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Blank screen when checking messages.

  • Priority: No Priority Status: Fixed

   This seems to be happening since the last update, not affecting anything just mildly annoying.


I open the client and have a message.


Click it and get a blank page



Message icon has disappeared and I have to go to main site to view messages.



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This is due to both, the poker client message icon as well as the webpage message icon taking you to:



Correct URL for messages is:



If you have redirecting enabled on your browser settings, it will redirect you to the correct URL and you do see your messages as expected.

But if you have redirecting disabled, you will end up on the blank page.

Edited by Purps
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Relax should change the link in the client to the new one mentioned by @Purps, should be super quick, and Kindred should change all the links that go to messages to the new one, instead of just relying on that 301 redirect, which right now is giving me 401 unauthorized.


Also just so this doesn't cause a mistake, should probably just change the &redirect in the in client messages deeplink from &redirect=%2Fmyaccount%2Fmymessages to &redirect=%2Fmyaccount%2Fmydetails%2Fmymessages  , maybe test it as well to see if it works 😅


Edited by FeelsBadMan
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