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Posts posted by LeVsKaRa

  1. Hello guys! It is time for my weekly update of my results in 2020.


    Starting bankroll: 50 €; bankroll after week 7: 76,11 €; bankroll after week 8: 80,86 €

    I played 8 SNGs using tickets, won just one and cashed one more. Not great results, but at least I am cashing my bonus points.

    Cash games

    Starting bankroll: 100 €; bankroll after week 7: 95,71 €; bankroll after week 8: 95,62 €

    A total loss of 0,09 €, after seeing 241 flops. A break even, but I managed to clear one major challenge and some minor challenges, so I get to 1500 challenge points (I told you my volume is low :D). As a reward I received 1 € MTT ticket, which I used for UO satellite. It was a mix of good and bad sessions at the cash tables. The good news is that I played on two tables, which is a step up for me. I tried three tabling as well, but I had some problems, when I had playable hands on all three tables.


    Starting Budget: 30 €: budget after week 7: 17,80 €; budget after week 8: 17,80 €

    On the 1€ level I played 4 tournaments (3x with UO tickets and 1x with MTT-ticket). I won 2x4€-tickets. Since I started to keep track of my results on this level, I played a total of 41 tournaments and won 15 tickets, which means 36,5 % ITM. If I assume that I can keep this percentage ITM finishes, I am going to achieve my goal and collect 40x4€-tickets. I will need about 40 more tournaments, because I exchange my 4€-tickets to get the buy-ins. I play 4-5 tournaments a week, so let’s set a deadline for this goal: end of April 2020. It is important for me to realize this and to have patience. One of my main goals for this year is to build a solid cash and ticket bankroll.

    On the 2€ level I played 3 tournaments and won 1x10€-ticket, which I will exchange tomorrow.

    Here is the most interesting hand of this week. It was an early stage of a 1€ UO Sattelite, about 30 guys, late registration still open, I already doubled up my stack and was 2nd at this time. Stonehenge20 limped, GoodBoy10 called and I raised to 10xBB from the big blind. On the flop I folded to an all in from GoodBoy10, Stonehenge20 did call. What do you guys think about my move? Did I make a mistake? Can you guess what did both guys have? I will add a picture with the showdown in a few days.


    Ticket bankroll:


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  2. @GR1ZZL3R , I do believe 80% of the players at NL4 are not thinking at all. They just look their cards and will call you with almost any pair on every single board-no matter if double paired, flush, straights or etc possible. In my opinion strong value betting your hands is the best strategy on this level, fold equiaty is nearly zero xD 

    • Like 2
  3. Hello guys! It is time for my weekly update of my results in 2020.


    Starting bankroll: 50 €; bankroll after week 6: 69,77 €; bankroll after week 7: 76,11 €

    I played two SNGs using tickets and won both.

    Cash games

    Starting bankroll: 100 €; bankroll after week 6: 87,41 €; bankroll after week 7: 95,71 €

    A total profit of 8,30 €, after seeing 92 flops. Nothing spectacular to be mentioned.


    Starting Budget: 30 €: budget after week 6: 18,80 €; budget after week 7: 17,80 €

    On the 1€ level I played 4 tournaments (3x with tickets and 1x with cash buy-in). I just won 1x4€-ticket.

    On the 2€ level I played 1 tournament, where I used 2 tickets (1 buy-in and the 1 rebuy).

    I have to say, that I should have won at least one more 4€-ticket, but I played the late stages awfully this week: no patience at all and shoving some questionable hands. Something I need to work on!

    Ticket bankroll:


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  4. SNG:

    Starting bankroll: 50 €; bankroll after week 5: 66,60 €; bankroll after week 6: 69,77 €

    I played five SNGs using tickets and won one of them.

    Cash games

    Starting bankroll: 100 €; bankroll after week 5: 73,87 €; bankroll after week 6: 87,41 €

    Results oriented this is the best week for me in the cash games. A total profit of 13,54 €, after seeing 191 flops. I did run hot for sure, but I think, that I played solid too.


    Starting Budget: 30 €: budget after week 5: 19,80 €; budget after week 6: 18,80 €

    Well I can sum up my week at the ”Qualifier to Unibet Open 4€ 5 TIX” with the following sentence: “Turned full house is not good enough!!!” xD


    I also busted two more with QQ<AQ and KK<JJ. I won just two tickets on this level from 12 attempts.

    On the 2€ level I played 4 tournaments and won 2x10€-tickets, which I exchanged.

    Ticket bankroll:


    • Like 5
  5. Monthly goals: February 2020

    • Satellite goal: play at least 20 Unibet Open qualifiers
    • SNG challenge: play at least 20 SNGs
    • Study goal:
      • Review some interesting hands after finishing a tournament
      • Reread the first half of “Poker Satellite Strategy” and take notes
    • Like 4
  6. Hello guys! It is time for my weekly update of my results in 2020.


    Starting bankroll: 50 €; bankroll after week 4: 52,34 €; bankroll after week 5: 66,60 €

    I decided to buy 1€-tickets for 5-man SNG with my poker bonus points. I won 5000 from the tennis competition and got some from the Supertoto competition and Advents Calender left. My goal is to get my SNG-bankroll to at least 100 € after using my bonus points, which will mean, that I can go up to the next level (2€ 5-man SNG).

    Cash games

    Starting bankroll: 100 €; bankroll after week 4: 70,08 €; bankroll after week 5: 73,87 €

    Very small sample here this week, but the good news is that the bankroll is moving in the right direction. I played the Double Trouble tournament, but I didn’t cash (QQ<K3s).


    Starting Budget: 30 €: budget after week 3: 20,30 €; budget after week 4: 19,80 €

    I played 3 Unibet Open Centrolls. On Monday I was the bubble boy once again after some sick hands and people playing just bingo… After that I decided to not play the Centrolls anymore. My stats look like this: 60 Centrolls played (6€ spent) and 14 tickets won (23,3% ITM finishes). I do recommend them to players with very small bankroll. They are great for building a satellite ticket bankroll from almost nothing. I also played 11 more freerolls and won 2x2€-tickets. One of the tickets I won from the “Jackpot Freerolls”, where I paid an add on for 0,20€. I won’t play these anymore either. I played 80 and won 9 tickets in total (1x4€, 3x2€ and 5x1€). From now on I will exchange my 4€-tickets to 4x1€-tickets and go on like this until I have 40x4€-tickets. On the other path I exchanged my 10€-ticket to 5x2€-tickets. I played 8 x ”Qualifier to Unibet Open 4€ 5 TIX” and finished 4 times ITM. Ticket bankroll:


    Summary of January 2020:

    It was a good month overall. I didn’t manage to play or study much, but the good thing is that I respected my bankroll management 100% and managed to control myself, when tilted. I also updated my blog regularly. I read the @MathrimC  poker journal here on the community. I found it very educational and inspiring. I hope that I can do something like him and climb the poker levels that fast. I will copy one thing from his blog: setting up monthly goals and doing summaries at the end of the month. In my next post I will write my goals for February.

    Enjoy your Sunday evening and run good at the poker tables!

    • Like 8
  7. @KrustyTheClown  Thank you very much for your comment and for the link. Feedback like this is one of the main reasons for starting this blog. I really appreciate it! Yes, in this particular situation my call was right, even though I messed up the math, but for sure I made wrong calls on many other occasions, which is one of the reasons for my losses in cash games. With this gorilla maths, that I use, while sitting on the table, I never really consider the possible outs for my opponents, so this is one big leak in my overall game. I should take some more time into practising this, playing with such calculators and reviewing more hands/situations.

    • Like 2
  8. Hello everybody,

    I have one question: I already asked for acces once and I did exchange one ticket. Should I ask for acces every time, or there is some kind of a list and I am in it now? Which will mean I can exchange as many tickets as I want, if I follow the rules on the first page?

    Thanks in advance!

  9. Hello guys! It is time for my weekly update of my results in 2020.


    Starting bankroll: 50 €; bankroll after week 3: 52,34 €; bankroll after week 4: 52,34 €

    I didn’t play any SNGs this week.

    Cash games

    Starting bankroll: 100 €; bankroll after week 3: 80,12 €; bankroll after week 4: 70,08 €

    Well, I am struggling with this one. I overvalue my hands, play very loose, open a lot of hands, which is just wrong and I lose money. I need to work on my game, maybe will take some time and study a little bit. On Tuesday I will play Double Trouble with the ticket I received two weeks ago. Any winnings from any Double Trouble tournaments will go in my cash bankroll.


    Starting Budget: 30 €: budget after week 3: 24,90 €; budget after week 4: 20,30 €

    I played 6 Unibet Open Centrolls and 4 freerolls and didn’t manage to win anything. The Centrolls were very painfull: I finished in 4 of them in the top 10 (10th, 7th, 8th and 5th). The last one I was the bubble buy after the short stack keep doubling up when behind… But it happens, I am glad, that I played them well. I also played 3 ”Qualifier to Unibet Open 4€ 5 TIX” and I did a rebuy in one of them, so 4€ gone from my budget. The result was 1x4€-Ticket won. I also played my 25€-Ticket, because it was going to expire and I couldn’t exchange it anymore (got more than 20 4€-Tickets). I lost a big pot witk AhKh flopping Jh2h5d and then two bricks. Then a few hands later I was dealt KK, a guy opened from middle position 3x, I shoved my 20 BBs and he snap called with 55. I am very glad and happy, that such guys play on this level, it makes me confident, that I am going to succeed with my mission. A 5 on the river was very painful, but I am also proud of myself, that I shut down the client and went to bed, instead of losing my money on NL25 for example. Ticket bankroll:


    Highlight of the Week

    If you guys don’t know, thanks to @AndreiBN  there is a great tennis competition on the community: https://www.unibetcommunity.com/t5/Community-Promotions/Australian-Open-2020-with-AndreiBN/td-p/303147

    Check it out, if you missed it. In today’s giveaway I was extremely lucky to win the prize. I will have the 50€ as poker bonus points, so a nice boost on my overall poker bankroll.

    • Like 9
  10. Hello guys! It is time for the third update of my results in 2020.


    Starting bankroll: 50 €; bankroll after week 2: 54,34 €; bankroll after week 3: 52,34 €

    I played 2x1€ SNG and finished 5th in both.

    Cash games

    Starting bankroll: 100 €; bankroll after week 2: 79,25 €; bankroll after week 3: 80,12 €

    Bankroll went up a little bit: 0,87 € after seeing 89 flops, so around 540 hands played. Unfortunately, I couldn’t win more from this hand:



    Starting Budget: 30 €: budget after week 2: 25,30 €; budget after week 3: 24,90 €

    I played 4 Unibet Open Centrolls and won 3 tickets from these. I played 5 freerolls and didn’t manage to win anything. Ticket bankroll:


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