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Posts posted by DoktorAvalanche

  1. @Zimmerman69 wrote:

    Thanks for reply

    i personally think all on line users should use their proper names, after all at the Unibet Open Live everyone has to use their actual name

    You have to register under your real name. But it's not like you have a name tag on. You have your slip of paper with your ID number and name on. But unless you're a recognisable face (known in some way) then you're pretty much anonymous.

    The reasons Unibet allows this are well known.


  2. @Stubbe-Unibet 

    There should be a rule. If you're going to be stupid enough to make posts about how the RNG is rigged (and it's not really because the person is ❤️♥️❤️ at poker.. 🤣) then you should at least have to be entertaining. Witty, amusing or in some other way worth reading posts should be allowed to stay but just whining about how stuff is rigged and showing you have the ability to post screen shots shouldn't be sufficient. Swing the hammer.

  3. It's not the software that's laughable. It's the play of some of the dickheads who've suddenly taken up the game. Some absolute bellends playing ❤️♥️❤️ they shouldn't be. I don't mind. In the long run it's brilliant. It can sting in the short term sometimes though.

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  4. These odds relate to over/under 5.5 goals rather than 2.5. 

    I don't want to make a Streakr pick because  it's unclear whether i'd be picking over/under 2.5 or 5.5.

    Unfortunately i'm not able to completely cancel my pick as it keeps resetting to whatever i last picked, even though i've tried to edit and go back to the questions. I'll try the Under and check back later to see if it's fixed.

  5. I've just been on a table with a dickhead who thinks H-HIMMLER is a big, hard, clever name.

    I know people only make nicks like that to push buttons but you have to wonder if someone like that is even old enough to play poker.

    It would be good if Unibet had the power to change all of their nicknames to IAMAVIRGIN


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  6. It was fun railing @theMachine for about the last hour of Day 1 and until the Jacks ran into those filthy cowboys on Day 2. I did wonder if you were playing the DSO yesterday/today but figured you would've alerted the humanoids if you were.

    Congratulations on the cash and the very best of God Mode when you play the UO game. 👍

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  7. That makes a lot of sense @GR1ZZL3R .

    The live events i was jammy enough to get to last year were also very measured. To be fair the UK Tour games were probably a bit more aggro than the UO event. But none of them sounded as manic as last night's game has been described.

    I was suffering from '2 day MTT envy' so i played the Nano. Only in for a couple of euros including the add on but it was nice to feel as relaxed as i did. Back tonight to see how lucky i can get. It was fun to play a game with that structure and was good to be able to rail @theMachine for the last hour or so of it's game. I'll be cheering it from the sidelines again tonight.

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