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Omg 1 Year Badge!


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Omg I've just earned my 1 year badge! Can't believe it's been a year on here, its gone so quickly. Thanks for putting up with me LUL

Have had a totally crazy year of poker on here. From my 1st ever UK tour in Nottingham to the Uk tour at Manchester in December being the funniest highlight of the year. Missing Bra will go down in history, even though it was never missing in the first place. You had to actually be there to understand where the joke came from. It had me in fits of giggles for the next 2 months. I still laugh about it now.

To the amazing people i've met along the way, @FeelsBadMan@Psycho79@MathrimC, Hensiepensie and all the rest too many to mention, thanks for making me laugh and accepting me for the crazy person I am.

To all the ambassadors, @IanSimpson@balticblonde@DaVitsche@DavidLappin, Slowdoke, Espen, Ben,  you are a credit to Unibet and are positive role models for the company.

To Dbergie, many congratulations on making it to become a full time member of the Unibet Ambassadors, as you know I've been 100% behind you all the way and am over the moon that they've signed you up. You will go far.

Thanks to @JeppeL and the other mods on here who keep the forum running smoothly and also for helping me out with the ladies.

Right ramble over, massive thanks to all and good luck with all the games you play. May you run golden and reach your dreams. 

D.Angel x

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