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Uction's microstakes adventures


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Hi everybody, my name is Chris. Im a 24 year old norwegian amateurplayer and go under the alias Uctionpoker both on Unibet and on twitch. My english might get a pinch of norwegian here and there but i dont think its to bad. 

Im starting this journal to keep track of my growth as a player and to connect more to the unibet community which i have grown quite fond of already. 

My poker expirience

I started to play poker 3 years ago by playing a homegame with friends once a week. We mostly played SNG with 6-9 players. Of pure luck i did decently well in these and had a blast doing so. I had no consepts of poker other than watching some old clips from proplayer cash games on youtube and i frankly did not care much either. I had alot of fun and i won some money and was quite happy with that.

After a few months with this, one of my friends at the homegame started to read pokerbooks and studied his game more, he also made a deposit on pokerstars and in general took the game way more serious than the rest of us. After some time this ofcourse made him crush our lousy SNG homegame with ease. After seeing him win like 4 or 5 nights in a row and getting increasingly more cocky about it, i decided i should start looking more into how the game actually worked.

This was as i said 3 years ago, and as you see in the title much has not happened since. I have been on and off online poker sites, played without BRM, read some articles, watched alot of youtube videos and played everything from HUSNG to Banzai omaha without really structuring a plan around improving my game. This is what i want to change from now starting with weekly updates on this forum. making a study plan, putting in enough volume on the tables and be apart of the growing community around unibet poker.

My bankroll startingpoint

At heart i am a SNG/ MTT player and this is where i will put my volume in from now on.  I started at 15 euro 3 days ago, i started playing 2 euro HUSNG's and had a nice upswing. Im currently at 49 euros after 92 games in HUSNG. i have just started playing 5man SNG's and some qualifiers. After winning a few 4 euro tickets for the UK tour and UO i also won a 25 euro ticket, which make a ticketroll of 25 euros for UK tour and 4 dollar for UO. I will also invest some money in playing qualifiers for the norwegian national championship. 

49 euro cash
25 euro UK tickets
4 euro UO tickets
3x 1 euro MTT tickets from bonuspoints.

October objectives

Volume objectives:25 1e SNG, 25 2e SNG, 100 2e HUSNG, 25 UKT/UO/NCC qualifiers.

Study objectives: Read a poker book about SNG (any tips?), take recordings of my SNG sessions using obs and do a session review.

Journal/blog objectives: Updating my blog/ journal at least once a week, session results does not count.

I will be posting session results every day. if you have any tips or questions dont be afraid to post them! i can take a roast, until next time; good luck at the tables! :) 



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Here is today results from my SNG session. Also recorded my 5 man session, which i will be reviewing and write abit about in my weekly update.

2 Euro HUSNG:
Victories: 13
losses: 7

Profit: 11,44 euro

1 euro 5 man SNG:
1 place: 1
2 place: 2
Did not cash: 2

Profit: 1,33 euro

lost my tourny 1 dollar tickets on a UK tour qualifier and by missclicking a call in a rebuy MTT. 

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Nice start of the blog. Good to see you're setting studying objectives!

I think books can still be very useful for a microstakes player. Poker strategy did evolve a lot over the years, but learning basic tight-aggressive poker as a beginner works just as well with a book from five years ago as with anything else. Also, I find that the way poker strategy has evolved over the years actually provides a good path for a learning player to follow: first learning basic tight-aggressive play, then learning push/fold ranges and ICM, then start diving into balancing ranges, advanced hand reading, GTO strategy, etc.

I think which medium works best for you depends on what you're used to and what entices you. I'm a bookworm and always loved to study, so for me pokerbooks work really well, it's the way I'm used to study stuff. But they are just a base to build on. When I started my SNG grind, I've read SNG Strategy by Collin Moshman. With the content of that book you should be able to beat the €4 SNGs on Unibet. Later I had an ICMizer pro subscription for about a month to practice ICM spots. You can also use it for free to do 2 or 3 calculations a day, highly recommended as a beginning SNG player.

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Hi guys, heres todays update :)

I Have started to read SNG strategy by Collin Moshman after recomendation from MathrimC. Found it really usefull already, it have already given me some consepts to work with when im reviewing my own hands. Im also happy to see that my upswing continue in the HUSNG. I will be taking some shots at 4 euro HUSNG tommorow. 

2 Euro HUSNG:
Victories: 10
losses: 3

Profit: 12,8 Euro

2 euro 5 man SNG:
1 place: 1
2 place: 1
Did not cash: 2

Profit: 1,5 euro

Played alot of tournaments today aswell, Somehow won a omaha freeroll for a 4 dollar omaha cash ticket, Won a omaha ticket from a freerollflip, used it for a NCC qualifier, won that for a 5 dollar ticket. Played the UO centroll, won that aswell winning a UO 4 dollar ticket. Made two attempts at UKT 4 dollar buy ins with my UKT roll, did not cash any of those. Played two 1 euro MTT's aswell, did not cash any of them, but it felt like they where pretty soft, will be playing more of them going forward. 

My Ticket roll is now:
44 euro in UK tour tickets
5 Euro NCC Omaha ticket
5 Euro Nebula ticket (from DaVitche's stream)
4 Euro UO Ticket. 
And a 4 dollar omaha cash ticket. 


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hi guys, sorry for late update on yesterdays results, will be a bigger post later on the standings after 1 week of grinding.  

4 Euro HUSNG:
Victories: 3
losses: 2

Profit: 3,76 euro

2 euro 5 man SNG:
1 place: 1
2 place: 5
Did not cash: 2

Profit: 10,18 euro

Played alot of tournaments yesterday aswell, did not go that well as i hoped, did not run very good and i have to admit i have alot of leaks in MTT's still especially the faster ones. More on this in the post i later today. Heres the MTT results.

4 Euro UKT quilifier for a 25 ticket: 4 attempts, 1 - 25 ticket won
1 Euro NC qualifier for a 5 euro ticket: 3 attempts, 0 cashes
UO Cent rolls: 2 attempts, won two 4 euro tickets

Three 1 euro MTT's: Did not cash any of them.  

New update later tonight :) Good luck with your sunday grind everyone!

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Hello everyone!

Its time for my weekly update on how things went last week. In short my bankroll have grown faster than i expected and im really happy for the positive response from the community on this thread, all in all a very motivating first week! 

As you will see in the graph below most of my profit come from the HUSNG's, i have really grown to like these and it seems like a solid way to be building a bankroll. The games dont take alot of time so you can play a large volume every day and they seem supersoft. It seems like alot of recreationals are playing them without much knowledge about the dynamics of HU poker. After watching a video on the subject i seemed to have a very nice edge in the 2 euro stakes. The game is volatile though, so it might just be me on a hotstreak. I guess we will see after abit more volume, still a fairly small sample size after all. 


I have also played some 5 man SNG's, im abit dissapointed in my own volume in these especially becouse it is my focus area in my studies at the moment. however i have booked a nice winning after the first week. I feel like im having a nice edge in the 2 euros. Im not finished with the SNG Strategy book im reading but already feel it have helped me understanding some of the basic conscepts of SNG. A must read for aspiring SNG grinders as far i can evaluate after reading the first parts of the book.  Here is my results, be aware that i included some 1 euro games i played with the tickets i got from reaching 3000 challange points in this graph as "freerolls".
Somewhat ironic about my first week in these is that my HU results suck in the 5 mans :P 



Been playing alot of MTT's aswell, been really bad at tracking the results from them, but i know i have lost some money in them. My ticketroll have also taken a hit and im down to just 8 Euro for the UKT. This comes 100% from bad BRM and i will be much more focused on what i play from now. I will be making a MTT and Qualifier plan at the start of every week and will not play anything i did not plan to play. This hopefully stops me from starting new MTT's right after i bust when im on on tilt. Im also a huge whale in MTT's still so keeping the volume down when it im not studying MTT's is mandetory for keeping my bankroll growing.  

The weekly and daily spot!

From now on i will be posting a picture with a spot i find interresting and want to discuss. I got the idea today so i havent got a spot for today, but i will be posting one daily from now on. In the weekly update i will be writing about the spot i learned the most of making a full breakdown on it. I think this kind of daily posts will be much more interresting than just spamming my results every day. It will also be a motivating way to keep studying spots im struggeling with. 

Studyplan this week

- Finish reading SNG strategy by Collin moshman
- Posting my daily spot every day.

I think that wraps it up for this weekly update, thanks for reading and good luck at the tables! 

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This is a hand where i kind of know i made a typicall newbie quite huge mistake, but the thoughtprocess that made me make a horrible shove is kind comes from a place that is bothering me alot. What range of hands protects you from bluffs here? Can i fold when there is still a flushdraw on the board? What value hands does he have here when he justs calls preflop and on the flop?


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@Uctionpoker wrote:

This is a hand where i kind of know i made a typicall newbie quite huge mistake, but the thoughtprocess that made me make a horrible shove is kind comes from a place that is bothering me alot. What range of hands protects you from bluffs here? Can i fold when there is still a flushdraw on the board? What value hands does he have here when he justs calls preflop and on the flop?


Do you remember the blind level, and how much you raised exactly preflop? Because stack-to-pot ratio on the flop is quite relevant in deciding the best line to take in situations like these. But if you have under 30bb left, it's quite hard not to go broke with top tair top kicker versus a set, it's just a cooler.

I think he has 66, 33, A6 and A3 as better value hands in his range, so anyting besides AA which he would likely raise pre. I think for him to not raise the flop is reasonable, there is a flushdraw on board but besides that the board is pretty dry and there's plenty of air in your range, so there is value in allowing you to bet again on the turn.

Raising the turn very small after floating the flop is a line not a lot of people take as a bluff, but still top pair top kicker seems like too good to fold in this situation.

When it comes to betsizing, keep in mind that, if he just would have called in this spot, you're left with just under potsize on the river. If you pot it on the river, you're not gonna get called by many worse hands, if you check or bet small on the river, you risk facing a tough decision.

It think a better line in this case might be to check-raise the turn all-in, given that most opponents will semi-bluff their draws instead of taking a free river, and it's these hands you want to attack on the turn. If he checks back, you can bet for value on all rivercards, and still get away from your hand he shoves over your river bet, because he's unlikely to raise the river with worse. Ofcourse none of this would change much against a set because he would bet his sets on the turn after you check and you would have gotten it in anyway.

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Hello everyone!

Abit short weekly update this time, i havent been very good at tracking my results this week (just lazyness, will sort it out this week). But my bankroll grew from around 100 euro on monday last week to 266,69 euro as we speak now. We can safely the run good continues, which is well represented by me winning a raffle for a Unibet Open package from the 20 year anniversity raffle aswell! Thats right you will see me in Bucharest at the end of this month! :D

For studying i have finnished reading the SNG Strategy book, picked up on alot of stuff there which i use in the 5 man SNG's at unibet. With the results im having i cant really complain about the 18 dollar i paid for the book, it have already paid for it self. 

I have also started doing reviews of recorded sessions with a friend, we quickly found out that my betsizing have been really random and not thought out at all in alot of situations, working on fixing that aspect on my game at the moment. I already feel much more secure with this, helped alot just having it in the back of my head when i play. My focus moving foward will be on playing MTT's, Recording my sessions and building a good foundation for my MTT startegy before Bucharest and the Norwegian Championship the week before.  

Im now playing 4 euro 5 man SNG's and working on a MTT schedual with a avrage buy in of 3 Euro. My Volume goals will be written in the summary.

Bankroll: 266,34 Euro + 2000 Euro Unibet Open Package. 
Volume for this week: 10 x 4 euro SNG's per day + MTT schedual (will post this later).
Study goals: Keep doing session reviews, work on leaks in MTT's. Also KEEP TRACK OF RESULTS!

Think that sums it up, good luck at the tables everyone! :)

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Ure doing great! What kind of limit in buy-ins you have now? At a bankroll of near 800e.....do you play satellites for biggest tounaments from Unibet? 

What kind of bankroll u had when you started to play the 10e entry mtts?

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Another deeprun in the Titan today, lost the heads up this time. Much tougher field at the later stages of the tournament today, ran very good however and booked a nice winning. 

@4soul My MTT Schedual is The Black Hole, Titan,  The Shooting Star 500 Euro gtd which i play every day. I play satties to get tickets for the 25 euro ones. However im thinking of taking a 4 buy in shot at the abyss now without qualifiers. Im starting to get more comfortable with playing more than two tables which i struggled with before sp thats a argument for expanding my schedual. 

I started doing my 4 buy in shot at The Titan when i was on a 500 euro bankroll. I started to book winnings in it straight away so i didnt really look back after that. Becouse i dont play many tables at once i work with a quite agressive BRM.  Now that my BR crossed 1k i will start playing the freezeout qualifiers for the Supernova and Milky way.   

I also play UO Qualifiers but mostly in the middle of the day when i dont play anything else. (got a roll of 80 euro here). 

@Pucuri88 Thank you for your kind words, i guess there is a new king now that i got beat in a headsup in my own tournament :P


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