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Group: 72
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  1. Need refund for 10e sng and 4e sng from 2 different issues. Hope these are are the right id-s but no way to be 100% sure. 279700617 279100730
  2. Is there any reason why you dont shut the client down until you sort these problems? Its literally unplayable as it stands and you just get more and more work to do with all these cancelations/refunds etc while you should focus all your effort to protect from these attacks. Just my 2 cents.
  3. Refund 10e sng ticket, was at a start of a 2man sng. Thanks
  4. Hi, i won't be able to use my double trouble ticket next week when it expires. Could I get an extension? Thank you.
  5. Again this,unbelievable. So, I was playing 10e sng and had 2:1 lead. I would like a 15e refund.
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