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Group: 72
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Everything posted by JackSB

  1. Iam in :) What we need to do?
  2. JackSB


    And what is your point? To be honest everyone know that this bingo see the same winners every day. I played this bingo maybe 2 years ago but played only because of mini games and after they screwd up loyality wheel i dont play on unibet This guys will just ignore you or delete this topic maybe someone will answer that "Bingerof" is most common nickname in Romania and thats it.. 14 Free days are made only for cheaters and Unibet knows that, thats why there is never chat moderetaror there.. Edit by Jeppe-Unibet, removed personal information.
  3. https://prnt.sc/qt0hgy Viva la Barcelona -.-
  4. JackSB


    I played bingo 2 years ago and if i remeber corectly there was 4 same bingo platforms soo one person can have 4 accounts :)
  5. Opt In Playing mostly in podium when there is cg
  6. Sorry for "R" word People with developmental difficulties
  7. Only blind and slightly <3 person can say that this bingo is random at least in the newbie room...
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