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Posts posted by Magicadil

  1. Well went 1/3 today. Both losses were by 2 points so extremely close game. Bulls won in a comfortable blowout.

    We will recover Wednesday (Since there's no matches Tuesday) with some killer picks. 😃

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  2. Very true. It will definitely be a tough match for them especially on the road but sometimes you have to go with your gut feeling. At the odds given I think it's worth the risk.

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  3. Alias with profanity usually show lack of creativity. Plus it's a good indicator of the type of person they are in real life. Do you think for example a person that creates a fake twitter just to troll is likely to be an outstanding person outside the internet? Unlikely.

    I have no problem with offensive alias', that's your right. Just don't make excuses as to why you have it. Be honest and say 'I'm immature and can't really come up with anything better'

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  4. @Magicadil wrote:

    Well the Thunder killed the Parlay which means today is a 'bounce back day' Time to make some big plays!

    Two singles for today:

    @Heat @ 1.98

    @Mavericks @ 2.8


    Heat Winner 👍:cash::cash1:

    Dallas LOSE. Blew a 10 point lead and couldn't score in the 4th. Sad!

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