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Auto-timebanks anyone?!!


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When playing the poker on a browser and you have multiple hands going on at the same time like playing 2 different tournaments I wish it was an option. Because currently it can create a sensation of rush and force you to click back & forth in the same window trying to pick up what's going on. This or then have the browser option of having multiple windows as well.

For some of us it is not an option to install the desktop app if using Linux for example. At least I can't get it work through WinE.

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Definetly not, bad enough with people using full time bank every hand and people using disconnect a lot to make there turn last even longer, last thing we need is something else to slow the games down.

You can exchange UO tickets again all is unicorns and rainbows in Unibet land.
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@jonny2192 Auto-timebanks don't make the game any slower, once depleted they take TIME to replinish. 

All I asked was option for them to be 'auto' so if you don't click in time you don't lose ya hand!

Makes absolutely no difference to the time any one person can take during a game!!

Auto +1! 

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It makes a difference because the players who use all there normal time every hand dont always use the additional timebank unless its bubble time, if its automatic then they will use it every hand.

There is nothing worse if you are only playing one table and a few people are doing this imo. 

I would especially ask that @ChapInAChair has any kind of timebank removed in bubble situations 🤣


You can exchange UO tickets again all is unicorns and rainbows in Unibet land.
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Loool come on man. For people who play more than a couple tables at a time it's a ball ache having to mentally wait to click timebank in a decision with other games running.

it should at least be an option on settings, the same as every other premium poker client. It used to be auto on unibet not that long ago. 

I think many people would at least appreciate the option rather than missing out on hands. 

If people's time banked are only slowly repleshed, say every 10 levels. It wouldn't effect the game. 

You should at least have the choice. All major networks have it. Stars, 888, party, ip etc etc. 


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It's not that the time bank is always as long :) 

You start with let's say 10 secs. And every level you get 2 extra secs. So if you timebank 10 seconds in the first hand. You won't be able to timebank anymore until level 2 (where you have only 2 seconds)

Seems a good idea to me

So +1

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I  really don't understand people that come here saying that other sites have this and that.

If you like those sites so much, play there. Some of us like how Unibet is right now and play here.

PS: really dislike having slow people at my table >.>

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@nekoneko it will speed up the game ;)

Since now you have unlimited time banks... You just need to click every time :) 

And I love unibet  and how it is, but a suggestion never hurts :) it's not complaining, but rather trying to figure out how to make a nice site even more nice :) 

I see now that the circumstances of ones birth are irrelevant... It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.
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I neversaid I preferred other sites. Unibet has predominantly been The main site I play for the past 18 months. 

Reason being, unibet take note of players opinions/values/issues etc. :).

This post is about an option for an auto timebank. Not A top 10 list of sites haha.(Unibet #1 obviously) hehe



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If we go to a solution of "limited" timebank, we need a visual indicator of how much more time left we have in that timebank, and when it replenishes

I wouldn't want to click the red timer to discover i have one second left. and the hand is gone.

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Abosloute must IMO. Nothing is more frustrating that not being able to think about a decision because youre waiting for the red clock to click it, to then get about the same amount of time that you wasted waiting for it. This is multiplied significantly if multi tabling!!!

Should be an option to have it automatically activate if you havent acted for x amount of seconds. It doesnt need to be a crazy amount of time given but it should be slowly restored. X amount of seconds per level up to a maximum of Y or X amount every Y levels. 


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@ArtyMcFly in the final stage of an MTT I do understand people need some extra time for their hands.

That's why the bank should start empty and fill up towards the end of the game 

I see now that the circumstances of ones birth are irrelevant... It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.
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For timebanks I feel MTT's and cash games should be seperate.  As it is for cash games I personally would like one to be auto... but I realize that's because of selfish reasons because I'm playing 8-10 tables and sometimes get a few tough decisions at the same time.  But as I said that's selfish reasons and I shouldn't be playing so many tables unless I'm willing to sometimes timeout or make a decision without enough time. 

What's good for the site (rec players) is to keep it just how it is. 

MTT's I think are a bit different.  Mass multitabling doesn't occur to the same extent at this point in the schedule.  Therefore the games wouldn't slow down as much if an auto time bank were to kick in.  If they go this route they should really consider how much time is given and if that time remains static for the whole MTT or by a hand by hand basis.  Not sure what would work best at this point.

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