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Group: Four Of A Kind
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Everything posted by jerry

  1. @WuDu Ask me again in a year if was trolling. We will compare numbers of Demirbay and Brandt for example . Rebuild or not this was very bad season of Bayern and those who are longing for title In Dortmund will still think about that season in next 10 years. And im not writing this just because i had money for Dortmund to do it. It was similar to Monaco title where they were very close to bottling it, but Jardim sacrificed one of the french cups where they played with PSG with reserves. Next year Bayern will play Kovacball and the title will be solved at the february . Apart Sane one CM is needed though, Rodrigo from Atletico means game over for Dortmund :scared: With Lewy you are 100 % right. With numbers he is clearly in third just after Messi and Ronaldo. But those numbers are made mostly against piss poor Bundesliga defences (just look what he is doing repeatetly with 2nd german power Dortmund ). Im watching a lot of diffrent football leagues and for now german clubs are very similar to the dutch and belgium ones in defensive. Happy/shaky football all the way, many high scoring matches (my biggest wins are in Bundesliga and in 2Bundesliga playing for goals) with Bayern winning many matches with 2 and more goals. Feeder league with exception of Bayern. I want to state that he could be usefull to every team in the world, im just saying he wouldnt be major hit everywhere. He could be similar like in Bayern in Barcelona, cause they are creating gazillion of chances, but he would vanish in big matches just like in Bayern. In the same time he would struggle in Real (Real of this of last season) or Manu. Quite similar to Lukaku. Is Lukaku a similar type? Scoring against lesser teams and vanishing against good ones? Without those 4 goals he could easily have career like Dzeko. Transfer to Mancini's City (in Peps City he would mean that they ends with more than 100points), where he would struggle then offload to some lesser league (sorry Italian fanboys Serie A is now 3rd league). Dzeko in Bayern instead of Lewy, and he would have similar numbers and i believe they were outbid by City then. What would have been. R.Lewandowski - amazing poacher/finisher with occasional exceptional linkup play but cant create a thing himself to save his life.
  2. And that was win for me too cause i played one set for Stakhovsky Well done @AndreiBN Dont envy me too much cause i cash out after first nervous tiebreak in Delbonis-Ramos :Geek:
  3. No chance for Dortmund title, zero, nada, zip, zilch, nothing :teardrop:. That was the season Dortmund should win the title and they bottled miserably (and they really didnt deserved it after 5;0). Probably next 10 or more years Bayern is locked. Small hope is after Lewy's departure there would be big hole to fill (like Real's Ronaldo and Barca's Messi) but to me they are not so dependant like those spanish sides. They overpaid badly for Hernandez but he is good player and is better defender than all of Dortmund's. He was world champ as a LB but he likes better CB (some sources tell that he is indeed promised central role), interesting how this will unfold. Dortmund looks really fine with that depth but only as potenziale europa league finalist, nothing more. My prediction Bayern will clinch the title 3 months before the end of season, they will be not in one bit as bad as in this one, with or without Kovac (would be better without :atisfied:). Brandt is IMO overrated (you could argue that Leverkusen with Demirbay win that little duel), this will be similar story as with Draxler in Wolfsburg and Dortmund will reshuffle him to premiership or Tuchel (if he survive ) in a year. Schulz is improvement on the left side and with Hazard he has glimpses of really great playing, but he is too much inconsistent (you can say it runs in family :wow:). If he improve on that who knows, maybe they will catch Bayern at -14
  4. Real/Barca doesnt want, you dont have top players. Dont get triggered :happy:. De Bruyne looked like one but season ago, in this one he was much worse. They would want NOW at least 4 Liverpool players, Van Dijk/Salah/Mane/Allison and at some point they will go for them. Robertson could also do great at both. City have good players but most of them are overrated/overpaid and the results are Guardiola and depth. All his team gets tired of the system, it was apparent in Barcelona and In Munchen, thats my point. And Euro is next year, you do know that seasons with tournaments are diffrent then the ones without it? :scared:
  5. Is this some kind of promo for mobile?
  6. I dont think Liverpool will repeat the season next year (and never for that matter). They will bring new players (maybe lose Mane?) and this will change the very delicate dynamic that this team have (similar to Klopp Dortmund). Season with euro/world cup is always mad with injuries so it could be this way too. Good thing for Liverpool is that City will be also below 90 points. My opinion is that this team stagnate, there is no player there that Barcelona/Real would meet with open arms where Liverpool got a few. Their biggest adv is the Pep system but they will be tired of it next season IMO. This was last Aguero top season (he was still invincible in biggest matches and never forget this pen ) with more than 20 goals and Jesus is overrated as fook. He could be Firmino, but in few years of regular playing for Hoffenheim or something, not bein subbed in City. So, this will be very interesting season and more interesting whol will they bring. Fekir will bring Liverpool down. He can make some world class plays but then dissapears completely. Not a team player that Liverpool needs. De Ligt massive talent but is he suited for PL? I tend to think that no. In his first season(s) he would be very much like Lindelof. Coutinho, i would not take him back, could be useful but with the wages he would be liability. Cover for Arnold/Robertson maybe Firmino, maybe cause Origi is a real hero of the season :popeye:. Offload Lovren/Sturridge/Camacho/Shaqiri. Some offensive midfielder was missing in few matches, but again this would change the dynamic/style of this team that i dont think it needs to be changed. Klopp could go Tottenham way IMO. No transfers could be a blessing.
  7. @RayL Any info about that 15 mission spins on Ivan And The Immortal for people with the IP Blocked message? Was trying to use browser VPN but Ivan isnt available in the casino :wow: Maybe i should bother people from chat?
  8. So with your 0.80e youre adding 10-20mins.
  9. @Livertool Thats what i mean. No one really care about those 0.20 so there is no bubble for it. With 0.80 this little mtt would be just too long for me. Its too long now too, i would use faster blinds
  10. @Livertool For me this can stay. I mean you have 100% return and people are really crazy when they are break even and play really wide. The more paid places the better IMO. Also with 0.80e the bubble would be so much longer than it is now (you will have two bubbles, one for 0.80e one for ticket). It would be really bad change. Changes are need in freeroll paid places not in those ticket mtts.
  11. Shame they lose that 2 goals that quick, but theres still chance, one goal only. I can see situation that City will draw.....and Liverpool also :laugh:
  12. One minute dream come true :waterfall:
  13. @AndreiBN Congrats, but its annoying that you cant play this ticket on Omaha. Seeing 300 flops on Omaha is easy on Holdem takes too much time.
  14. I would gladly pay pay-per-view for a camera in Barca locker room They were dreadful in 2nd half i dont know what they were playing apart from that early Suarez chance. Busquets is one big lol. And dont get me at Messi in big moments. They need one goal ONE fookin goal Embarrassing. Im sure that Wijnaldum would be a great striker. He is very average midfielder, looks lost whenever i see him, but he is great goalscorer.
  15. @Livertool Livescore.com is playing with Salah and Origi upfront :happy:
  16. Im waiting for confirmed squads. Im pretty sure there will be surprises, Some of them are announcing Salah and i thought he is 100% out. :sad:
  17. Since we got ticket exchange back can we start talking about reverting to the old paid places in the freerolls or maybe everyone are happy with the changes? Personally most of the time i just dont bother with it. If that was for reviving nl4/plo4 (one can argue that there is no need for that) with those tickets dont see any diffrence only that you can always spot guys with tickets playing their way of happy poker . Exchanging 25e+2x10e for 4e ones would make another 11x4e on 100e. 30 paid places in 1k freeroll is still much worse than it was (77 paid places?) but a bit better dont you think? With MTT tickets you need to play them, but with cash tickets im pretty sure there are massive number of collusion, not so visible like it used to be but still how hard it is.
  18. 27 shot of Kompany in his career, 2nd in this season, first one to score.....yeah, thats about right
  19. At wrong thread i was writing that Brendan is close to become a hero. Then Kompany had some kind of seizure :wow::wow:
  20. Brendan so close to become Liverpool hero :lovekiss: edit: KOMPANY :geek::geek::geek::wow::wow::wow:
  21. @RayL Cant use Ivan The Immortal slot, there is IP BLOCKED message that i have on all quickspin slots. Im pretty sure more people will have this problem.
  22. Still cant believe at the lineup in Barcelona. Gomez started before when and when exactly he played RB before the Barcelona match? Wasnt that october or something? And chess move with Wijnaldum Still a chance without Mo, im not even sure if its lower one since Liverpool best player this season is Mane. The same 3-5%, the match need to go right way. Early goal, maybe goal just before the half, trying to piss Suarez (im playing rec card for him :haha:) /Pique, Alba is freak too, playing with confidence at the back. Messing with Messi is futile, since can shove his little fists into the face of rival and get away with this :happy: Not allowing Barca to score will be hard but its doable. IMO there is good chance that at some point the result will be 2:0 and then it will be interesting.
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