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Q3 2021 Update: Feedback from someone who reached level 7.


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Seen a few comments on the update, here to give my 0.02. For reference I am at level 7 having raked >9k Euros in Q3. The majority of my volume is 100nl-200nl.

New Loyalty Scheme

1) 1 point for 1 cent in rake is a big improvement on the challenges. It is easier to understand, fairer and there is less variance compared with challenges. This is a great change, well done Unibet. This is the biggest change I notice from the update and I really like it.
2) I don't know why the rake milestones are all random numbers eg. 12855 euros to make level 7.1. Also every level has 3 parts, apart from 7 which has 9 parts, and then who knows what happens after you finish that??? If you want to simplify it you could have each level be a whole number eg. 1,2,3,4 and have the rake requirements be round numbers eg. 1 euro, 2.5 euros, 5 euros, 10 euros... 10k euros... This makes it a lot easier to understand. eg. You rake 10K euros in a quarter, thats level 20, you get 1k euros as a reward.
3) I think scrapping the 2k euro unibet live package reward is good when we can't go to unibet live events. I'd keep it like this, if people wanna go play a live unibet event they can spend the money on it.
4) I would have smaller jumps between the levels at the higher stakes. 3850 Euros is a really big gap, don't see what purpose this serves other than allowing people to get halfway through a level before the quarter ends and earn no reward. I would cut this to 1k or 2k euros max, or else allow the progress to be carried forward to the following quarter as happened in challenges. Current system will likely lead to guys reaching a milestone with a few days left in the month and then just not playing on unibet for a few days as they know they cant make the next milestone. 

Game Lab

1) The cash game hall of fame certainly proves that poker is not dead.
2) I think rec players will like being able to see their biggest pots won, biggest hexa pros won, biggest mtt wins etc. This is REALLY good stuff, I think this is great for poker. Celebrating when people have wins / high hands is really important esp for rec players.
3) I am ambivalent about the reports on different stats. I don't study poker by looking at these stats but maybe some people find them helpful. 
4) If you think that rec players will become winners after flicking through half a dozen out of context stats then you are a complete melon.
5) I expected more for hitting level 7 in terms of the data I got to see, was kinda underwhelmed. Any chance of a graph with all in EV, showdown and non showdown winnings? That would be a welcome reward for hitting level 7.

Other thoughts 

1) Anti-ratholing measures are needed IMO. No other site, app, casino, private game, home game etc that I have ever heard of lets you rathole, and for good reason. I'm stunned developer time went into gamelab before an anti-ratholing update, I would have anti ratholing as #1 priority and the gamelab wouldn't even be in the top 20. 

2) The new system for reviewing HHs is FANTASTIC, this is such a good improvement. In particular the ability to search for biggest win / loss and filter by stakes is excellent.

3) The daily bootcamps are excellent, much better than the weekly ones IMO. Hope to see these in Autumn.

Overall I like the update, I think its a step in the right direction. Much love to the dev team, esp for the HH update.


Edited by Wizard
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Thanks a lot for the very detailed feedback!

4 hours ago, Wizard said:

2) I don't know why the rake milestones are all random numbers eg. 12855 euros to make level 7.1. Also every level has 3 parts, apart from 7 which has 9 parts, and then who knows what happens after you finish that??? If you want to simplify it you could have each level be a whole number eg. 1,2,3,4 and have the rake requirements be round numbers eg. 1 euro, 2.5 euros, 5 euros, 10 euros... 10k euros... This makes it a lot easier to understand. eg. You rake 10K euros in a quarter, thats level 20, you get 1k euros as a reward.

I didn't really give this any priority but focused solely on the data behind it all making the most sense; for instance avoiding really significant drops in players from one level to another, having the higher levels in a way that'll hopefully squeeze out a little extra volume etc. etc. They are anything but random as a lot of hours have gone into this design. I do agree it looks a little odd with the display in the client though, but I'd rather make a compromise there 🙂

4 hours ago, Wizard said:

4) I would have smaller jumps between the levels at the higher stakes. 3850 Euros is a really big gap, don't see what purpose this serves other than allowing people to get halfway through a level before the quarter ends and earn no reward. I would cut this to 1k or 2k euros max, or else allow the progress to be carried forward to the following quarter as happened in challenges. Current system will likely lead to guys reaching a milestone with a few days left in the month and then just not playing on unibet for a few days as they know they cant make the next milestone. 


We were limited a bit with the number of levels we could get, if we wanted to launch this for Q3. There are for instance the UI constraints with the current design (can't really throw in a lot more levels without changing the design). I wanted the highest level to be around the 42-43k mark, and the 3850 actually makes a lot of sense, if you look at the data for the player pool. It will be few players that are discouraged (again, a lot of hours went into the design 😉 )

4 hours ago, Wizard said:

Game Lab

1) The cash game hall of fame certainly proves that poker is not dead.
2) I think rec players will like being able to see their biggest pots won, biggest hexa pros won, biggest mtt wins etc. This is REALLY good stuff, I think this is great for poker. Celebrating when people have wins / high hands is really important esp for rec players.
3) I am ambivalent about the reports on different stats. I don't study poker by looking at these stats but maybe some people find them helpful. 
4) If you think that rec players will become winners after flicking through half a dozen out of context stats then you are a complete melon.
5) I expected more for hitting level 7 in terms of the data I got to see, was kinda underwhelmed. Any chance of a graph with all in EV, showdown and non showdown winnings? That would be a welcome reward for hitting level 7.

Very happy to hear that! I really want the all-in EV as well, but will be for one of the first levels. We will be looking into further game lab improvements in the future as well.

4 hours ago, Wizard said:

1) Anti-ratholing measures are needed IMO. No other site, app, casino, private game, home game etc that I have ever heard of lets you rathole, and for good reason. I'm stunned developer time went into gamelab before an anti-ratholing update, I would have anti ratholing as #1 priority and the gamelab wouldn't even be in the top 20. 

Yes, this will come soon! - ratholing mitigation measures. Game lab kinda had to come bundled with the loyalty system, else it wouldn't have been prioritized above the ratholing. 

4 hours ago, Wizard said:

3) The daily bootcamps are excellent, much better than the weekly ones IMO. Hope to see these in Autumn.

Overall I like the update, I think its a step in the right direction. Much love to the dev team, esp for the HH update.

Sure @Seb-Unibet will be very happy to hear that :)

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