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Chat gif disappear

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Like seen in start of video, chat gif disappear in the middle of gif playing. Probably related to player next to me leaving table/table change notification popping up same time???

After that gif don't show up at all with multiple attempts until i try if it starts to work with landscape mode. Not sure thou if it was rotating phone that helped or the unfortunate thing of being moved to another table and/or game continuing at same moment...

Not the first time this happened, yet not too often but first time i caught it on recording.

Gif disappearing must not have affected whole table as sleeping beauty on top right still managed to share her dreams 😋 


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Could this be due to the fact that you were being moved to another table? It's a strange situation where you're kind of in limbo, where does it even send the gif, the old table that was broken? The new table where you didn't even appear yet? Who can even see it? 😄 

I feel like the bigger issue that is displayed here is the process of moving tables, which sometimes doesn't even show a notification as mentioned by another report, just a frozen table, it did show one now however, but I still think it would feel a lot less weird and frozen if it just displayed you at your new table as soon as it moves you for both the table and yourself, and not at the start of the next hand. Maybe it's too difficult of a thing to change, but feels so weird to have the table frozen, sometimes even for minutes, especially with the history of tables freezing for more buggy reasons.

 Shining Jack Nicholson GIF

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1 hour ago, FeelsBadMan said:

Could this be due to the fact that you were being moved to another table? It's a strange situation where you're kind of in limbo, where does it even sent the gif, the old table that was broken? The new table where you didn't even appear yet? Who can even see it? 😄 

Could be, however what goes against it in my mind is that table changes happen all the time, gifs are used quite a lot but personally have seen this only couple of times and lack of "yes" to this report might indicate that it don't happen to others either? But i ain't no tech expert/developer, just operating with logical thinking and adding 1 to 1 😄

What comes to "who can even see it", maybe others at table did? Just crossed my mind that maybe sleeping beauty there had similar issues with spamming her gif two times too... who knows.

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I actually had this one during our recent staff tournaments, also on Android. Was busy with other stuff on the laptop at the same time, so didn't notice when it break or have any clue about what might have caused it. Please keep an eye on this one and report any further instances! If we can figure out how to reproduce it, we've come far 🙂

EDIT: I should add that when I had the issue, I'm almost certain no gifs were shown at all; not for other players either. It could of course be no one else used gifs at the table for about an hour, but that's highly unlikely, as they were frequently used in the staff event. So possibly a slightly different issue to yours.

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Most of the glitches happens when tables are changed, or break is about to happen.
It's infinite.
See same Chat glitches come back from somebody else.
At top left corner, emotions/animations are had. Problem is, that the cursor of mine was playing elsewhere at the same time.
So Whos reactions are those, Relax?
Fun, aye?

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I'm not sure if these are the same problem but they all happen while waiting for table changes.


The gif shows at a different player, not me, but reverts to normal when the new table is set up




Same with this one.




And this one completely disappears, but when I've been observing other tables I think I've seen them on another player.

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On 29/03/2024 at 22:00, Livertool said:

Actually looks like @FeelsBadMan was right annd it is table change related

And now i am not so sure anymore unless this is different bug...

Played banzai so no table changes involved, used gif but it didn't show up until very long delay. Turning phone helped little bit with delay. After few minutes of playing delay was gone and gifs worked normal.


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Once again not sure if this is related to og problem but few times this week when tapping on gif bubble hasn't opened gifs. Not sure but might happen when one player is busted and other player use gif then i can't open gif selection until other players gif disappear.

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Managed to record it and nothing to with busted player. Not a single hand played, waved hand for hello, some players waved back so all was good until tried to use gif again while others gif was still running and wouldn't open bubble again. Tapped around five times, went to start record and tried tapping but still didn't open for few try. 

PS. Not single beers drank so thou it may appear that i tapped beside bubble it is just misplaced pointer from record software 😄



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