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Group: Four Of A Kind
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Posts posted by Rushbie

  1. 1/3

    Dayum got stack to 23 buyins already, but tha bastard on the right got it down luckboxing the same way i got it up 😂

    +2-3bin/about 45min 👌



    Edit. And oh, the avatar really has a huge update delay on the progress bars above when changing to black belt. Lasts several hands at least🤔 @Stubbe-Unibet

    • Like 2
  2. 4 hours ago, cris1285 said:

    RIP our cat, he has passed away this morning. He was there every single morning when i opened the door of our bedroom, very happy and enthusiastic. Will be missed...

    Not ridiculing the final ride of a furry familymember. Those are kinda easy to get attached to quite a bit too in life 🙁


    • Like 2
  3. Oh, and forgot to say, you admitting the need of professional mental help is not a sign of manly weakness either. On the contrary. Telling about that publicly is a sign of you being capable of facing facts, and dealing with them. Unlike here at Fi after wars was a trend, which led to decades and decades to a culture of silence and buried pain with all the unwanted side effects 🙄

    Happy new year, and shoot a big rocket to the russian bear's ass! It's the only thing it understands afterall on it's way back home 😄

    • Like 1
  4. 53 minutes ago, Rushbie said:

    Like playing Book of Dead with reduced lines

    Or more like the trick the Netent did with Hotline.


    You can play with 15cents, but to really play it as promised for good experience, you just gotta triple the bets 😅
    Luring the customer to play 10x alleged min bet is next level. Congrats, GL to fat cats👍🖕




    • Haha 2
  5. In a nutshell, pretty much how it works. And returns.
    At your own will and risk/responsibility.
    Yours truly is out from this 🙄👎
    (tactical minbet is actually 1€ instead of 0.10€) Like playing Book of Dead with reduced lines. )


  6. Just to compare the heavy-hitting goodmood song above 👆, McFerrin surely would have a decent modern day hit song contender now 😄


  7. 20 hours ago, Livertool said:

    Still don't understand how those belts work, sometimes one bar, other times two, i get it that banzai improves your level but other than that clueless.

    EZ, belts are for the poorer practitioners doing all the wax on wax off work by going allin or being in the hand with someone who's allin, gaining points everytime when doing it. The more allins, the higher belts. Can't be downgraded in the same table session.
    Sensei is the temple manager sitting on the biggest pile of money. No need to do any hard work as much really, just currently hold the most cash. (50bb minimum)

    Edit. But yeah, the belts progress bar can get mixed with the healthbar logic quite easily and cause confusion without knowing how it works 🤔

    • Like 2
  8. "On the third day of beastin', my true love sent to meeee..." 🎶
    50 freespins from reaching green belt on banzai. 10x from the game, and.. well, profit it still is from the spins 😄


    • Haha 3
  9. Also these are scheduled, just put a freeroll in the searchbar on the right side of the client and you should see some of those. (Not all shows around the clock, so check in regularly at different times of the day)
    At least If you're from a country that isn't restricted from those.
    GL 👍


  10. After last weekends sleepless, blurryish adventures online with a box of redwine and 1kg sledgehammer of kosander, thought it's better to let pokerstuff be for a while and just let the magic of slots do the spinning of the world instead. Wasn't bad move. Santa's stack didn't disappoint this time either 😀

    Was able to buy couple bonuses in total with less than 20€ spend on them, and bam! 🎅😎

















    • Like 5
  11. 45 minutes ago, Olli said:

    I lost my proggress on wild swarm game. I joined back in the game and it was level 1 and it supposed to be in level 4

    I had the same thing happening couple days back 🙄

    Gladfully it was only from 2nd level after new cycle started, so not that bad, but from 4th level it would seriously suck.

    Thought it was just somekind of cookie error after purging tablet at first, but seems like a more wider system stats reset 🤔

    • Confused 1
  12. Damn. Yeah that sounds like the typical gaming-support -limbo where something glitchy happens, support can't see it, and legal prints in every game nowadays says it's customer's loss when it happens 🙄 Got one case few years back too that never would've been solved, if i wouldn't have taken a OBS videorecording of everything i gamble online after few too many technical issues.
    Can't help much here as a customer, no-one can, but maybe some admins like @Jami-Unibet could when they get back to work tomorrow. Don't lose your sleep over it, sometimes things get solved in a way or another to customers favor. GL

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