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Update on compensation for poker server issues - Click here ×

New client Software v 2.24.0


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I think it's a problem. Certainly couldn't play poker

I didn't report it. I just laughed. The software is buggy as anything. I usually just wait a couple of days then you can use it again.

The funniest one I had was no poker table in the window - cards, players, chips all showed up but no table!! Was like a ghost game. Lol.

vixere * 18.7k hands
VPIP 45% | RFI 40% | 3B 21%
steal 100% | RaiseSBlimp 100%
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Hi guys,

we just have released a hot fix which should solve the biggest issues we had after the last release. There are still some issues (blurry lobby for some, etc).

However, the biggest issues should be fixed now.

Please let me know, if you come across anything else.


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Hi @Check_Norris,

the hotfix mostly took care of the animation issue we had and the replayer that didn't seem to show the cards correctly, at least for some of you, those were our major concerns and needed to be fixed as soon as possible.

We are working on the grey screen + sound issue as well and hope to get it fixed as soon as possible.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.


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