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Group: Flush
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Posts posted by GLENGYLE

  1. 6 hours ago, SCOBY said:

    I say that a break is welcome for those who have the impression that something like this is happening, I speak from personal experience, because it is a time when you play too much, the mind may fail and think only for your own good, but after one break the thinking will be different, you will surely realize that not all players can win every day, but each in turn will surely have a few good days in which he will win.🙂

    I wish everyone good thinking and a lot of inspiration.🙂

    when I hit a bad run i hit the playstation for a few days, does wonders for my head and gets me itching to play poker again

    • Like 4
  2. 2 hours ago, NortFace said:

    Bot on Unibet Poker has a dumb error proving that programmers are not always perfect - or smart. Ever tried throw an Heart Ace just to se it show up in the winning hand of a bot? I have and it’s kinda funny in these recykle times. Unibet is environment friendly. LOL

    I see some debate regarding Unibet using  bots. Most online betting companies does - but in various forms. Unibet say all staff need to be corupted to pull that off. As a programmer I say NO, only the programmer and the owners need to know. Actually, only the programmer. To expose such kode you need to play a while, then record all math going on and crunch those algoritms. Serverside kode are hard to exposeas it’s compiled kode. 

    I’m not saying Unibet is ripping people off more than other gambling sites, but there a repeating algorithm going on on Unibet. Bots are best recognized by the «one card higher hand» where aviable (not if your hand is like a 4 alike, that would look stupid LOL). Somting else I’ve noticed; bots only kickes in if u win alot over time. Its like a handbreak.

    But hey, dont take my words for it. 

    ok i wont

    • Like 1
    • Haha 3
  3. 6 hours ago, Andy-Unibet said:

    french market has 2x multiplier at HexaPros instead of 1,5. Do you plan implementing those multiplier to other markets too? - Stubbe question, he's the HexaBoss 🙂

    it may happen that players(horses) from coaching groups will let access to their account/moves for experienced members of the group especially when they hit a big multiplier at HexaPro. Have you ever suspended the payout of any of the big multipliers when something like that happened? - Not as far as I'm aware. We have a number of measures in place to detect things like this if it was to happen.

    You say in doubt the english tc counts. Have you ever accepted players appeal when the translation wasn't correct? - I can't think of any off the top of my head but in general we're going to side with the customer. I know we've had issues in the past with mission text and things like for example and I've always just paid out what is due.

    When I delete an alias will the nick be free to use again or nobody can't use the name again? - Aliases go into a quarantine for about 30 days before moving to the public pool. During the quarantine period the customer has the option to retrieve the alias if they want it back by re-creating it. It will get the same avatar back regardless of the one chosen during creation.

    Is it possible to connect an already existed account to any of the affilates and enjoy the benefits? - No. That would defeat the purpose of the affiliate 🙂

    Is there any option receiving the correct password in time(before the freeroll starts) when your partner(casino.org) posting a wrong one on their twitter? - No. It would just cause unnecessary strain on CS if we did.

    good to know about the aliases as I cycle through about 20 of them, good to know if i wait 30 days i can change my avatar

  4. 37 minutes ago, GR1ZZL3R said:

    @P0kerM0nk I was in the bb and villain limped for a change, the only reason I was in the hand. 😁

    @GLENGYLE I don't see it happening very often and only did it because of the way villain was playing, not something I'd normally do. 😬 What's more annoying to me is someone getting stacked and leaving but with their seat taken up for 8 minutes, happens all the time. :classic_angry:

    i see it quite a lot here tbh compared to other sites, also i see time banks being used up to maximum here more than other sites, people playing like they are on final table of WSOP every single hand, drives me nuts.

    agree with cash table stacked players, suppose they need to be given time to deposit??


    in tourneys i hate when someone sitting out doesn't get their cards folded causes endless problems when you are on bubble or in ICM situations, they get their cards folded every other time but not when all in why the hell is this?

    • Like 2
  5. 30 minutes ago, Purps said:

    When you leave a table and the rejoin at the same stake, you'll be seated at the same table, if possible.

    So, when you leave the table with the big stack and then instantly buy-in again with your default BI, you'll likely be placed on the same seat and the other players never even see you leave, just the chips 😒


    30 minutes ago, GR1ZZL3R said:

    @GLENGYLE He does actually leave the table but will have the new table window open as he does, clicking that he's immediately sat back in again. I've seen them leave one seat and immediately re-appear in another seat at the same table, and of course some will leave and be reseated at another table. 

    cheers guys I never even seen him leave it was that quick

    • Thanks 1
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