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Group: 72
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Everything posted by Mynona

  1. Worst KK happening to me on unibet is: double KK hand, and other guy won with a flush.... LOL
  2. I really like the new dark theme :) Nice work @testuser1, i like we didnt have to install third party plugin :rockon: One thought thouhg: wasn't the header supposed to be changed as well ?
  3. Hey  :) i saw you mentioning me in this thread but i'm afraid i won't be able to give any opinion as i don't follow tennis at all :happyshy: Good job with you predictions though, i hope it will bring luck to many of us in this forum :)
  4. 625€ win sounds like a very good month of winnings :) grats on the results It seems you hsould only play tournmanets as it is clearly your stronger game :) About your twitch stream, it would be nice if the sound is coming out louder and clearer, it was difficult to hear what you were saying and it made the stream less attractive. Also, some more comments are nice too :) Good luck for the next month for your results :)
  5. I had no idea how strongly the surface for tennis/football can influence the performance. Really interesting video :)
  6. Great blog post :) i hope you''ll crush all your goals and i'm looking forward to seeing your progress :) Good luck
  7. Its pinned for me too, without doing anything so i guess its right ? :)
  8. Thanks for the tip !! i had no idea about this and gonna try this game :)
  9. Another welll done Unibet open :) Congratulation to the winner and a special thank you to all the team organising/ and commentating the tournament. It was really fun to watch the stream during several days :)
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