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Belgian championship sat...


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I see that these satellites have started (no mail, nothing on the site unibet.be...)

Why change the satellite formula !? 

If I remember, before ;

1€ --> 4€     4€ --> 20€     20€ --> 90€    90€ --> 550€

And now... 1€ --> 4€   4€ R/A --> 50€   50€ --> 550€ 

I do not understand, these changes are very bad for me... Same for the centroll... Before, we had a correct structure, now it's 500 chips & 3 minutes

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also preferred the old way of the things, but in poker things change... sometimes even not as you like :o

about communication, maybe on the site there's nothing, but on the community there was a thread that it was clear after easter it was starting.

glgl grinding the satties!

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I agree @Check_Norris @wwaanneess 

The UK used to be the same, steady climbs each level but now there isn't the same smoothness of progression and I'm not a fan of  the re-buy at €4 level, just doesn't seem the same now. :teardrop:

"It turns out that 75% of all poker players think they play better than the other 75%."     image.png.99a4e82708d54abfc527324e8836768e.png

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