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Grey screen upon login - experienced it before?


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Hey guys. As some of you have previously reported, it sometimes happens that you get a grey screen when attempting to log in to the poker client. We're investigating this, but we've not got a lot of cases that we can actually look into, as I believe people will generally just close the client and attempt to login again.

If you do happen to experience this issue, it would be a big help, if you could post in this thread and let us know at approximately what time you experienced it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Stubbe-Unibet I think I ran into this yeasterday between13:30 - 14:00 or if it was the day before yesterday. It happens here and there, you are not presented with the login prompt and just see a gray screen. A rester of the poker client does the job. But yes, it is a bug so would be nice if it were fixed.

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@Silver1, thanks for letting me know. Just to be sure: did you see it after or before the login screen showed and you clicked login?

Next time it happens, it'd be great if you could take note of the exact time, as that helps a lot when going through the logs.

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I've tried opening and closing it 10 times or so and can't get it to grey screen if that's more constructive. Does it tie into the main site login at all and would having a language picked (and thus using a localised website for login, .co.uk for example) make any difference?
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

@chanser30 wrote:


Hi, I haven’t played for a long time, the client has updated, I have entered the lobby, when I re-enter, an empty lobby with a white background appears.

How can I fix the problem?


Hi @chanser30 ,tomorrow we will have a new update that will,perhaps,end this kind of behaviour. :atisfied:

You can find more here:https://www.unibetcommunity.com/t5/General-Poker/Release-notes-2-30-and-server-downtime/m-p/243386#M40464

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