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I'm starting new challenge - depositing today 10 bucks!

Main target - money. But this time I'll try to keep my roll higher (will see).

Main source SnG (1e&2e 5max) and UOS

UOS  - would be perfect to play 17 tournaments (prefer the Bounty one), but  I'm gonna play 5, 10, 25 and 50e MTT only with tickets.

To make it possible I have to play a lot of qualifiers MTT and for that I have to have strong BR and for that a have to run good in SnG's. 

SO wish me luck, guys!

Do I need to play with my alias, so you can track me on the tables and take advantage of my poor game skills?  

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I think you should play $0.20 qualifiers + the UOS Nano MTTs until you reach $25 and then move to sngs. You don;t really need to play with your alias but it will nice to put everything you play in a spreadsheet or a text document for easy tracking/posting.



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  • 2 weeks later...


Yesterday! I! WON!!!!! The freaking UOS event! With nice and juicy 699,87 euro on top! My first win in UOS and my biggest cash in MTT!!!


I wll post some more information later!) Now I'm just relaxing!

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So we can say that challenge is completed. My UOS was good, but mostly because my win i event 62 (my biggest win) and I made ITM in two 50euro bounty one's. 


So I'm gonna play MTT now and I hope I can do better in next UOS.

I don't feel like doing challenges and post daily is my thing. But I still wonna be part of this beautiful community, so mayby I'll set up a blog where I can post my biggest MTT wins (I hope they will come) and montly updates about my BR situation. 

Good luck, guys! We all need it!

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