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About vixere

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  1. thanks for taking a look :)
  2. Hi I went on holiday and remembered to exchange one of my tickets so it was still valid but 2 x €2 have expired when I log in today and I think 1 x €10 has expired also. Can you help please? V
  3. @Leo-Unibet @Stubbe-Unibet Is there a limit to the number of €250 tickets you can have in your account - like the 2 you were allowed for UK tour?
  4. @Stubbe-Unibet @Leo-Unibet Will there still be exchangers?? For example: €50 -> 5 x €10 & €10 -> 5 x €2
  5. I had 6? or maybe 7, €5 UK Tour tickets (with longish expiry, I think) in my account yesterday along with some other tickets when I logged out yesterday. When I log in today they've all gone!!!!!! :waterfall::waterfall::waterfall: Could somebody help please and thank you.
  6. I guess it's probably the same user here. Considering some of the usernames that are banned and the fact you can't say sc am on this forum this is really bad. How has this user still got a unibet account?? Edit to add mods/staff to sort out the hatespeech: @Stubbe-Unibet @RayL @Leo-Unibet how about booting this racist forever??
  7. Any ideas anyone?? Button turns dark green - reg not possible. Happens often. Crossposted from UK Tour and UO forum as no answers there. It seems absolutely mental to have a late reg countdown and then stop it early.
  8. Same thing again. Any ideas anyone?? It seems absolutely mental to have a late reg countdown and then stop it early.
  9. This happens a lot. Today €1 to 2x €5 between 2 and 3mins early with 9 or 10 of 14 players left and 3 or 4 to the bubble. Can anyone tell me why that happens? and then I can avoid it. It's happened to me loads of times in UK tour and UnibetOpen sats usually in the last 2 minutes. The advice from the Unibet ambassadors is to max late reg - and then late reg closes early is this a ? jk. giphy vxx edit: Haha! It seems like the word that starts with "sc" and ends with "am" is a swearword - touchy!! GIF inserted instead
  10. Wrong name or not-updated alias from lobby and table This has been the same for many releases. Button moves from this seat to next then snaps back and is in the wrong spot. Then jumps 2 spots to get to right seat for following hand
  11. giphy @DaVitsche - David, I enjoyed our chat too! I never think of you as an ambassador - you seem much more important than that!! GL in everything you do..
  12. Thanks @radge1 tbh it's more the airports and hotel rooms that get to me. I understand some people find that exciting. GL to you too!!
  13. After playing 5 Unibet Opens and 1 DSO I have finally run out of satellite tickets :waterfall: I can't really complain because I ran them up from the free ones It's been a great run and I've met lots of lovely people and now it's time to stop the chase - out of the 6 events I am 100% - 100% fail to cash!! More important for me is that I really don't enjoy the travelling to random places or hanging about hotels and casinos. I'll keep playing online, a few local UK events and maybe the odd live event abroad if it's somewhere I really want to go for something more than just the poker or if I can satellite into something €5K+. I was lucky coming to Paris because it turned out my nephew was on the team at the David Guetta gig on the day we arrived and he got me in to see the show with the best view in the house! Was great to see that whole team working. I've met heaps of lovely people doing this and I couldn't mention them all even if I wasn't old and losing my mind! But special mentions to @RayL for being my favourite Unibet staffer, @balticblonde for being my favourite ambassador (sorry Dara, David, Ian.) Even though she's not an ambassador for Unibet anymore :waterfall: And, @triceraatopp for being my favourite triceraatopp :Inlove: - I predict she will win all the monies!! :Cash: I'm the bald guy with glasses in the pics below, in case you know me but don't know I'm vixere on here. To all those I agreed with here and all those I didn't, whether we laughed or argued, may all your problems be small, good luck and enjoy your one-time!! vix
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