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Free Bets and Cancelled matches


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So yesterday this stupid thing happened.

I had a 15 euro free bet and placed it on 2 matches (1 odd 1.4 and one 2.3 I think) for an outcome of 30+ euro if I won. But after the 1.4 match was winning I got 6 euro (approx) on my balance. I checked from where it came, and seemed the 2.3 bet was cancelled because the match was moved.

I get it that with normal stakes (non-freebet) this wouldn't matter, since you still get the odd you paid for, since you also get your 15 euro back, but now I lost a lot of equity because of a cancelled match. Imagine I bet my 15 euro freebet on that 2.3 match alone? Then I'd get 0 euro, just because the bet was cancelled? This is the same amount as a losing bet. 

And if the match was moved... Why doesn't my bet keep counting for the match at a different time?

All I want to say that this working principle with freebets and cancelled matches is utter nonsense.

I see now that the circumstances of ones birth are irrelevant... It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.
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Hi @VikingsAF, the mechanics of a Free Bet are somewhat different from when you place a cash bet for example. In other words, if the game does not finalize as winning or lost, the funds are locked basically, they get deleted. It's a rigid system in it's set up, I've seen it happen from time to time and I won't disagree with you that it could be working better. What I can do and am more than happy to do for anybody who experiences this issue is to just re add the free bet :), it's on your account now.

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@RayL@Yeah I know. Its a good system and it indeed works in 99,9% of the cases. And actually. In this case it also worked as intended

But everyone knows that with a freebet you should try to get the highest possible odds you feel confident with, to get the most value. And if the odds get neutralized it just feels stupid.

On the other hand. What if my player list the second match... Then id have lost the entire bet. 

Id suggest something like a option you get when all picks are green or grey (cancelled) that you can get a refund on the bet instead of the payout? 

I see now that the circumstances of ones birth are irrelevant... It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.
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Indeed I would agree on that mechanic @VikingsAF I am fairly sure that is impossible with the current setup though. I'm glad you contacted us, like this we can just re issue it. I would advise everybody to contact Customer Service in a case like this, the only scenario when the revival wouldn't be possible is when the free bet is a giveaway for a specific match and something happens during that match. Then, since the promotion targets that specific game, the revival has slim chances to go through.

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