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Free spins after 4th deposit


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Hi I had email Tuesday after my 4th deposit I get 10 cash free spins on superflip so I called earlier spoke to Keith who said to send in email which I did after I went on live chat spoke to Mark who is supervisor he said he added them after I checked they still wasn't there so it's not good enough supervisor saying he added them when clearly he hasn't otherwise they would be there to use same problem happened with my welcome offer as I had to contact my self 

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Yes they were added day after even though on live chat mark said he added them on night when I back on live chat same night agent I spoke to didn't help much as free spins wasn't there she was saying clear cache and history when it was nothing to do with that they say I get something extra for what happened 

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Hi @Hopey1993, sorry for the late reply, I'll answer this one :)
Indeed the error had nothing to do with cookies and cache, I remember talking to the guys and clarifying this around a week ago. The issue was with an annoying bug which by now is fixed I believe. We added the spins to players manually to the handful of players affected. I believe that the guys in the night shift didn't know about that error as it was obviously clarified the day after when your spins were added but none the less an apologie is in order. We didn't mean to make you jump through extra hoops to get what's due but it's more a case of information arriving a bit late. Real sorry about that! Please let me know if I missed something or if you would like to address something you still have doubts over.


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Hi @Hopey1993, apologies for the late reply first of all. I went back in the contact history and found that you were already informed that a compensation is not possible at this time for this. The Bonuses that were due were already added. I realize this comes as an inconvenience for you, but my colleagues already provided this answer on the 20th of last month from what I can see.
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