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Posts posted by 4soul

  1. And i receive another weard message :

    "Dear Claudiu,

    Thank you for contacting Unibet!

    We have paid your money to the regulator where you can get the money back. So you need to contact the Regulatory Authority (MGA) to get the money back.

    Have a great day!"

    and now i already contacted that autority, it will takes 3 weeks. Bleah!

    So, my waiting is longer as i could think. Why it became so hard to receive my money????? After all is not a big amount. What whould i do if i were near the finish amount challenge???? 



    Weard things happening.....


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  2. And i have another interview at my second part-time job today! Will be a nice and hard move if they accept me. It's a Decathlon store, hope that they accept with my english language for few months 'till i will be able to discuss with the costumers in dutch.

    Today i had a happy phone by Unibet support that they received all the documents needed and they asked me how to make the transfer amount, because it was tricky somehow, tomorrow i will discuss with them again. 

    Awesome day!

    Second day of job on my first part-time party also! 🆒 Because of that i asked the Unibet Support if i can being called after 4pm, and no pb :)


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  3. Hey, i have some news about LIFE. First, some feelings about my life changes and second, improves for the next sessions.

    About feelings:

    1. I started the DeutchlandKurs here in Germany ( i must know the language at lvl B2 to practice my job that i was prepaired in Romania ); 

    2. Tomorrow i will start my first job from this country : Kommercial Hilfer , it's a part-time job with ensurance ( which is the most important thing , maybe more than the salary amount :Haha: . Also , my gf will start from next week :) 

    3. In this week i will receive my ID from the Stadtland ( this is unique per person and it's used to deduces taxes and imposits), without it you cannot hold a legal visa electron card in Germany ( only maestro or others types); 

    4. From now on i will search a peacefull house where i will rent it for a long period of time.... i want to have the desk already installed at my house untill Chrismass :Angel:

    5. Today was a light afternoon when i could read some new articles with poker rools and stuffs. And i found something really awesome, that i will improve in my next sessions: 

    "express gratitude on a daily basis" ,

    i will start the day with 4 cool things that happened previous day: 2 things that i am grateful for and 2 things that i must improve today to have a better day! 

    "and a daily affirmation which states some sort of goal for the day"

    Awesome way of thinking! 

    Untill next time, sleep and work :) 

    PS: I am really greatfull of your support guys, this feed my mind into these hard moments of my life changes!


    • Like 6
  4. And i received also the last document from my bank, hope this will be the last needed. I'm happy that i guess i will have finally the last answer , and this will be the positive one 👼 . I masked the important info ( for reasons of security ), but the original was send to the support email adress.


    Let's wait a little piece of time :Inlove:

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    Somehow i loose my energy with this...i asked again to the bank what they still want:

    "We also need a picture of the credit card that ends with the numbers 4394. Note that we only need the first six and the last four digits on the credit card. For security reasons, we ask you to change the numbers on the front and the CCV. If you no longer own this credit card, we kindly ask you to notify your bank so that they can confirm that you were the owner and that your credit card is signed. "

    What a loosing time, for shure if they were operative, this amount whould be created by now by me in rake. Let it be....hope that, finally, will be fine!

    • Like 1
  6. So, for the transfer of my last amount of romania account i need to send a document with my ex-card ( i didn't made no photo of it ).....but i closed all bank accounts from romania. And the support ask me a proof of prior of my ex-card....i don't see why i must rediscuss with the bank where i totally closed all contacts??  Anyway, i tried, but they didn't answered me yet , which makes me think that this will not become true in next days....

    I am waiting for my new card from the bank from here, and i will be disapointed to see that will not help me with the transfer....

    with all my heart, i also lost the tickets of 1k and 3k , 4-5 tickets with 10e UO and other small tickets (1-2e mtts)...because my romanian account was closed in early days of his month....i was thnking will be a normal interaccounts transfers ,but on juristrictions laws of this country.

    what should i do in this case? 


  7. Today i was at the Sparkasse and i take a piece of paper with the proofs of my bank account and uploaded to the support. Hope that after this the transfer will be finished.

    Till that we started again from 0E and today is our second day , OR....how i used to say: Day 8-2 😀

    Today i started with 1.04E . I also receive a nice message from Unibet support:


    Proud of that i translated and understood! 

    Because i had no other oportunities, i started with this promo:


    i deblocked 1e ticket which i used into a sattelite for a 5e ticket, i played also a mtt with bounty with 2e for the missions:


    We prepaired for the next missions, which are fair really cool:


    Right now i have the bankroll: 5.37E , and i suppose to continue untill the transactions are finished.

    I've took a hard badbeat with ATs vs A7o , flop came 765xx,.... and lost in the bubble:


    You probably know that i have 5 x Beginner tickets to freerolls of 500e , which are in every sunday after 4pm

    What do you say that i started again from 4E :Haha:? It would be a nice thing?

    i am listening about your oppinions down



    • Like 3
  8. Untill all transactions will be finished, i will start playing from freerolls. I am not on my computer,, because i will installed only when i will have my table, special for that! Till that time i will play from laptop. 

    Here i played 3-4 freerolls , and best result was this: 1783904650_snip1e.thumb.PNG.e07e21f9a2465ef147cd8ab98d78441d.PNG

    Other results : 2 bounties = 0.02e x2

    So i made other 1.04e


    • Like 5
  9. HELOOO! It's the same me, 4soul , but i am on new laws right now. I changed (it's a new account as i see : lvl 1) my nickname in GER-4soul and i hope i will receive my last rank (who i constructed in past),i will see if that is possible.

    As you probably know, i left Romania FOREVER and right now i am sitting in Bavaria, Germany!

    I contacted the support and they closed my romanian account and they asked me to create a new unibet account on www.unibet.de , and right now i am waiting to receive the amount from old account to continue in german way. Pretty sad that i guess i will not receive also all my tickets from that account, bonus points and advantages.

    We will see what's happening in near future! 



    • Like 9
  10. These days i prepaired all the documents needed for the transport in Germany. 

    Poclutz have new numbers

    Nowadays, poker for me is extra income. We hope that there the laws are somehow different. Let's see whats happened.

    PS : i am not shure if we will have another live session till i go

    Nice day!

    - the chick of the day

    • Like 2
  11. Helllo happy sundayers! Today i was out with some friends on bbq and i stayed more than i was thought....that means more than 8PM....so sit out from that milestone 10k 200e and 250e freerolls...

    No problems, just lost some good spots :(

    After i came home i slept 1 hour and then i started another session, with some good results , but not the best:


    Look at this situation on banzai....rude his move in turn ( good player also ):




    Bankroll : 29.91€

    And still in play in last mtt! Wish me luck 12/16 with 9ITM 4.23€ and 35.84€ in 1st! 6bb left


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  12. @GothMoththis is the bad part of poker, but left this out and go further! Don't let the moment frustrating you. It's simple, if you have time you will say:

    " so i was playing that freeky mtt for troubles and i lost on bubble, sick....but in the same day i played a couple of other mtts, winning the Nebula on 3rd with more than 320e , one mtt with 2e entru on 1st place with 39e, and the 1k gtd on 7th for 79e, preety good - i recover that wasting bubble for 400e :D".

    That's poker: means WORK!


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  13. As you probably know from social media, from now on, i will live my life with my ex-girlfriend...yup :teardrop: it's not my girlfriend anymore...it's my wife! 🤣👼

    So, today i just finished all the staffs from my wedding, and we decided that today we just STAY! and doing NOTHING!

    Probably i will play some mtts for the challenge, but it's not 100%. RIght now i am eating the breakfast :


    Milk, grains and some sweets 🤫

    After these days, we have in plan to play more, witch more and win more!



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