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Group: Four Of A Kind
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Everything posted by MadAdo

  1. What @Merenitsu feels like whenever got any 4 picture cards or even any of T+ pair in his hand ? But question is: what he really got ? SO please, can anybody of you HELP ? or he is just lost victim with his reality threating ???
  2. @Merenitsu just to let you "know" ... I made about 1 hour PLO session (3-4 tables) as of today morning ... mostly my wish to pass both: Mission 4b (All One Suit) + Mission 5b (Double up in PLO) at once! And I pass them! Interesting fact for you -> I finished slightly below EV and just lost BIG pots only 5 times (each time I had AAxx involved in my hand) ... at all those hands I just busted my stack. Just taking them and open odds calculator to see why. Surprisingly I was somewhere 60+% fav before FLOP, but hold better hand only 2 times after flop (from 5 outcomes) -> which mean only -> played like an idiot did not payed (at Omaha especially) !!! Having AAxx on Omaha is not like having AA on Hold'em that is the real thing. You can won AAxx for sure, but you need to hit the board which is not always a case. Hardest part is to throw hand away once it is CLEAR you are beaten already ... so not risking entire stack just because you were ahead before FLOP !!! Having one pair in Omaha cannot won big money for you in long terms ... see you at the tables
  3. Q: Are there any funny stories so far ? A: Sure :happyshy:, playing CASH seems to be funny at all whole day long beside all those 1-2-3-4 outers suck-outs on river there are several shiny moments like this one: See you at the tables, do not be too serious as game tends to be much more RELAX last days :cash:
  4. Q: you just turned-up into CASH beast regular grinder :haha: ? A: none of above ! I just sharpen my poker skills and do some practise, meanwhile another "milestone" in my poker carrier: Next time (next level) - won that MTT as a sitout playa!!!
  5. Q: so you are quite calm down ? A: Personally I don't think it is a case, just hiding myself from REGs! Playing CASH sessions most of the time as there is really no time to mess with MTT or S&G or HXpro Villain play tooo agro in this spot and we moved all-in on the turn card (he bet PF, reraise me on the flop and turn too)! This spot turns-out to be a "difference" between success or EV morning 1h session (ends up in juicy 400BB profit). This 'guy' pays me quite a lot during 1 orbit period! Added couple BB on other tables as well and decide to escape the session (don't want to be too greedy). NOTE: beware in cash games -> if your money goes wrong way, it should also be a case of 'disguise' MadAdo guy!!! Play responsible and see you at the tables :Thumbsup:
  6. Q: Rags to Riches that it is a lot of fun for every1 ? A: yes, you simply cannot won all the money
  7. Q: do you like Unibet competitions ? A: YES, they are all amazing and I really like to say to chance to earn some free bonus money! Q: and how is it with the Rags to Riches promo ? A: that sucks! you know your odds are like this: pass Stage 1: 3 out of 6 (NO reward for fail) pass Stage 2: 3 out of 6 (1:2 chance to pass over here, NO reward for fail this one) pass Stage 3: 2 out of 6 (1:4 chance to pass here, Flip ticket for fail this one -> Flip ticket has chance for money approximatelly 1:9) pass Stage 4: 2 out of 6 (1:12 chance to pass here, back to stage1 if fail this one -> this way seems to be really an idiotic approach = aka wasting of 12 keys) pass Stage 5: 1 out of 6 (1:36 chance to pass here, 1€ Unibet Open ticket if fail this one = who like UO stats can be happy with that) pass Stage 6: 1 out of 6 (1:216 chance to pass here, 2€ HexaPro ticket if fail this one = but we all know what HXpro are all about) Finally 1:1296 to won 20€ money !!! (Bronze tier)
  8. Q: you start to enjoy HXpro ? A: yep, when you won all of 'higher' multiplier, it is always a nice game
  9. @psrquack if you can triple-up, you should call it for sure! I think that this is somewhat "dream" flop for you anyway. Your straight draws really nice here, but I will be a little bit worried about potential flush-draws (they already come once I'm involved). If you FOLD this one you need to pick-up some "picture" hand, close your eyes and ship all chips in the middle! I think that fold is way too careful here - but I will most probably FOLD as well :-( but folding here means you will be "bubbled" quite often ... so let's call next time :cash: Community
  10. Q: finishing July missions ? A: NO, I just did not want to throw away tickets which are approach expiration date! (I will not finish all of July's missions after 10s consecutive months => rewards simply not enough to be motivated ...)
  11. Q: does the receipt works ? A: very soon to clarify, but it seems like that especially at NANOs, the patient is the key factor (beside the receipt of course ) Here is today progress which I will take most likely much more time! 2nd time in my huge poker career that I did not must rebuy at any table + green-up all the tables!!! :popeye:
  12. Q: so what is your actual receipt to beat that VARIANCE ? A: it is as easy as follow those MadAdo's ruleS: cashout -> already done :Thumbsup: This is very important for keeping motivation and keep sure that you cannot loose all your money :Cheeky:do not rebuy anymore -> no matter what situation is like, how fishes you have at your table, just don't do it!half buy-ins -> buy for 50BB instead of full stack (100BB) => if you loose money it did not cost way too much, if you won, do it following step-by-step policy!leave table when your stack is under 30BB also when reach 200-250BB => hit and run approachchange alliases/identity a lot -> it is important to did not bring too many tells to the table (don't be known at the table)adjust your game -> swap playing tight/passive with loose/aggresive style. Made some wild moves and keep playing like a PRO - you need to follow table dynamic!use GOD-like mode once activated -> ask Mr. @RayL to be such polite to activate it for youjust repeat :Rofl:So see you at the table guys, I will be well-prepared :Cash:
  13. Q: Hot-streak grind continue ? A: sure, but not for me anymore! :waterfall: End of last week was totally DESTRUCTIVE for my roll and this is mostly because I just step on the wrong side of variance. And I know what I'm talking about - there is no need to prove by screenshots anymore, I know the odds, the probabilities and how the variance looks like, so just it is like it is. Since I was down around 280BB (SCREENSHOT) I just decided to take some of blinds back which was really a bad idea :Teardrop: at all (I wrote, when you did not fit into hands, you should stop playing!!!). Lost another couple of BI and decided to add couple of PLO tables too to see that running like never before: lost 5BI during 5 minutes session and loosing all of my 6 tables with running my 2nd nuts into nuts (turn/river, no matter, top full-house into quads was really a way too much for me) ... So I know that PLO is much more variance game like Hold'em and the very best thing I done after while was STOP playing. My looses (loss stop) ends on 1050BB which is way not acceptable anymore!!! The 'good' thing was that I mostly lost profit made on my cash game tickets except of PLO which bleeding my tiny BR a lot! So having said that, I end with adding at least 1.98€ (peek was at 18.52€) from my nice NL4 ticket and playthrough the 2nd one: My "problem" continue also on Saturday night when I lost another portion of around 400BB. Most of them lost again on PLO - did not played soo bad, but cannot win a thing ... once made hand, getting suck-out or everybody FOLDed - you know how is it going ... Q: so all poker getting rigged ? A: NO, I did not see (say) it that way. My play was somewhat acceptable (most of the time, some TILT was involved for sure, but not big impact on overall "score") but as I already mentioned VARIANCE take you from time to time and if you realize that, you can handle it as well :Thumbsup: Q: so you cried into the pillow whole weekend ? A: yes, that is exactly what I did :Secret: Q: what is your plan now ? A: I will just take all of my "money" back despite the fact it was mostly only bonuses! :Tongue: I already received the Double trouble ticket (not surprisingly) it could be awesome to get it into money (I did this only once until now :Disappointed:). I approach getting further 'booster' rewards which I plan to use in the best possible way: So main plan is to continue play my game and recover from what already happen (as you cannot changed/affect it once done). Thinking about excluding my from PLO games as far as I continue looses there no matter which hands I selected, how I played them ... outcome still the same! I should won another bonus boosters and try to use them in best possible way as well and let's see what next month bring to us :Cash: Meanwhile ... Rags to Riches still sucks! We all know that, probabilities to won "something" really terrible ... also Freerolls FLIPs running BAD, all of triggers expected! Run good my dear friends, see you at the tables! The strong player is able to recognize what is good what is wrong and how to take care about things ... :Inlove:
  14. Q: any prove of you running "badly" today ? (lost profit, TILT mode, etc.) A: here it is (for all of you who are curious enough) ... after loosing all of those (+ some marginal pots, getting somewhat angry and hungry, but those are the days you shold close app and forget poker!)
  15. @psrquack when you met this guy at your table: There should be no DOUBT about identity! This is me, you all know me fairly well. I was sitout because already gained handy stack and need to leave because lack of time ... observed that Freeroll from 14:05 is somewhat 2-3x double-up and you should get an easy ticket. Well played :geek:
  16. q: so you CASH grind like a hell ? A: no, you should better know that history did not repeat most of the time ... so today was not as good as it should be - playing like an idiot did not payed! I getting into a little bit TILT mode after loosing 4-5 all-ins (sum together around 200-300BB) when was really ahead, but did not hold ... so loosing all gained profit for hard work with "loose" play and getting really un-lucky (cannot FOLD some hands which was really somewhat payable) ... And this is the HAND which matters a lot :waterfall: DONK play punished :puking::
  17. Why moaning ? :Wonder: -> you hit handy 2 backdoor combos - either Ah, As OR 7h, 7d or some other backdoor combos -> 8+A, 9+A, 7+8, 7+9 ... just in case Hutli did not hold TsJs, than you can moan a little bit :Rofl:
  18. Q: something memorable to share as of today ? A: yes, it seems like I learned something (finally :happyshy:) ! Due to the Community-Summer-Bash-Cash-Game-Stacks promotion I kept myself somewhat discipline and patient - and being patient really PAYS-OFF especially at the Unibet tables (depends on the table of course and run-good aka Ray-GOD-like mode) :Rofl:! Today it was a very first time (as far as I can remember) in my poker-career that I did not need to re-buy at the cash table, even more I end session (approximately 2 hours) in GREEN (sum together nearly 500BB profit at 6 tables) on all of my 6 tables. Here the picture: Only my bad that just unable to reach 300BB mark on any of the table despite the fact, that beat 250BB couple times on 3 of them !!! Feels really good man, even managed to hold AA 2 times today!!! Also got a handy bonus reward booster :Rofl: , so ready to proceed with it as well: I'm absolutely happy with not win anything in mentioned competition as far as will be successful with ticket playthrough requirement :Cash:
  19. Not 72? @psrquack, @Merenitsu your odds during level-ups is like this: 1.) 3/6 => 1:2 2.) 3/6 => 1:2 (1:4 to pass 1st AND 2nd level) 3.) 2/6 => 1:3 (1:12 to pass to level 4) 4.) 2/6 => 1:3 (1:36 to pass to level 5) but if fail here, you will got totally suck-out, because you lost all already passed thiers (aka 1:12 requirements) :puking: 5.) 1/6 => (1:216 to pass to level 6) 6.) 1/6 => chance to won 20€ is 1:1296 :cash:
  20. @Merenitsu just to know, getting into level 6 is statistically 1 out of 216 !!! so you are getting very best already!!!
  21. Let's screw-up and I change opinion to number 1 :-) odds keep always the same any of 6 choices have same equity (hope so) ... no need to guess it should be something else @Merenitsu close your eyes and click on ANY
  22. Just close the app :scared: you should try it tomorrow morning if that helps ... I think that using of well-known should solve your problem perfectly! odds just 1:6 and that is it ... have a good HAND this time :Thumbsup:
  23. @Merenitsu I'm nearly sure it is number 4 this time, taking commision 5% if so :-) :cash:
  24. @Merenitsu but you have a bunch of keys now! Let's go to Vegas penthous to convert some of them! :cash:
  25. Q: so you damn running BAD ? A: not at all, just converting accumulated bonus points into CASH:
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