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About kwasozlop

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  1. What a nice surprise in the morning! I didn't expect that a score below 30 points can make it near the podium. And what is also important: another 1,54 point ahead of Stubbe in the leaderboard. That freeroll probably is going to look more like a 5 man SNG with juicy 250 in the prizepool . Hope I won't mess it up.
  2. congrats @Purps, well done. So far I have won 3 tickets. Lost the 10, won 5x with 5 ticket and today was unfortunate with the biggie 50. So its 25 Euro cashed with these tickets, which I am happy with. However the biggest pleasure would be to qualify to the freeroll and win that sweet thing. After yesterday results I am finally above Stubbe in the leaderboad!
  3. Thank you for another great promotion Ticket for yesterday 3rd place is already credited, however Im still missing the one for friday 2nd place (round 6). Could you please check that @Stubbe-Unibet ? Edit: Ticket has ben added. Thank you !
  4. thanks @Livertool @FunckyFish I won an exceptional tournament, pride and 1 cent :)
  5. many tried, but only one survived. I promise to invest this winnings wisely. It was a pleasure to play with you even though I didn't get any ticket ;) #0lucky @Merenitsu with that disconnection.
  6. Thank you @AndreiBN and Unibet for that running that Grand Slam competition once again and congrats to all the winners :) 5x10Euro freebets for me, if its possible
  7. Wow! I didn't expect that coming! I was sure someone will have more correct picks than me :) Thank you for the competition @AndreiBN and Unibet ! Thank you Community for great fun. I would like to split the prize into 5000 poker points and 10x5Euro freebets.
  8. Wooooo-hoooo :) If its possible I'd like to get the prize as 5x5E free bets and the rest in poker points. Thank you @AndreiBN and Unibet crew for your effort and making my favourite community competition possible once again.
  9. @JeppeL It looks like its over now (at least for me) but after disconnection I was unable to login to poker, main site and community. At the moment of disconnection I was playing 4 tables 1E SNGs and it seems like despite not being at logged in managed to finish 2nd in one of them. But the refund for the rest would be appreciated. Its not big money, but its still money. Thank you :)
  10. Yeah, I had to call that. But it wouldn't be the end if I played better earlier, as I spoiled some chips in spots where I should just fold. I believe I felt too secure and called too much when I had bigger stack. That is the part I need to improve! GL @theMachine , May the RNG be with you
  11. I'll try to revenge you @BillyR23 , but Dave avoids calling my bets! BTW I was on your left on that table ;)
  12. Well, there is a guy on my table, that started the 250 buy-in with 4 or 5 consecutive preflop open all-ins. Thats how I doubled up so quick :) That guy plays his 3rd bullet already!
  13. no worries @GR1ZZL3R , Chip lead stays within our great community
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