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Posts posted by Estzen

  1. @P0kerM0nkHoldem and stack sizes has really tricky stuff. Its good to learn lots of context. Recently in another forum, a guy was confused because certain MTT situations use smaller sizings while even the exact boards, suddenly use larger sizings at cash. He was so confused about that. And there are many things that can seem so contradictory specially for Micro players. We all make mistakes tho,  and its a very good recap from you. Its not that I dont make them xD. 

    And yeah, about 4betting. Just a day ago, just finished one WSOP winner review and they also concluded, that like even in there... there are spots where people should 4bet jam wide vs CL who 3bets a lot with pressure... but the reality is that people dont do the 4bet jams enought... therefore, the 3betting overrealizes equity and at times, can go pretty crazy manic there.. because basically we can fold to all 4bets vs nits and just keep doing it. 🤣 

    So your own insight, really also correlates a lot into mid and even high stakes tournaments too. The same is true. 

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  2. No point to cry, I happend to bubble that tournament while being ahead... 

    Ive had breaks where Ive folded AA. No need to cry about it. You need to take responsibility to your own hands in these situations and accept it. Its the only thing that helps. If you whine about the fold then it will also tilt you from later outcomes and actually makes every game worse. It may be hard at first, but its just something that needs to be accepted. 

    However, I think that Unibet should make some kind of system, that is able to check the "automatic closures of client without any warning" I ve lost a very big hand once with this very bug. But I dont complain, even tho I think such things should have built in automatic system that somehow could make a mark for moderators and players could recieve BP compensation or something, because its not funny when you put half of your deep stack in and then your client closes and then you log back in and you have your whole hand lost because of the system. 

    So thats what I have to say.

  3. 4 hours ago, Kliedz_Zivju said:

    @Estzeni understand what you are saying.

    you think all the MTT format should be slow and deep becuase poker is a game of skill and the skilled player should win all the money. you want the format too advantage you, who already has an edge...

    what im sugesting is this will lead too all the fun players not winning enough money too stick around and the games being boring.

    im sugesting that the formats should favor the bad players SOMETIMES so the weak players stick around. and dont go play at another client were the games are more "fun"

    i havnt said im a bad player and i want unibet too take the advantage from the skilled players.

    we just think differently. i think money is gained from bad players, you think its from your skill edge.

    im not even sugesting taking any MTT away, im sugesting "add more MTT".

    i cant do the math of "some years" im afraid. i dont even know what stakes you play too judge your skill level. study doesnt make you special it keeps you ahead of the learning curve. everbody does it...

    Thats not exactly my point. But to this, I think Unibet has done very well with diffrent types of tournaments, both shorter structures and deeper ones. Anyway, I guess theres no point to go on. "Keep waiting your hands" and "Gamble in shorter ones" And dont forget the ICM. GG. 

  4. 4 hours ago, KrustyTheClown said:

    The suited combo's are (often) good enough to call...
    You don't want to turn those into a bluff and fold to a jam.

    And I've got 2.5M hands that prove I'm ahead of the population 🤖

    I dont doubt that, and yes they are often good to call, most of the time. However - I just even went and check this one up just to be sure - and I can tell you from solid solver outputs that Ofsuit combos as 4bets bluffs are unfavourable and suited ones are much more used for it. Off-suit combos are taken as almost calls pure. And it also "makes sense" due to stack depth. 

    I didnt want to attack you, I was just suggesting something that I have observed by much higher rated players than all of us here and solver outputs.

    I dont doubt your credibility. More power to you!

    • Like 3
  5. I have an advice for you too. 

    Play Hexapros, there are no flat payouts and no1 can wait their hands -> seems like the game for you to roll in. 😄

    For you obviously crushing! Everything is settled!

  6. @Kliedz_Zivju 🤣 I have been playng full time for some years now, good that you know terms like ICM, Ive studied stuff at least 1 hour every single day, let alone full study days, you can do the math with some years and quit talking about what I should study, probably I dont know just the term side of things. 

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  7. its nice to say that something is waffle, when no proof and understanding is really not shown.

    MTT and Cash are diffrent games -> yes. But Deep stack solutions remain the same. 🤣 


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  8. This is a really nonsense justification for gambling. Your perception of opponents does not matter here much of at all. But I guess, you are always smarter than everyone else - then keep counting your 37o Q4os ... GL! 

    The chip count doesnt give any licence to play -EV decisions. But I guess a person like you does think exactly the opposite - "I bet because I can right now..." GL with never being a winner. 

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  9. The first flop, with all spades and Q9, 3/4 should never be used, specially with 2 opponents. These boards like smallbetting,  so you can get value from worse and drawing spades. With large sizing you isolate yourself into getting only called by the nutted or very strong combos that beat you. 


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  10. The Final day of UOS 12.12.2021 Recap

    This time I didnt go for Higher, and just went for 3 games. 

    So lets start with the one that wasnt going so good:

    UOS 1500 E104 Rebuy Low 5 euro:

    I dont remember specifics, but like we see, nothing special here. 94th of 126. 


    The 2 day events that were both Low and Mid, I had very good runs and focus. Unfortunately, at Mid one, I got knocked down from 50ish stack with AKs, UTG1 open by me and HJ call and CO jammed 50. I called ofc and HJ folded and he had 99s that held. Theory wise - an insane gamble play to do, but yeah... he had his time. 18th In the Mid 2day event:

    UOS Event 99 12500 25 euro 2 day event:


    UOS Event 100 3000 rebuy 10 euro 2 day event:

    At low event I ran also very deep but at the later stages I was pretty short stack and at the jamming situation I didnt get the best of it. 


    It is funny that Both of them got 18th. 

    In general it was very nice and competitive environment of UOS and really enjoyed the ride. Winning Mid 2day would have been remarkable, but hey - next time 😉 ! 

    • Like 4
  11. Bro I think you overthink this one a bit too much. Having 5 diffrent ones and some changes to them will pretty much make you anonymous already enough. At the same time, when thinking about limiting numbers, its also taking account what is enough for anoniminity and how much server interactions these vectors make. If they add 1 more its already a multiplier of resource processing. Its understandable and not a need for a change. Also the change limit helps to keep more track with getting confused if something needs to be investigated by the board side of things.

    • Like 2
  12. 9 hours ago, KrustyTheClown said:

    Agree with what you said about proceeding with caution in general 🙂 
    I think calling 3bets OOP is to be avoided in general, but obviously for some hands calling is the best play.
    Hands like AJo/KJo/KQo/... I turn into a 4bet bluff at some frequency. 

    I've played one lenghty 50NL session this month and it was a good battle with a mix of regs and funplayers.
    I'm comfortably rolled for it but will mainly be playing 25NL for the remainder of this year I think.
    Lots going on apart from poker and want minimal stress right now 🙂 GL!

    Its great that you have 4bet bluffing range, thats already a good thought! 

    But I would suggest NOT TO use off suit combos for 4bet bluffs, can put you in a very bad spot and harder to play post. 😉 But already having at least some 4bets that are non-value show that your at least ahead from population 😉 probably.

  13. 4 hours ago, Kliedz_Zivju said:

    i belive the oposite. i think varying blinds and differing stack sizes increases the skill requirement in terms of ICM, The major factor in MTT all slow blinds does is allow tight players too wait for a premium holding and exploit the recreational who call down too light vs large sizing. im not sayin NO SLOW DEEP GAMES. im saying a nice variety too please all player types will keep the pool dynamic atm it just feels STAGNENT....not just having all games how you like them personaly. this UOS was so boring format wise. it was awful im not putting myself out to play it next time if it will be them same. (i think uni maybe trying too apeal too the live players which cant play live ATM)

    and im not wrong? it deffinately suits tight players who can wait for premo holdings... you wont loose value from playing tight and aggresive vs call stations and weak players. you may miss a few spots but that will be over compinsated by bad calls vs your aggresion and that has nothing too do with the format of the MTT.

    It may be the case here that you believe the opposite, but I think the reason you think so, is that our understanding of the game is in very diffrent levels. 

    1. While slow blind levels do allow to "wait for hands more", it is not an optimal strategy to play the game. Some microstake winners can win because opponents are way too loose, but it actually just makes the game more skill dependant. 

    2. Deeper stacks sizes favor people who have post-flop edge - in other words PEOPLE WHO ARE BETTER PLAYERS. 

    Unless UOS should be a banzai fest where champions are determined by 100 playerpool turbos where skill edges are much smaller. <- I think it just devalues sportsmanship by such way. 

    3. "you wont loose value from playing tight" <- yes you do because you over commit to a strategy that is not optimally adjusted. I can tell you, there was a time I didnt listen cash game players much because I was MTT player. I am an MTT player, but after listening some very high profile cash players, I realised how bad many MTT players are, their understanding of post flop is just - really shallow. If you know good players - their not tight, even playng deep, it doesnt mean necessarily that you play "tight and wait for hands"- its rather something some micro regs say. A slogan, because they dont know any other way to win. They have no understanding of card interactions and combinatorics. All they know is , "if I play better cards in a pool with idiots - I will win." And since those other guys, have no brains to adjust. They win with sole being tight. But no it doesnt necessarily favour them - just the fact that POST-flop play starts to matter more , all losers lose more, not because their loose - but because their CrAZY and gamblers. 

    Playng deeper is much harder, I have only some started to grasp, what it even means- it is very diffrent when some boards that are pretty mixxed are suddenly pure checks 100% etc. People suck deep. 

    Unibet still has many hypers, some UOS were also pretty Turbo stuctured they werent all long levels. 

    Everybody had their chance, and sometimes just varience factoring in wont let you win in a festival at all. Its just so small sample size to say much of at all. Sure, winning some major, "might" show some thing... but smaller field turbos for instance, show absolutely nothing someone with no knowledge can have his sunrun and win. I didnt make profit this UOS, even tho I had many bubbles, deep runs and 1 UOS title win and some nice cashes. I loved this UOS and the competitiveness of it. It just shows that I have so much more to study. Its not the fault of any structure, but rather knowledge base and varience. 


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