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New Bet Slide Bar and Rebuy


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Hi all. Am I the only person who hates the new slide Bar? As you approach anything over 4x it jumps massively and it's really difficult to get the amount you want.

Also, while I'm moaning how about having an auto rebuy button.  With the new sliding rebuy it often takes longer than the next hand to top up. Overall I'm not impressed with the new changes. 

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Hi @BlueWhale, welcome to the Community. 
Sorry you are not that happy with the recent changes, we are always open to our player's honest criticism, helps improve things around here :) so thanks for that.
Just a thought, you can also click on the box where the stake apears and manually add in the desired amonut, I found that option better that the slider as well. Did you try it?
Regarding the autorebuy option, it was indeed mentioned a couple of day's ago, @Stubbe-Unibet, is this something that we are planing to implement?




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