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Unibets RTP (a retraction!) and bonuses


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Not often this is seen but I've changed my mind on unibet's RTP its actually very fair, i did have a bad start but this has improved over time  I've had some good wins and im very happy with my lot now.

Not only this but fantastically, my last two bonusus were free bets subject to wagering, which i was totally overjoyed at and shocked, but get in there Unibet. Wow. 

Well done!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Played a few games and still yet to pass the £200 win marker yet we all see affiliate streamers win thousands 

All these super successful slot playing affiliates appearing to cash out at the end of each live stream 

And strangley enough all of them in bed with a casino 

You and Me play and those same games just don't seem to play like they did when that streamer was playing, we're hundreds of spins in and nothing, or when you and me get the bonus it hasn't even paid enough to get us a happy meal,  but when the casino affilate streamer cashed out he bought a new house lol.

Give things more thought players - PLEASE give things more thought.

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@JakeK @Themlies @Robin666 just so you guys know RTP has nothing to do with you having good winning steaks or bad losing sessions, RTP % is calculated over hundreds of billions of spins and is a return based on a lifetime of playing. It is IMPOSSIBLE for you to comment on RTP unless you've been spinning non stop at Unibet for 40+ years, what you are experiencing is good luck and bad luck, the more you know.  ✌

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Sooo when people are doing thousands of spins and getting nothing in return that's just bad luck ?  or the RTP ? 

Or when people do get a bonus after thousands of spins and it pays jack ❤️♥️❤️ that's just bad luck or again RTP ? 

Nothing to do with greedy casinos fleecing players and chucking ''most of them'' back a few crumbs ? 

What I want is just a bit of fairness with my money,  please don't insult me with all the RTP  BS talk as I've been round the block a few times 

I'll give anyone that cares to read this some free solid advice ........................99% of the time whatever the site you are on the Slots are a joke, they are a golden goose to the casinos, play them and you will lose, should you persist in uploading hundreds or thousands of pounds or euros in search of that bonus chances are it will pay a very low disappointing amount. 

Big Wins are EXTREMELY UNIQUE and most streamers are nothing more than Pimps for the Casinos playing with fake cash, those big weekly wins you see them cashing out are part of the fantasy to lure you in or sign up.

So don't BS me with the RTP talk or good luck and bad luck because the truth and REALITY of slots is they are a joke and take the utter piss out most people that decide to play them.

Tell people like Stacey about RTP and hard luck

And I know a lot of people personally that have uploaded thousands and got FCUK ALL in return 



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@Robin666 yes it's bad luck... what I have told you about RTP is a fact I'm afraid wether you agree with or not, if you have been around the block as you put it I'm suprised you don't already know what an RTP % is and no offence but it seems like you have personally had a bad experience and seem to have a personal issue with the streamers you keep mentioning, I hope your luck improves soon and your bad streak ends. You should consider any money you deposit at a casino as lost money because nothing is ever  certain to pay out, no matter how many spins you play on a slot without a bonus it doesn't  'owe you a bonus' or any other thing like that, every spin is independent of the last and the next.

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@Robin666 did you read my earlier post about voltaility ? Are you serious about complaining about the DoA2 bonus? Or even Bonanza? Who plays Bonazna today as there are much better megaways games.  For a bonanza, a hundred spins is a standard and the bonus is usually poor/avg - this is how it exists from the beginning?

for you, slot is slot and that's why you have a mess in your head now - I had sessions with buying bonuses on DoA2 on another site at stake of 0.18$ - 5th bonus gave me over 5000x (but the balance I played there was $ 600) - I quit this game and they did not see me again after the next 3 bonuses in this slot. Your bankroll must be huge if you play such games at a stake of €6. This is a highroll stake on this slot - because of this volatility.  in this slot  the bonus with the highest volatility x100 enjoys - beacxuse x5-10 it is standard - everyone knows that ... sorry not everyone :)

If you don't have this knowledge then you have several legit channels and ask people before you start wasting money in the casino and complain.  

"Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises."
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@Robin666 golden rule while you playing in casino : play with money you can lose and it won't hurt you in any(hard) way :)

For example, for me it is not a problem to win, but withdraw 😀 

@LFCJJ tells you how it is and you should listen him - but for sure casino now is not for you 👍

"Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises."
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