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Player remarks


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Dear all! I'm quit new here and maybe my question is already discussed earlier. I kindly want to know is in Unibet possible to do remarks to the player I sit in table during the play as it is possible in other poker rooms? Kind thanks for response

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@Kifaraa wrote:

Dear all! I'm quit new here and maybe my question is already discussed earlier. I kindly want to know is in Unibet possible to do remarks to the player I sit in table during the play as it is possible in other poker rooms? Kind thanks for response

Welcome to the community!

There is no chat/notes/color coding and you can't use HUDs but you can have multiple identities. #aliases

You can be anonimous if you so wish. All this is done to make it more fair for recreational players witch has made the games really soft.

Their moto is 'By players, For Players!

Also stick around in the community there are a lot of promotions.

Play Smart, Run Hot and Win a Lot.

Cheers! 😃

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just to add my two cents, at first I too missed it but after a while you will see you loose little by not having chat.   The distraction that it is is not worth, I think, the hassle.   You will not have to deal with people trying to put you on tilt, racist, ignorant talk, you will not rely on talking tells, which to be honest are nonsense most of the time anyway.

Concentrate on the play, the bet size, the flow of the game, I think you will come to accept it and even enjoy it.


good luck

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