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Handball promo


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Hi @Keso, welcome to the Community :)
The reason you are not on the leaderboard is because the bet you placed is a system bet, those being excluded from this promotion. Full terms to the promotion are found in the link below

• Cashed out bets do not count towards this promotion.
• System bets do not count towards this promotion.
• This promotion is only available to those that reside within Europe

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Hi!! I did not play a system play. My friend and his wife has played exactly as me and they are both on the top 50 and has played exactly as me. I have played doubles on the handball, but many of them. So why I am not on the top 50? Did not my registration come true? I did it on my mobile... I don’t understand!!!

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@Keso, I am not at liberty to share information regarding other accounts, however it would be impossible to get on the leaderboard with a system bet based on the tournament setup. That much I know for sure. Could you please provide me with a Coupon ID of the bet that you think it would be eligible within the promotion? Maybe I am looking in the wrong places.



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