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Group: Pair
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Everything posted by radge1

  1. Hi @Stubbe-Unibet Just realised my €1,100 ticket expires before registration opens for the next Unibet Open. Could the ticket be extended please or auto-regged somehow? Cheers Radge1
  2. Bloody romantics, drinking wine, sniffing flowers and eating chocolates when they should be playing poker!
  3. Hi Guys @ReCorpH @Stubbe-Unibet I was regd by ticket for tourney ID 23491061 tonight. Unfortunately only 9 players regd and it needs 11. My ticket has now expired, any chance it could be reanimated for a couple of weeks? Cheers Yours in Poker Radge1
  4. Hopefully the regulations will change at some point and Unibet can operate in Lithuania again :wow:
  5. @radge1, does it happen when you open a new table/replayer, or is it just in the middle of the session when playing at a table? @Stubbe-Unibet It happens without warning, not triggered by anything apparent, sometimes just minutes into a game
  6. Particularly like the new infobox placement and next break symbol in rh top corner @pinki
  7. Client still kicking me out regularly (Mac PC), even when single tabling and doing nothing else :wow:
  8. Deleted and re-downloaded...I can open it now
  9. Can't open the client at all on my Mac PC although fine on android phone :scared:
  10. I just took a look at my tickets...previously I could "drop down" and see the expiry date on all my tickets of the same type...now I can only see the expiry date of the one next to expire...this will make ticket management a bit more difficult.
  11. I don't see anyone else mentioning this, so may be a Mac specific thing...since the new client I can't see avatars and I am getting random crashes, always able to quickly reconnect though.
  12. Still didn't get a raffle ticket even after completing the next mission and getting the Hexa Ticket Can't see avatars on table or when changing alias...possibly just a Mac thing? :wonder:
  13. I do like seeing more tourney info on the front screen though
  14. I see I haven't posted for a while...update...my KK's are still cursed (along with pretty much every other starting hand)
  15. GL in the new role @Patric-Unibet :lovekiss:
  16. With Apologies to @Leo-Unibet in advance who is merely the messenger, this is not a UK Tour schedule, this is an announcement that the UK Tour is effectively dead.
  17. radge1

    UK Tour?

    Sorry Guys This is not a UK Tour....I feel I've been grinding tickets under false pretences. It would have been more honest to just cancel the tour. Incredibly disappointing :speechless:
  18. Hi @Patric-Unibet I have a UK50 ticket expiring in 4 days and won't have an opportunity to play. Could it be extended for a couple of months please? Cheers Radge1
  19. No need to be hasty @vixere get back on that ticket grind.....0/6 is not statistically significant! GL with the pokering.
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