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Money Missing from Account


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Hello, On July 8th between when I logged out and logged back in there was approximately 42 euros missing from my account.  This also happened the previous day for 15 euros.  I took photos right before I logged out on July 8 in case it happened again, so I had photographic evidence.  I've been messaging support but they have not been helpful at all only telling me the times I was playing, but not telling me what happened between log out and log in.  I also sent them the pictures of my account balance before and after with times and date, but that went ignored.  Any insight would be appreciated as I am very curious as to what happened.  Thank you. 

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In case your main account ( the one you see on sportsbook ) currency is not in Euro's, you will experience some fluctuation on the Euro balance you see on the poker client, due to standard changes on currency exchange rates.

Not sure if that's the case here, and what size of a bankroll might fluctuate that much overnight though.

@Jami-Unibet will probably be able to help you if you think this can't be the reason for the change on your balance 🙂

Edited by Purps
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Thanks for the reply. I thought maybe that too, but 42 seems like a big fluctuation. It was only 9 hours between log in. The previous day it was 15 euros which again seems high for a currency flucuation, but I could be wrong. 

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