out functionality is not available. Should a Cash Out request be successful, the bet will be settled immediately and any subsequent events which occur in relation with the bet will not be taken into account. In the instance of a cashed out bet having suffered from a technical, pricing or settlement error at any time between the time of original placement and the cash out, [the Operator] reserves the right rectify such inaccuracy in accordance with “Section A, Para 6.2”.


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