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[CG] From Poker Donk To Winning Monk


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5 hours ago, P0kerM0nk said:

@KrustyTheClown Just noticed you on a table but had to finish up my session, AA was my very last hand lol 😛


Oh I see. Pretty bad session here. Almost down 4BI.

Started of with NL, then played PLO and then back to NL.
Don't think we played any major pots?
There was one reg called '"VijfNTwintig" who had been running INSANELY hot which was a bit annoying.
Not only versus me - AQs vs AA in 4bet pot on ATxTK and JJ vs KK - but against basicly everyone.

Edited by KrustyTheClown
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@KrustyTheClownWe didn't play many hands together as I only joined your table late on in my session as I was swapping a reg table for a new one but then had to quit the session, played 1.5h session and that VijfNTwintig was on all of my tables, run pretty good yeh and I lost one hand vs him early on, I 3b AK oop and trippled it off on a A56r-Q-8 board and he had AQo. Ended up playing 150bb-300bb deep vs him on a few tables but didn't have too many major pots. Sometimes you see players like this and you think, feck is this guy a baller or just sunrunning lol. He mostly had the goods imo as I like to check the big pots (also the ones I'm not involved in) and see what they have and how they played it. 

And here just a hand for fun, nothing to do with me but this was all in preflop:
What a flop... c'mon 1 outer!! 🤣


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Bankroll at around €700 atm, topped at just above €850 but hit some bumps in the road mostly vs whales 🥺

85k hands played, at 121k loyalty points so still on track to reach lvl 6 by end of this year. Working through my last €50 loyalty playthrough bonus and still have 2x €10 to clear of it, after that I need to see to get my last €100 (from a €500 bonus) playthrough re-instated as it was cleared at 99.92% I believe before it expired 🙄. Then after that I'll just keep buying €100's as have 32k BP atm.

Losing hands vs whales:

All in on the turn vs a very splashy player, he has a hand here but... well... doh! 


Same player as above, very splashy as said, limped pot, he cbets, I raise, he re-raises, we are deep so decide to call, he overbet jams the turn lol, he can have some nutted hands here but also JJ+ so don't see how we can fold vs such a player.


Different whale next, plays 100% hands, raises donks etc with all random stuff, 3b pot and all in on the flop, fecker hit a set of course, and then just extra stab in the back with the 4 card flush on the river 🤣


Same whale, 3b pot again, I bet and he calls, he does sometimes fold but rarely, x the turn and bet the river, snap call lol... I honestly don't know how to play a hand like this vs a w@nker 😂 


Same whale again, I open SB calls whale minraises so we all call, I flop more or less the nuts, whale goes bet bet bet with big bets and don't see a point in raising with the Q nut blocker.... AJ...yet again.



Also managed to hit quad aces on the river in a hand and flopped quad kings but never when the promo is on! 😭 zero lucky!

Anyway, hope it goes a bit better for the rest of the weekend, bankroll steadily growing and only working Monday and Tuesday next week so hopefully enough time to put in some more volume.

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2.5h session later and bankroll now at €1000+ 😋

Start of the session started pretty good, some tilter, not sure if reg or rec, prob a rec started jamming every hand vs me after I had 3b him a few times, not sure what happened before with him but he went into total monkey crazy tilt mode 😅 good to pick up some hands from my side!

All hands all in pre:







Ended up with 22 buy ins (25NL) spread over 6 tables 😂 /run good 

More of this please 😎


No worries, I'll lose it all at 50NL again 🤣


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Thanks @Estzen

Just posting one hand here from yesterday, big weird hand:

So UTG reg opens 3x and BTN rec calls, so does SB reg and I just complete. Guess a squeeze is an option but QTs plays fine in multiway pots too. And I don't want to get 4b by UTG lol. We see a flop and SB reg donks out 40% very strange but I'll call, so does UTG reg and BTN rec. Turn pairs the board giving me trips and SB reg donks out 1/3 so strange again lol, weird spot where I'm in the middle of the action, can't really fold here can I? so I call, UTG reg calls as well and then BTN rec raises... this is getting a really weird pot/spot 😂 SB folds weirdly enough, not sure what he was donking here, a FD I guess? So now I'm in a pickle, do I fold, call or raise lol. I could be dead for sure, UTG could have Tx, 44 maybe, 88, also a FD and an over pair played passively/sticky. I just called and UTG folded next. With the 2 regs out of the pot I'm a lot happier although the rec can still have me beat. 



So to the river, not the best card but not the worst I guess, don't think a flush should be a thing here too often, I check and get jammed on... heart FD misses and I don't block any of that. I do block some Qx type of SD hands which he could be bluffing with... 




Would I ever fold vs a bad rec, am I feck 🤣 got there by the skin of my teeth for sure beating probably one of the very few value hands that my hand beats, I'm a fish too what can I say. If this pot was vs all regs I would have probably called the small turn bet but folded vs raises and def folded the river. 



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So played some NL50 and yup, managed to lose 3.5 buy ins lol, not that its a big deal but seems like cursed every time I try to move up 🙄

BTN vs BB, massive range advantage for me, over bet turn and river and got tank called... ffs.



Nothing special but representation of the session, worst board for JJ lol.



Fun players who play any 2 all the time always able to get there...






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16 hours ago, P0kerM0nk said:

Thanks @Estzen

Just posting one hand here from yesterday, big weird hand:

So UTG reg opens 3x and BTN rec calls, so does SB reg and I just complete. Guess a squeeze is an option but QTs plays fine in multiway pots too. And I don't want to get 4b by UTG lol. We see a flop and SB reg donks out 40% very strange but I'll call, so does UTG reg and BTN rec. Turn pairs the board giving me trips and SB reg donks out 1/3 so strange again lol, weird spot where I'm in the middle of the action, can't really fold here can I? so I call, UTG reg calls as well and then BTN rec raises... this is getting a really weird pot/spot 😂 SB folds weirdly enough, not sure what he was donking here, a FD I guess? So now I'm in a pickle, do I fold, call or raise lol. I could be dead for sure, UTG could have Tx, 44 maybe, 88, also a FD and an over pair played passively/sticky. I just called and UTG folded next. With the 2 regs out of the pot I'm a lot happier although the rec can still have me beat. 



So to the river, not the best card but not the worst I guess, don't think a flush should be a thing here too often, I check and get jammed on... heart FD misses and I don't block any of that. I do block some Qx type of SD hands which he could be bluffing with... 



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Would I ever fold vs a bad rec, am I feck 🤣 got there by the skin of my teeth for sure beating probably one of the very few value hands that my hand beats, I'm a fish too what can I say. If this pot was vs all regs I would have probably called the small turn bet but folded vs raises and def folded the river. 



I would certainly squeeze pre. OTF probably better to 3bet iso, because turn has so many bad cards that we really shouldnt want to give nice chances to others, wouldnt be so afraid of 4bets. The board also favours BB leads, buts thats more in SRP and non-multiway. Here MDF is so much split. 

OTT: I guess with that particular turn we just go broke <- even tho if it would go super action multiway, we probably could fold it exploitaitively if we know that people do not bluff enough and have tighter ranges - but thats IF they do.. 

The pot was multiway so the guy shouldnt be so much weak there, but I really hate the call of JTs there because its really stupid to cold call there and its just a clear example, where he would have cleared you from calling if 3bet his JTs. But of course, recs never percieve the game in a meaningful way. The hard point is, he would never be coolered by your QTs here if he would have understanding to pure 3bet his JTs there. 

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Im not sure, to barrel it with 97s there. I also wouldnt say that its a massive range adv, by the button. I wouldnt say we have a "massive range adv" here , because we are on the button and with our range we still miss this a decent amount. Sure, its a favourable flop for us, but - do we have a massive advantage no! 

Many dont even 3bet, so if they dont this range becomes even better for us and flatens even more.

BB range that I assinged:


 Your range:


Do we have a massive range adv?


Eh not a huge one. If we would LJ or HJ, we would be much higher in the "massiveness". 

Im not really sure we wanna have a 9 here, because it also blocks some OESD of J9 combos. So essentially we kinda block some folds, even tho, it calls every flop, but probably starts fold vs big bets and overs on turn. So we block them having it and its bad. So what is he he having? T is a very bad pairring for us, unless its spades I would probably give up here, or if I bet turn, I dont see a point to follow through at river here. So yeah. My cents. image.png.2b1fc853861e01b598706bab048ffd92.png












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@EstzenHaven't ignored your posts lol, some valid points you made. QTs hand should probably better be squeezed pre as you said. Once I end up in this multiway pot it can get so strange at times especially on these limits. What threw me off was these regs in the pot lol, after I called pre and then the first reg donking etc etc, def could have played it better and a squeeze pre to start with.

97s hand, again some very valid points, especially the 9 blocker which blocks some of his floats/folds, this is still something I need to work on to incorporate in my live thought process on the tables. Overplayed this hand/range massively as you explained.

Update for the rest, had my last €100 of my €500 playthrough bonus revived and played the remaining 0.08% to get it cleared 😅 so we finally have this €500 playthrough out of the way, def won't be buying these again soon and I'll keep it to just the €100 ones for now lol.

Have also received a rake bonus, bit of a target and need to check how much I rake in an hour playing 4 tables of 50NL as not sure of that yet and then I'll be able to see how many hours I need to play for this. Good thing is I'm off for the rest of the week so have to get most of the volume in by Sunday to get a decent shot at this. 


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Just a quick update, that's my few days off work over so back tomorrow and I've put in some decent volume over the past few days. Been 6 tabling 50NL and all fine so far, 10 buy ins up since last update and doubled my bankroll since start of the month. To think I was down to €150 at some point before getting a (freeroll) bink in the Supermoon and giving my bankroll a 2nd life lol, crazy times.

I wanted to reach 50-70% by today so easy game.



Have also just become a member of a select club 😛 250k here I come 🤣



So yeh, been going well in the past few days, think I played well and had some run good as well. Had one day where I was down 3-4 buy ins but managed to turn it around that very day. 2 days left of the month, will be interesting to see my stats for this month.

Reaching loyalty lvl6 will be a easy enough with the volume of the past few days so we got that sorted as well and still a month to go, 170k XP atm, "only" 50k more to get for the next lvl.

Next post will be with the stats. 

Edited by P0kerM0nk
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On 11/28/2021 at 8:48 PM, P0kerM0nk said:

...10 buy ins up since last update...

Miscalculated as it was 13 buy ins up*

Still waiting on stats of last month to come through, not played that much so far this week, hour on Monday and an hour and half today. Good start of the month anyway, 3 buy ins up!

Funny thing today as I managed to get my all ins pre to an equilibrium 🤣

AK-AK 0-0 (1)
QQ-KK 0-1
AK-AK 0-0 (1)
KK-QQ 1-0
AK-AK 0-0 (1)

At 85% for my rake "€500/get €100" playthrough bonus and 4 days left on it, might get it tomorrow depending on how many hours I (can) play. 

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@Andy-Unibet @Stubbe-Unibet 

Sorry not sure who to tag but requested my last months cash game results now a week ago and still not received them. Had a confirmation email on the first saying it has been passed on to the right department and I remember from before you guys wanted to know if it took (too) long as they should know how to handle these requests so if anyone can check it out please, thanks! 

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@Andy-Unibet They must be on holiday, 10 days and still nothing 😕 no idea if they work over the weekend but I might just send another request in, the confirmation email has a link to rate the service btw... uh oh 😬

Poker wise,  played a few days and had a few days off, been pretty tired this week with bad sleep etc. I'll see to make a more detailed post this weekend. Bit of a rough session today, getting battered left right and centre lol, but managed to gain a 1.5 buy in profit at the end so no complaining.

limps and I iso, get money in on the river... feck it


3b pot and money went in on the flop... worst hand to be up against!


MP funplayer limps all hands, CO iso'd, I raise, BB jammed I think with small stack and was the random guy on table as you can see T3o, MP calls, just very passive, easy jam with QQ... feck typical !!



Open KK UTG, everyone calls lol... A high board, got to love it 🤣


Think the turn was a small bet like 2 bb's so def not folding KK, river got checked down and we win... random.


Next post I'll go over loyalty, bonuses etc etc. Enjoy the weekend!

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So still waiting on the results of last month but I have sent another email just to let em know 😛




Now for some stats, up €900 last month but still need to see what that translates to for 25NL and 50NL. Def had some terrible sessions where I almost lost the bankroll and then had a bink in the €250 supermoon thanks to a free community ticket. Pretty much reborn after that moment as bankroll is now just above 2k.

Managed to clear the rake €500, get €100 pretty easily as I had half a week off work, think it would have been hard without it, 6 tabled 50NL for about 25h to clear it if I'm right. Saying that I bought a €100 playthrough bonus after and I'm just halfway through it after 7 days so all depends on how many big sessions I can get in during the weekends I suppose. And I think this is the same rake requirement aka 5x?

Loyalty XP so far, almost at my target for this quarter which was reaching lvl 6 to keep the x12 bonus points multiplier into next quarter, definitely making a difference instead of starting with the x2 etc ones.


36,000 BP on the balance atm, will just be buying €100 playthrough bonuses with them for now, not sure how the x12 multiplier will affect the balance but if I end up with too many to spend I might just buy a 50NL ticket (€500/3000 flops) and use this at the same time as a bonus. Guess that's a decent option, also giving me 10 buy-ins as a buffer sounds better than a 1 buy in ticket to me.

Not sure what else I need to say, can't think of much lol. Plan this month theory wise is to get some training in with poker scientists trainer, just running the common spots where I find I still struggle a lot, BTN vs BB and SB vs BB OOP and IP plays. My subscription ends at Xmas and I have definitely underused this over the past year, the software has come a long way from the day I bought it as a year ago it was still missing a lot of flop textures etc so I hope they offer me a good discount for a renewal or I'm not sure if I'll get it again for now. Pretty hard working with a solver I'd say especially the "why is the solver doing this" part when going through hands. Probably also one of the things that puts me off a bit as I don't understand all the options available and what they actually do.

Guess it is something that will come with experience and when you really need it at the tables, playing at 50NL I don't really feel like it will affect my game that much as the pools are pretty decent to play in atm. I've no plan yet to give €100NL a shot so rest of the month just playing 50NL and still try to improve my game and hope to keep on seeing a positive trend in the bankroll. I feel like I play better now as I've made some changes in some spots and I think it's reflected in my current results but I don't want to get ahead of myself here in case some massive downswing comes my way 😂

Imo the 50NL pool has been good lately, good balance of regs and recs and don't feel like the regs are the toughest either which is a good thing I guess. And so far I'm up 8 buy ins this month so hopefully I'll have a good Xmas and New Year 🥳

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Just had the numbers in now, they were pretty quick prob as I mentioned the 10 day wait. I just email info-uk@unibetsupport.com for results so not sure if there is a more direct way?

25NL ->  18,456 hands played / +€429.91 = +9.32bb/100
50NL ->  16,915 hands played / -€132.34  =  -1.56bb/100

Although I'm up €900 last month, I'm only up €300 from cash games, won €435 from the supermoon ticket so the other €165 must be rakeback stuff. Oh man makes it look bad now 🤣 Decimating the bankroll at the start of last month wasn't a good thing for the numbers lol. 50NL from October I ran at -5.66bb/100 so we are making progress, since I had that bink in the supermoon I have the feeling I'm playing better though so if I can keep it up from now we should see some positive bb/100 at 50NL for once 😛

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Haven't had much 'luck' with these santa flips so far, I always aim for 400 Bonus Points and so far only reached it once at the silver level.

Also calculated my bb/100 from last month but from after the point where I almost destroyed the bankroll and then had that supermoon bink, running at 8.62bb/100 at 50NL so I'm more pleased if I can keep up that number as my current win rate 😝

Played a bit last night but not as much as I wanted, 2 buy ins up again on Unibet but ended up playing 1 table of 50NL on RIO as games don't really run much and don't have much of a bankroll there either so it is more for fun, started with €350 ish and lost 2 buy ins. Tables are bloody crazy on there, aggro reg/whales not even sure what to call them. 1 guy was running 70/50 and ran his stack up to almost 700bb before losing it all again. My 'luck' was nowhere to be seen 🤣  I 3b another player with AA twice and the 70/50 coldcalled both times and we just went heads up. 1st time he flops a set, 2nd time he flops trips 🙄 Later I open KK and he 3b and I 4b and he calls and I flop a set... finally! But the board goes runner runner for a flush and he had A3s for the nut flush... can't make it up lol.

Was just playing that one table at the end of the night with poker scientist trainer on the side lol, at least I got some practice in 😂

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Another thing I forgot to say, I'm trying to incorporate more 3 betting vs early positions (UTG-MP-CO) and I must say, it's bloody mad how many 4bets I face, I'm not sure if my intuition is off or something but it feels like regs are overdoing the 4betting or are they all nits so there ranges are very snug to start with maybe? Hard to tell without HUD stats really. 

Here an example of how I 3b UTG, which is obviously the tightest position but I got 4b like instantly... I'm like F here we go again, I called and 🤮 flop for my hand, the guy checked twice so I just had a stab at it on the turn and won WTF, he never even thought about calling as insta folded. This flop is amazing for his 4b range so f knows. If he is 4b bluffing he could at least cb the flop lol.


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@KrustyTheClown The annoying thing is that some people make it pretty big making it worse for me to call, like I 3 bet to 8bb and they go 25bb+ 

I’ve seen people going like 30bb and then insta fold vs my jam when I have a hand obviously and I’m like wtf as you would think they would like to get the money in with that size 😝

Works the other way around too, some make their 3bets OOP pretty small like 8bb making it a good price for me to call, but I’m not sure that they widen their range with their smaller 3b size. 

When I watch like 500NL videos or whatever you see a lot of calls vs 3bets and 4bets but I don’t think it really works that well on my stakes, people 3bet less than they should so their ranges will be tight so I always proceed with caution. Definitely vs 4bets.

Maybe people just react vs me 3 betting more than the average person at 50NL, hard to tell.

When are you moving up to 50NL? 🤗

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On 12/11/2021 at 3:51 PM, P0kerM0nk said:

Just had the numbers in now, they were pretty quick prob as I mentioned the 10 day wait. I just email info-uk@unibetsupport.com for results so not sure if there is a more direct way?


Every CS agent -should- be able to produce the reports while you're in live chat. If they don't, they should open a case and level 2 agents should do it or shout at them to do it themselves. If it reaches me, I'm finding their desk, breaking their mug and changing all the settings on their chair. 

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Poker Janitor

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