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Will Unibet ever update the cash game offer? 

People play tight, mainly nutpeddle and wait for a guy to join who is overplaying against nits and doesn't last verry long, the whole thing unibet sells as protecting the rec no longer stands imo, basically unibet is protecting breakeven ish nits and whenever a rec joins he runs into the nuts sooner or later. I would really love to see a cash game variant where you simply won't do well if you don't fight for pots. Personally i would love to play something with deeper stacks and ante/straddle.

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deep stakes, ante, struddle etc will make recs loose faster. It is bad idea.

Some Chinese apps clubs have limitations when you can only play at table if you play with vpip 30+ or you can't join the table.

But for unibet poker better way will be if they make challenges wich will motivate players play more hands (some time ago here was challenges like 3bet when you at bb and win etc)

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@Sweeedeeen personally i really do not give a damn what challenge i have to complete. who cares about this... nits that are clicking buttons in the hope to stack a rec? the only guy that would care about challenges is some rec wich kinda would make it even worse for him...
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in general ppl play tighter than ever..if they dont nail the flop or at least top pair top kicker...they fold like their cards was contaminated by the black plague ! the action stops there, no attempt to draw something decent because everybody else does the same loll Nobody want to barrel a dry flop or call too light, every dollar every cent can make a difference !

nobody wants to put money in the middle on late street, ist a nit generation of poker players broke as hell...and i understand why since im always losing no matter what! thats why i quit lol



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That nittiness truly is a form of plague nowadays here at Ub too. All streamers and writers in their almightiness are drumming the supersystem, stalling, and other fking "superior" GTO  and fking killing the game for noobs completely. Now where the hell did go the art of poker? Or the fun in it?
But that's just something today to be adjusted to.. and deal with it :speechless:
It's ironical how the same persons who as a mass, teach people how to beat themselves. Gotta have a lotta money behind, and a superior selfimage to get few silver dollars for the cost of every other players life. Fk.
The same goddamn trend was seen 10 years ago, and now the same sht is online and spreading.
And some are even getting paid for pissing on own and everyone elses cereals.
As an army of online streamers, it functions as a same dikheaded "wannafundme i suk so i beg for money at streams cos im selfish bastrd", or "i just wanna get some extra with my fking donations" kinda level, and that perfectionism just blows all the new players away, cos the game seems to be too hard to beat and have a laugh. Fking keep the few bucks, may 'em all live long with the fortunes and grin on a face





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I mean, if you take a look to the twitch, and search "poker", all fking streams mainly looks and sounds like this:

And that's cool. As much as players concerns about the future of the game.
Now where can i donate and get a fkin emote to be cool too?

Edit. Srry, all streamers are cool and innocent to changing fields. A drunken dog sails away..

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