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Group: Straight Flush
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Everything posted by GR1ZZL3R

  1. 0.40 from 6 x free spins and 0.15 from low freeroll. I might have to have tomorrow of to plan how to spend it all. :Rofl:
  2. Glad you saw it @Merenitsu, stick with it and you br can grow unhindered. :cash:
  3. High 12/72 Low 72/1617 Ok for the last ones of the year. Gl all those still in.
  4. First break and unusually still in both.:wonder: Now I've said that we'll see how long I last
  5. Last community freerolls of the year, everybody all in 1st hand please.
  6. Ok, I didn`t know that. But 21 players and 42 places paid :wonder: I was joking. I actually think it went like this. Santa asked Leo to set-up the same games all sundays of december, but he forgot that the 30th is a sunday as well. Lucky for the players who couldn't participate the previous games... But it shouldn't have happened @VikingsAF That sounds very plausible.:waterfall:
  7. Where have you read that @VikingsAF I think @steppek77 has a valid point. I think someones had a memory lapse again.:teardrop:
  8. Same here @triceraatopp, I don't know why but I just feel that this year could be the best. It could be due to more motivation with challenges or more inspiration from some great new blogs, whatever it is I hope it works for all of us to lead on to bigger and better times, on and off the felt. :happy: The live stop dream is still alive, just, so plenty of optimism still, gl in everything.
  9. @Brocky @MetalWolf For me personally it's great for us micro players to see the ups and downs of a pro from their perspective, not too many "high rollers" seem to join the community chat, too busy making money I guess. We are all human so have our own tilts, and I see it time and time again that the casino or gambling in whatever form is the downfall of many, it certainly used to be mine, so all I can say is discipline is absolutely the right word. Best of luck in every department of every challenge, and you've already opened some good discussions.
  10. An inspiring story @triceraatopp if ever there was one, showing what can be done in life not just poker. 2018 was a really bad start for me personally but finding the UB community helped me enormously to get through some sad times. Apologies to a couple of other posters that I've missed mentioning on their health issues, but I really wish the best for everyone in the New Year* and still hope to meet you and others in person at some time. * Always ecept when sat at the same table. Your excel sheets are the best by far.
  11. @papa Unfortunately poker being what it is a new player may experience horrible negative variance from the start and give up the game in disgust before finding their true skill level, while a poorer player hits a good streak and climbs the levels easily till their true skill level kicks in and they crash. We don't know wether we're running good or bad for quite a while. Blackrain79, an absolute crusher at the micros, suggests at least 100,000 hands before true variance can start levelling out, so a few weeks is not really a fair trial. Poker is a long term game and the mental aspects of running bad can be hard to overcome, and I'm not suggesting you are a poor player but are you really running bad or your opponents running hot? It's hard to keep track of hands on Unibet, but is there someone you can discuss hands and situations with, someone who can watch your play, you may have leaks you are unaware of, like most of us. It can be a long and lonely road if you're on it by yourself, not knowing which way to go, and looking for someone or thing to blame if you get lost. There's loads of experienced players here willing to help, so I hope you'll stick around and start enjoying this great game before too long.
  12. Best of luck in this @Esir, 2,739 hands per day is about a week's work for me if I'm feeling good. I did enjoy the Advent cash challenge, you might see me trying that again, and it's obvious you have the patience to do it so get stacking.:cash:
  13. Three successes, two partial successes and one small fail. I'll give it 80% so pretty good.
  14. Well done @MetalWolf you've shown us how to do it and it passed a very enjoyable couple of hours. The only downsides were I ran out of likes but at least put you on top for the day, and I paused the best match of the darts so far with Anderson and Doby at 3-3. My phone pinged, and thinking it was the football result I opened it and saw "Anderson survives scare" So much for avoiding spoilers.:annoyed: Well done and onto the next challenge. GREEN is good too.
  15. I've run out of likes. :Teardrop:
  16. That's what comes with trying to watch darts at the same time. One last push.
  17. Damn, it's still a terrific effort, I'm exhausted and not even playing.
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