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About Camilio

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  1. The odds for AA vs. A5 suited seems to be 86.06 to 12.67 and the rest on a tie, so safe with AA? Nope.
  2. I´m sorry Boby if you got upset with this hand. I played it as I sometimes do in that position... All in with a suited ace.. No hard feelings I hope..?? This is poker ;)
  3. Chelsea will kill your darlings..
  4. Thank´s @Hothuw! I´m already in with Chelsea as first choice :cash:
  5. Camilio


    Thankyou very much @Hothuw for the reminder! :cash: :happy:
  6. That`s the essence of POKER... It`s a cruel unfair game sometimes :happy:
  7. But...? That`s poker!! ;)
  8. Congratz to the winners!!! :) ....and thank`s @jonny2192 for your great work! :)
  9. Like! :)
  10. Congratz! :) Well deserved of all the winners! :rockon:
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