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Group: 72
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Everything posted by Magicadil

  1. Klassen/Ram broken. Did you take Murray/Soares 1st set, or win? I think they have a good shot now. Edit: Nvm, they gave break back straight away.:sad:
  2. 732991bae19c3a38ba082e1f86a0e8221265c52b65afc1577e22b14ddd0c336d
  3. What a performance by Andy Murray. I was neutral in this match but Murray proved tonight why he's the world's greatest player. All hail the champ!
  4. Pacers should beat Suns but Suns will definitely making it interesting. They're a lot more talented than their record indicates. Cavs should win easily over Pistons. Especially in their home court. Raptors +5.5 is an extremely safe bet. I woud say the Raptors and Cavs picks are very likely to hit (90%+) However I'm tempted to take Suns to beat Pacers. Good luck on your parlay
  5.  Pretty much. They added the prizepool of freerolls to smaller buyin games. You'll still find like 1 free game an hour.
  6. Even though Raonic has struggled vs Novak I think he can win tonight. Raonic @ 4.00
  7.  The guy in the vid is 100% correct. Thanks for linking. I'm going to use this line when someone says racism doesn't exsist 'YOURE A WHITE MALE'
  8. I cracked Kings twice with Queens today. First time Queens on flop, 2nd time Quuen on river. Both times all in preflop.
  9.  You need to become a Murray fan until he reaches world #1 then you can go back to hating him
  10. What an exciting first set TB. Murray was down 6-3, comes back to win 11-9
  11. The dark theme looks extremely optimized for mobile. So I would keep it as the default. On the computer however, it might seem a little difficult to read text but just enlarge everything and it's fine.
  12.  Because they made it the new default theme. Everyone has now
  13. I think Dutra Silva. If you want even more of a gamble you can try Silva 2-0 but fairly risky
  14. Andy Murray will beat Isner easy. Isner is all serve, won't be able to break Murray. 6-4, 6-3 Murray.
  15. What are you doing Dzumhur??? Up 5-2 in the 3rd and Ivo broke him twice. 5-5 now
  16. e31dafe763cf5ae840251707e8b1f0dd_400x400
  17.  A lot of these players are recreational players and have very little knowledge about odds & such. It's very tilting when you're clearly the better player but are not getting rewarded for making the right decisions. Fortunately for you, you've built up a decent sized roll to absorb these hits so keep playing your game & watch the tides turn
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