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20€ to 10.000€ Challenge (100 Days)


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@conmebol99Thanks for tagging me solid ;D

I moved past NL4 for the time being even played some NL/PLO50 now but mostly trying to mix 10 and 25. That way I been able to reach the 150€ Bonus from the Challenges as well. So now I got like 500€ to start in July. Mostly playing late nights right now bc its to hot in my appartment lately. Putting in some MTTs again tonight Iluk how they turned out.

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B4 todays session it was around 600. But since I am on limited time I am always investing a substantial amount in each session. I got like 350 in cash a 100€ bonus running 5x 20€ and external RB coming in within the next 5 days which should be 200€ and change. So depending on how you count in bonus and RB its either 350 or aroun 650. That changes pretty much every day ofc ;) I have a few interesting stacks atm so hopefully I will finally cash in a good one. Not that the nightly results are bad but there's certainly a big difference between shipping mtts where I get 100-150€ for 1st place or mtts where 1st is 400 to 1k.

The good news is I got a decent Cash Game Bankroll once the extra money arrives. There is one thing that worries me a bit though the mtt action is a lot worse than what it used to be during the start of corona and also during the winter time. And I based my challenge on that it wont change too much. But the pricepools are significantly lower and seem to get lower almost every week. Some of them are cut down like 50% so I guess its gonna be harder than I thought or at least I have to grind a lot more to get there and I need to figure out how get in max RB each month too. When I cant rely as much on mtts I cant waste any extra money bc Cash games are a lot harder to grind for a lot of hours. From NL25 upwards you need a lot more focus than playing NL4 plus a few mtts on the side.

So in conclusion I guess my timing doing this isn't perfect but its a tough challenge anyway and I need to run a lot better in the important MTTs to get there and so far I ran a lot better in the smallest ones. Bc of this RB was really important and I honestly thought I would have been well over 1k by now.

Time to make it happen :cash: ✊

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Yday was a pretty lousy day, lost about 120€. This 10€ Space Madness Super PKO I finished in 6th place. Short Final Table for me and in the Titan or whats now called Leaderboard 10€ Rebuy I busted 25th 5 b4 itm in a huge Resteal Spot QQ into AA I was BU good player aware of icm 3bets pretty high I get it in but no help.  Bankroll back to 400 (+80€ Bonus left) so I really hope I go up now before it gets really tough again. I think I am gonna try and play more 10€ 5max Sngs which still run quite frequently. Probably a good mix with the MTTs. And keep the cash game session more like 100% CG sessions. Also I wanna reach NL25 soon bc I realised it playing NL10 is really not doing it for me. NL4 is so much better to play than NL10 almost to a point where I think its more profitable to play there instead. There is a good chance this is not objectiv and only based on my feelings but I think it might be good for me to skip this limit entirely replace it with Sngs in the same BI range and then move on to NL25.

If anyone want to share their thoughts and expierence about the different NL stakes I would be happy to read about it ;)

Oh and I will write down every Sngs to luk what kind of ROI I achieved on the 10s. Might be interesting to some of you if you can look at my sample size in rgrds to the current state of the games, I remember playing a lot of 25s when I first played unibet like 3 or 4 years ago. They dont seem to run certainly not in that amount they used to. But the format is a dying game anyway still its a bit sad to see how much it changed. Anyway gotta focus on the session I just started. GL me ;)


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Its getting really frustrating tons of deep runs again and only winning the smallest ones. I had stacks in all the big mtts but just cant get through. Starting to feel like the site is holding me back lolffs.thumb.png.ca0e5f71be4f49ee57a3767b9537429f.png

25 PKO on the direct bubble and thats just one out of 20 examples today. I had one very small ship in the 10€ plo freezeout for 50 bucks and 2nd in the 5€ super pko madness game. Ofc every cash counts but I rly had to blow off some steam here bc its getting ridiculous ;)

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Well what can I say, complaining helps at least a little bit. I hope this blog doesnt turn into a complain thread but if it helps me get there I would do it 😏



Last flip of the day didnt work out but finally playing final two table I won 2 flips in a row. Was about time boys. Another decent score was the 4th place in the 10€ Rebuy Sputnik, right after that I won the smaller 5r version. Even though we still wait for less suckouts and better flipping skills in the 25€ Buy In range we are moving forward. Bankroll is at a new high almost 700 bucks now. Couldve been our big day, I finished 15th place in the 10r Titan as well. 10th in the Dwarf Star Bounty and 9th in the 25€ Gargle Blaster. Also I was close to the bubble in the 25€ Abyss. Once I get passed the current curse in the 25s I think we will move forward fast. Lots of deep runs today several final tables. And up over 200 bucks today. Next session tomorrow. GN and remember. Sometimes u just gotta complain a little to get there ;)

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hello broo, how nice you played with bkr, I'm glad. likewise, you will reach the target fairly quickly. Too bad I don't have as much time to play mtt higher volume, how soon I will make more time, at least in wek.. good luck)
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Seems to be going well, what is your idea of the MTT playerpool on Unibet, is it softer than other sites you played on? For the few I've played (low buyins) I've seen a lot of random plays I must say. And although I don't know much tournament strategy I know what a bad play is when I see one 🤣

@Cassy wrote:

Also I wanna reach NL25 soon bc I realised it playing NL10 is really not doing it for me. NL4 is so much better to play than NL10 almost to a point where I think its more profitable to play there instead. There is a good chance this is not objectiv and only based on my feelings but I think it might be good for me to skip this limit entirely replace it with Sngs in the same BI range and then move on to NL25.

If anyone want to share their thoughts and expierence about the different NL stakes I would be happy to read about it ;)


I don't really get what you are trying to say here, it's more profitable to play at NL4 instead of NL10 so you want to skip NL10 and go straight to NL25? I never had much bother with NL10, it's not as 'fishy' as NL4 but just avoid the few regs on NL10 and you will be fine. For me NL25 was where it started to be a bit thougher, some more semi decent regs there that can annoy you lol. I've always been a bit of a passive player so it was hard to learn to get around the aggro regs and that's probably one reason I've struggled climbing up succesfully. But once you have a plan and know how to deal with them it's not as bad as you think. So moving from NL4 to NL25 is weird in my opinion as the jump from NL4 to NL10 is marginal compared to the jump from NL10 to NL25. Of course this all depends on skill levels etc.

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Today was pretty much BE day. Just had a lousy run in Holdem MTTs while at least I got two good scores in PLO MTTs today. 2nd in the 5€ PLO reentry one for 107 and this win in the 10r/a;


Also I just finished 4th 25€ Gargle Blaster. Really lousy ft run. Shortstacks always win and ofc i loose the keyflip in the end pretty much same hand as ydays 5r final table. So still not really running well when it matters it seems but at least finally getting the deep runs and enough to play the shedule up to 25€ which is ofc rly important. Down 30€ which is fine ofc. Yday I didnt count in the running 100€ bonus w still 80 left to clear. 635 BR + 80 so even with the small down day it still looks ok.


And ofc I try not to talk bad about other players but some plays u see even preflop is just amazing on the 25€ BI stage. Really nice in 2020 for sure! Taking the day off tomorrow maybe Saturday to and get back in on Sunday for the big and long MTT grind. Maybe I put in small mtt sessions during the next two days. Best of luck everybody! Next post can be expected after the sunday session ;)


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Sry I just missed your post apparently. Well rgrd MTTs I dont think there are much better sites out there at least in the open EU market. I dont know if i can talk about other sites much here and in the first post u can see my scores anyway.  So I guess its fine. I think 888 is pretty close to Uni (PKR and MG were too) but ofc u can use HM2 and PT3 as the other regs as well on there so I think that makes a somewhat tougher. And since there are some higher Buy ins running over there you get more regs in the bigger games in the late stages but all in all great site to play. Stars and Party are much much tougher ofc but there is no real comparision anyway. I would also never bother playing a 15k runner 5$ rebuy. Even though the ROI might be awesome its just a lifetime variance you have to take on playing those games. So sites like unibet and 888 and a few others like former MG network or GG network (natural8 etc) offer you the value of having a much smaller bankroll to play their regular mtt shedule. On stars I would say u need like 50 to a 100 times more Buy Ins for a certain level. Sounds a lot but imo its true maybe even more. Bc higher stakes are rly tough solver based games these days not many mistakes where u gain much EV and smaller stakes come with the huge fields. I mean compare a 5k player field even to a 10 player field with unibet games or 888 and think about what that means in terms of variance. Ofc if u run insanely hot it can be awesome bc u get very big scores but this will be a big exception and this is what many people still dont realise. I played my 20k+ MTTs on stars alone so I know. And the environment has changed quite a lot. And in this day and age u dont even get Rakeback on there even as a MTT pro that means sth. I could always get some nice direct cash bonus as supernova back then (had like 2.5 million lifetime vpps) and that can at least to some extent help with the variance. So to sum this up the games and fields on Unibet are very good MTT wise. For a challenge like this and also for people playing on a smaller bankroll and aren't staked for sure. Bc you can apply a much more risky Bankrollmanagement with smaller fields and ofc even though I see several good regs its still a very balanced skill level across the board.


Ok, about the cash game. I really think that NL4 is very profitable and it is absolutely no surprise they raised the rake a bit and also capped the table limit. Bc I can imagine in several low income countries u can really make a living on that limit. Which is absolutely insane if you think about it. My biggest cash game winnings certainly are from that limit cash game wise during this challenge. Well actually lot is based on Rakeback so far too and also finally mtts start to finally add to it but its def a great limit much nice than stars nl5.

NL10 I wouldnt say its a tough limit but there is quite the gap between NL4 and NL10. And what I was saying is the gap to NL25 I find not as big as the gap between NL4 to 10. So if u want to make some money while not thinking to much NL4 is just awesome. A lot of random all ins on flops where the opponent has almost 0 Equity and some guys jamming preflop like 10 hands in a row. That stuff doesnt happen at NL10 or at least a lot less often. At least from my expierence. Ofc there is night hours and weekends that make a lot of difference but NL4 is pretty much the same all around the clock everyday. Ofc its bit tough for me to say how much is rungood maybe I am over EV on NL4 a lot but my winrate on there is just amazing. Anyway my point was that I think its worth much more to play NL25 at least since the rake is now much more fair than it was EV wise for me. I am not saying NL25 is softer but I think or assume its more plus EV to play NL25 instead of 10 and when going low just play NL4  and make save money. In regards to the challenge for sure but also in EV. I think there is a lot of people with decent income playing higher than NL10 lets say 25 and 50 maybe even NL100 that wont bother with NL10. But I guess there will be lots of regs trying to move up to those limits playing NL10 which probably makes this level a bit tougher. Not saying its tough I mean compared to stars its ofc a lot better. But I think u get my thoughts on this. Could be wrong but thats how I feel in regards to this challenge and overall too.

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I didnt really want to double or even triple post in this short time frame. But we hit the 1.000€ Milestone tonight. This is ofc a really nice acomplishment. I will take out 500 right away bc I dont think it will be needed moving forward. Its gonna be more backup money since the big rakeback payment will be in 4 weeks so it cant hurt to put 500 in a save place. Why we reach 1k? we got 740€ at this point, have 200€ coming in between monday and wednesday in race money and we have a 60€ bonus plus few bucks in tickets and points. Altogether its now:

740€ in cash

200€ race money

60€ running playthrough bonus

11€ in mtt tickets

6€ in cash game tickets

8€ in points

Altogether its: 1.025€

Big Milestone after a nice post mtt cash game session playing nl and plo 25. So I will store 500 bucks just in case money and move forward agressively. Ok thats enough from me tonight.

I hit 10% which is a really good result this early in the challenge :)


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Last night I went on a very nice upswing in PLO. Won 1.6k€ between PLO25 and PLO100 also played some NL 50 and 100 as well. Anyway here is the current state of the Challenge and suddenly things look pretty good:


So this is the current Roll in cash but I cashed 500 out before as mentioned and also still getting the 200€ next week. So we are over 2.500€ already counting in those Points and tickets. Lets hope I continue with the good run. Even though it looks really good this is just 25% so far and still  a lot of grind left.

Have a nice weekend everybody! I am looking forward to the Sunday MTT Session tomorrow and wont play anymore today.

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Hi guys. First of all tonight up 75€ (+a Supernova 100€ Ticket which I prob use next Sunday). Finish place 5 in the 25€ deepstack afternoon mtt lateregged bc I slept til 6pm german time. I really gotta get this together soon a little messed up lifestyle again. But thats another topic. I also came in 2nd in the 10r/a PLO for 90 bucks, mincashed the 25 Rebuy Neptune. But also blew several bullets in other games like the Titan (prob 4 w add on). So I guess its an ok result still. Won like 100 on cash games to as I was one tabling the Neptune as my last MTT. Action was pretty interesting. I made a Royal Flush overshoved the RIver and was lucky enough to get called:


I also realised most fellow bloggers make sure screen names are hidden so I wont be lazy anymore and do that too from now on.


@P0kerM0nkTy. We discussed bc I was playing on there a lot I guess and I was looking to share my observations ;) I played as high as PLO1k i think. NL much lower at least online like NL200 tops. I guess I play Mixed Games higher like 40/80$ Fixed Limit Blinds. But this was mostly shots when certain games ran on other sites and also some time ago. I consider myself not a Cash Game regular still although last couple of years I play more and more cash as well. I mostly play MTTs and always have for the most part and when I started out also lots of Sngs mostly 45-180 Players when they ran like every other second up to 60$ even. Great times....

@successlawTy I hope I will. But u never know. Poker has a lot of swings ;)

@mathew1982Oh a fellow tournament grinder. Thx a lot and best of luck to you too. Hope we get to meet Heads up in some nice ones ;)

Moving forward I am not so sure about next week. I might be playing mostly cash game if I switch my sleeping habits but I am not sure how this works out. I keep u guys posted.

BR overall: 2.7k including all the tickets for cash mtts hexa or whatever else there is. GL to all of you still in the sunday grind. Good night!

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