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Change currency/close account?

your endboss

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@your endboss

From what I remember they are not very willing to do these changes, but it's been a while since I saw this kind of request the last time, so maybe things have changed.

Either way, it's not something that you can do through the community, but you rather have to contact support about it and see if they are willing to assist. You can reach Live Chat Support from the following link:



Good luck 🙂👍

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Yeah but support and especially live chat support really don't understand poker things. I think it's more for placing bets things. I also saw this topic that somebody from this forum told it's possible but the new account will be automatic block and he will unblock it. 

That's why I need confirmation and consent 😉

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Can't help here, sorry 😞

Please reach out to live chat support, as this isn't poker related. I'm not even aware of the process in this case, but believe you would indeed need a new account

Also note that there's nothing lost with the currency exchange done inside the client; your balance in local currency won't change. Of course, if the Euro becomes stronger, you'll get less Euro for your local currency. 

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