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Everything posted by Psycho79

  1. Hey @Stubbe-Unibet You've probably received some similar feedback but here are my thoughts after one night of playing on the new software: positives: I think the main lobby is quite fine actually, and what i like the most are the new filters and the favourites option which will be helpful when you play the same schedule everyday. The filters should be enabled to roll to the side/hide entirely once used to keep the lobby as simple as possible. I also agree that the tournament status column is slightly too wide compared to the rest. Negatives: I like keeping my tables as plain and simple as possible, but the new ones seem to be heavily overloaded and illegible, especially full rings are total chaos. Players positioning used be somewhat tide, but now they almost pop up randomly at any free space. Tournaments labels are doubled, one on the title bar, one on the table, this should be switchable. Tournament box overlaps with one player, half covering casino tabs which creates even bigger mess. Box itself should be slightly bigger/horizontaly positioned I think, and it should cover the tabs entirely or they should be enabled to hide, however I understand you wanna keep them displaying. Checkbox "fold to any bet" is poorly positioned as well. Card backs don't look too well, neigher consistent around the table, nor plain enough not to distract when multitabling. I think if the table image was to moved up in the window a bit, it would create some space below it to fix most of the above issues. Best Regards!
  2. GGs @cameleonul, i guess you enjoyed it even more do you play as cameltrader also, or that's just another similar alias? GLGL
  3. @Stubbe-Unibet @Leo-Unibet the first Boba PKO was really fun to play. i guess the late reg could be easily 3levels longer to let undecided in please consider that before the next one GL
  4. @Leo-Unibet @Stubbe-Unibet if possible it would be nice to schedule an exclusive one-time community satellite to Boba PKO tonight to celebrate having this one for the first time. It could run 6-6:30PM CET, just a 3-5k starting and 2€ turbo freezout so any community member could join. Just 1tix GTD. If i win it I'll give away my tix so another community person could play the Boba. If you make it happen I encourage other regulars to do the same. What do you think? :happyshy: If possible let's make the Boba a community game tonight, GL ALL!
  5. @Leo-Unibet thanks for such a quick reaction and making that step, I think nobody is gonna regret it. :peace: @Stubbe-Unibet giving things a try and failing a lot is natural when developing any matter, I guess most people understand that, so I think @mamrot's intention wasn't really attacking anyone personally, but ecouraging "Unibet" to try even more new things I played also on MPN till it closed, 100€ Hitman was a Single KO running exclusively on Sundays and supported with multiple tix satellites, therefore its fields were big enough to create attractive prizepools apart from the bounties. I'm sure it was the main reason for the 100€ Boba didn't go well enough. It doesn't mean the overall idea was bad though. I'm pretty sure that 5€/10€ single reentry would collect enough buy-ins to make it going. Still room for that one around 8-8:30PM CET, or even later cause it could easily be a turbo. For instance every second Asteroid could be turned into a single KO. Looking forward to playing the Boba tonight, GL everyone!
  6. WOW @nightshopper I see you've been doing great, keep going! Fingers crossed, best of luck! :popeye:
  7. @Leo-Unibet I totally agree with @Hotzonicu . The site really lacks a good classic bounty format at €50+ levels. I guess yesterday's Supernova popularity proves it just perfectly. Players love these tournaments and want them more. Single KO wasn't too appealing as/and the fields weren't big enough to collect attractive prizepools. But I'm convinced at least the same ammount of players creating the Comet field would play the Boba as PKO gladfully, including myself. Another thing is it should be 50/50 bounties. I really understand where you come from putting 75% at all the lower levels, but believe me, most players playing €50+ are way more attracted in a good balance between bounties and payouts at the FTs. Please give 50€ PKO Boba a try at least 2-3times a week for now. It would be optimally to have a 100€ PKO Boba on Thurdays as proposed before, supported with some sats, or allowing to use the SN tix. Certainly it would lure the 'outsiders' to the site successully, especially together with the UOS incoming. Best Regards!
  8. Hey @Leo-Unibet @Stubbe-Unibet Do you think putting one 2-3tix GTD Boba Bounty sat into the schedule would be possible? I guess running it 6pm CET would be a good idea Also allowing using 100€ Nova tix for the Big Sunday one, same as for Neptune100€ recently, would help improving the sat traffic I think. Thanks for considering, Best Regards!
  9. Hey @Stubbe-Unibet @Andy-Unibet I have one €200UOS ticket left after winning 2sats last Tuesday, can I have it credited as a regular Big Bang ticket or 2x€100UOS please? Thank you, Best Regards!
  10. @Leo-Unibet Can I have my UK Tour entry get transferred online please? Thanks you, Best Regards!
  11. Hey @Andy-Unibet @ReCorpH Can I get my live UK Tour and DSO tickets credited into the software so I could play the online events please? Got one remaining UK tour entry I've aleady requested changing 550€ DSO into 300€tix + points as a response to the mail a while ago but still no reaction, I wanna make sure the tickets are there on time Thanks for the help, Best Regards!
  12. Hey @Stubbe-Unibet just gonna start with I understand you're tired of it as well and doing your best getting rid of the issue :popeye: I finished 2 the most frustrating deepruns I've ever had, 2 Neptunes, 10th and 12th, which gave me only one mincash...I busted on spots that shouldn't have happened because my stacks melted down during disconnections...some players were able staying in the games and blinding down another, or were able coming back quicker...I should be entilted getting some compensation, cause in any other case I would've had a chance for a lot more...my EQ in these 2runs was worth a lot more than 218€ i got....I would say at least 300-400€ EQ in both burnt...some SN tickets?
  13. @Stubbe-Unibet I'm only a wacko at tables :wonder: certainly didn't mean to offend anyone, the more I appreciate your job done last weeks and you staying open minded for the ideas, I'm sure @Leo-Unibet also knows all of that It's was just exiting to see my favourite site moving 3 steps ahead, and a bit frustrating to turn 2 steps behind rightaway...
  14. @Stubbe-Unibet I agree with the guys, I don't understand the removing of Neptune25€ neighter, seems like a huge inconsequence. It was apparently one of the few that could bring more new players to the site, and lowering its GTD if needed would be more than acceptable/natural. Also most of the Sirius Bounties were doing a similar job during the series and would be a natural consequence to leave some in the schedule for good, again with lower GTDs if needed. Introducing all of these at one time was undoubtedly the big step, but taking it off was just another blast, repelling all the players just came/discovered Unibet. Another thing is still crippling satellite system, that should help reaching all the biggest GTDs but not working instead. Feeling a bit salty with @Hotzonicu, cause together with many players we simply care for this site, and give a lot of energy to help it grow, but still getting ingored most of the time. :peace::peace::peace:
  15. @Andy-Unibet I sent it to Unibet.Open@UNIBET.com as a reply for the request on March 30th
  16. Hey @Stubbe-Unibet Thanks for bringing back the Comet, I guess players need that still :happy: Crossing my fingers for all the Neptunes doing well, especially for the biggest/100€ one, to hit the GTD every day and stay in the schedule In case, I can confirm MPN runs 110€ freezeout 5GTD everyday and it has been doing very well eventhough it's a smaller site than Unibet at the moment, and their Sunday Major's GTD has only been raised to 12.5€k last time, comparing to Supernova's 20€k GTD... :peace: I'm pretty sure allowing using the SN tix for the 100€ Neptune would help hitting its GTD, and also triggering/improving traffic in all the daily SN satellites :popeye: Another thing is that the great madness for the Magnus tourney last Sunday has shown there's still room for another Neptune, a 10€ one...no such a tournament in a daily schedule yet As always thanks for considering these and Best Regards! PS1: I asked for swapping my UO package for an online entry + points as requested till April 1st, but no reaction, should I be worried about that? PS2: Was that a "NO" about arranging my private PKO tourney with the proggessive structure, or it's possible if I ask in the right thread?
  17. Hey @Stubbe-Unibet ...I heard something from those 98 entries...Once again I would say @mamrot must have good hearing... but seriously, eventhough 3xNeptune in the schedule from tonight, the last Milky Way's attendance has shown that freezouts are still needed and appreciated, especially now, at online poker renaissance players really need these appart from taking the undoubtedly great chances like Neptunes. Please consider bringing back the Comet at least for every second day, or even once a week until it proves that mamrot isn't completely deaf... :peace:
  18. Hey @Stubbe-Unibet @Leo-Unibet Once again I wanna say I'm delighted to watch Unibet growing like lately. Yesterday was a first day I could play the Sirius tournaments, and also try the Banzai ones for the first time ever. I think @mamrot was right in his post above, these are as expected to give plenty of action and fun to the players, but...it's ridiculous to reenter it at 2.5BBs stack :teardrop: Shortening late reg is not an optimal solution for that, but mamrot's idea is great to implement it right away and make these working as they should. You've created Banzai as a shortstack game/action packed, and the starting stack/starting level should be set on hold for 10BBs/entire late reg/reentry period. So, lets say 300chips and 15/30, same blinds for 5x6min levels, then the tournaments move on :atisfied: I guess it would work better this way. And where is the famous "Banzai" shout when Allin btw? Another thing that I would like to test is progressive structures for the deeper bounties, because in my opinion these would work excellent. Maybe someone proves me wrong, but I think the stack size 20-25BBs is giving perfect room for both, playing pots and bounty hunting. Therefore the first levels should be very quick, like 1min even, then gradually elongated to the point where the given, 20-25BBs avrg stack is reached, and the actual level sets on hold again for a while, to allow people "going on hunt" and reenter if failed. After that late reg closes and the tournament moves on with longer levels, 12-15min on the bubble or FTs. I would love to schedule a private game to test it, maybe even tomorrow evening if you let me, would be opened for all Unibet players, and I could give an additional 25€tix on my head as well from myself Let me know if that's possible Best Regards!
  19. Hey @Stubbe-Unibet @Leo-Unibet First of all, I wanna thank you for the Neptunes, good timing for that, I'm happy to see my favourite poker site is growing I guess we still have room for another ones. I understand the Comet had to give place to the new one, but I think it could stay in the schedule being transformed into a bounty. We have no such a buy-in/structure/9handed bounty on the site yet. It could start 18:30 or 19:30 not to clash with the Neptune. Or if you prefer a faster structure, it could be a turbo as well In addition I think it could be a bigger buy-in once a week on Thursdays, 100-200€, so we have a big pair like Big Bang/Super Tuesday - Comet Bounty/Thursday Thrill. I would also play the 25€ Moonwalk but it's rarely starting because it's scheduled a bit too early I think...is that possible to push it 1h ahead now? Players love playing MWs, I guess adding 10€ one somewhere wouldn't be a bad idea neither. Same for a 25€ 9handed turbo bounty...we don't have one yet :happyshy: And some late hypers/bounties 5-25€ for those who were UL finishing their tournaments early, but still having apetite for the game Thank you for reading this and considering any suggestions :peace: Best of Luck, Regards!
  20. @Stubbe-Unibet thanks for the quick reply 1. keep us updated then 2. understood you wanna run it as 50€ r/a as lately, but i guess 250€ would collect more entries directly now, and indirectly improve the 50€ steps' traffic just an opinion thou, thanks for any consideration :peace:
  21. @Stubbe-Unibet that's awesome! I have two more questions then: 1. Is Unibet UK Tour Newcastle, schedules shortly after/28th-31st May, also going online? 2. Are you gonna start running UO Wednesdays Final now as 250€ freezouts again, 2tix GTD? I think it would be reasonable now with growing fields due to the situation. Best Regards
  22. Hey @Stubbe-Unibet ! Sorry if I've missed that somewhere, but am I allowed now to play more sats for the potential 1100€ reentry if I already have a package?
  23. Hey @Patric-Unibet @RayL Can you please move my UK Tour entry ahead as I cannot come to London in March? Thanks in advance, Best Regards!
  24. Hey @Caladrias , best of luck with the challenge, I'm sure you''ll get it done by the summer vacation at worst The disclaimer destroyed my day really :waterfall: See Ya at tables!
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