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Group: Straight Flush
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Posts posted by Livertool

  1. I'm not fan of hand analysis overall but this has always been tricky for me and as apparently we have here better omaha players than me like @Samba and some others too, any thoughts, tips or how you do play it?

    Good flop yet almost as bad as it gets 🤯 


    With four handed being against flush, running straights or pocket rockets is huge. To bet to either to be raised, all folding or sucked out on next streets?

    In this case all checked until board was filled, duck bet half pot and i raised, all folded so eventually got some chips out of it but don't think it was best play?


  2. 15 minutes ago, MoreTBC said:

    You also only get to use some of your fingers some of the time because they're too busy on other products that make more money.

    I assume you mean casino games 😄

    Like i said, i know nothing about that world but tbh i thought there is at least own team for poker.

  3. Obviously i am wrong person judge what can or can't be done with recources, time and money, i am here just to suggest things and sharing my thoughts but overall "what is there for me/us" kind of thinking can be used on pretty much everything. Just top of my head, if flips format would be better we wouldn't be having this conversation and possible negative image it may bring to community visitors about the product, goal to have best client out there and those sort of things.

    Since you worked for relax which i believe does most of developing, feel free to fill us in how big group there is working with poker 🙂 I think Unibet side is quite slim or at least only few of them to be seen here or discord but i have no idea of relax side. Frankly even if i knew that wouldn't tell me much as i have no idea what it takes to run & improve client and other tasks they may have.

    But i can leave it at this if this annoys people, said what i thought, up to others to to judge what is worth and what not.

  4. 36 minutes ago, MoreTBC said:

    Shootouts work like brackets, so all round 1 shootouts need to end before round 2 starts. You're going to get much less imbalance Vs the way it works now where some players stay in 'round 1' because of chops while others move to round 2 after 1 board runout.

    Like NMP said, the table balancing was never designed to handle flips and it doesn't even handle normal tournaments well sometimes but it's equally fair/unfair for everyone because it's random.

    We can and do agree on all of those things, especially table balansing on mtts as it is way worse than competitors sometimes reseating you 4-5 times an hour, but let me rephrase then:

    Could it be so hard to program invidual format for flips? To noneprogrammer blep it feels like very simple task and since competitors too have different formats in their clients that shouldn't be too impossible either.

    I recognise that this is small thing overall but nonetheless cpuld be lot better and equal to all flippers.

  5. 1 hour ago, marlini2 said:

    Did they test you for this Helicobacter pylori bacteria? Apparently, about 60% of people have it, but only some experience its effects.

    Nope. I suggested it myself one time but as i went through endoscopy and adding symptoms it was quite clear case, just the cure was lacking. My sister had it too occasionally but with more mild symptoms, probly due her healthier lifestyle with coffee being her only vice while i smoked, drink coffee and other bad things more than i should. I tried years ago more healthier style too but after about month without any sign of improvement i got tired of eating very limited diet which tasted like cardboard for lack of able to use much seasoning and gave up. I have given up now most spicy staff like chilis, jalopenos and mostly onions too so maybe that had helped a bit thou timeline don't match when reflux stopped. Who knows, i just enjoy being reflux free for this long.

    • Like 1
  6. 52 minutes ago, marlini2 said:

    terms of reflux

    I had that too on and off for around 20 years. Really annoying thing with preventing to sleep properly, worst times i puked stomach acids through the night. Went through all sort of tests and meds but nothing helped until it just stopped on it's own 1.5 years ago. Hopefully to never return...

    • Like 1
  7. 15 minutes ago, marlini2 said:

    There are creeps in this world who would take the photo regardless of what the girl is wearing, and that is simply not okay

    Always has been always will be. As long as it legal to take photos in public these things will happen do we like it or not.

    17 minutes ago, marlini2 said:

    Stop blaming the woman instead of this disgusting old dude

    Didn't do that so no need to attack or call me names like the other there. With freedom comes responsilibity, whether is to judge is it ok to take pic of girls ass or put yourself in a position where pic could be taken. Both have possible downsides too, guy to end up getting ass kicked or girl's ass to be spread around internet.

  8. 1 hour ago, Yombo Araka said:

    So you'd be okay with that if it was your; wife or daughter?

    Wouldn't be my wife or daughter if they wouldn't aknowledge the risks of going out with little clothes. Not ok but most likely to happen.

    Btw, if you and video shooter like to respect her privacy then not best idea to shoot viral video on her and spread it around internet 😉 Atleast without blurring ass and tits.

  9. 11 hours ago, WuDu said:

    7-9 M per season for 3 years sounds like 20-25 M guaranteed to me.

    Yeah maybe. Just thinking how much some individual players get sponsor money on their own those numbers seem like peanuts.

    If i were Watzke, i would have made deal with this company even with lower deal.


    EU is trying to fight USA and China with economics yet we are suppose to shoot our own leg with restricting markets and hence creating unemployement, financial losses etc for moral posing. One thing if we choose to not to buy russian goods anymore but to not suck russian money for our benefit and let russian or chinese companies to do that instead is just stupidity to xtreme. Eastern Finland has lost hundreds of millions with banning russian tourism on its own so how much EU has lost and pushed russian money to others with this nonsense?

    This is one reason i will be skipping voting, EU is ran by idiots and all the candidates who gets publicity and hence chance to get elected are sheeps too so nothing will change. For those who can't or ain't interested to think their own, media tells what is right or wrong and who to vote, that is democracy at 2024.

    But to Lidl i wouldn't have given the spodorship at any cause, leftist trojan horse as it is 😄

    I was hungry last week and checked out what protein they have for sale. Scrolled through their digital ads until i hit this page and closed ads immediately  Who knows what kind of distubing pics would have popped up if i continued to sausage ads.


  10. No, ain't joking. If i go outdoors with wearing only banana hammock, i take the risk that someone will be looking or taking photo and that is fine.

    But enough about that, i know this is not going anywhere (good at least) so lets just agree to disagree.

  11. 6 hours ago, FeelsBadMan said:

    There is no proper shootout format on unibet to use that, as DailyQuads suggested, as that indeed would be the ideal way to run it. 

    Ain't shootout format where table ain't closed until one has all the chips? If so, i don't see why it would be ideal for flips?

    6 hours ago, FeelsBadMan said:

    The reason is simple, they didn't develop a special tournament format for flips

    That was what i suspected but even at normal tourny format, ain't the goal to have as close as possible same size tables instead one table being heads up and another 5-9 players. With normal mtts it is harder to achieve for late reg, different finishing time of hands, that players don't get moved all the time but as those things are not issues with flips i would think most logic way flip would run was to finish one hand, divide remaining players to most equal size tables and so on.

  12. What if he did take pic? 

    Girls are half naked at pub so it is not like he is some peeping tom...should he also close his eyes and look nowhere near if he sees skin at public places?

    Sure not most approriate thing to do but no need to lose your shit over it. Concentrate more on actual problems like increasing sexual assaults by...you know who 😉

    • Haha 1
  13. 4 minutes ago, WuDu said:

    BVB is now pulling the trigger because the backlash won't be as severe due to the massive war propaganda we're seeing right now.

    True but being at cl final, playing cl next season and most likely following seasons too, i have hard time to believe Rheinmetall was only candidate as sponsor. If the deal infact is between 7-9M per season  it ain't that massive to me that other (less dubious) sponsor couldn't match. Well, i don't know what kind of amounts these deals usually are but less than 10M per season don't sound that big to me with wide visibility you get and compared to sick wages and transfer fees these days.

  14. 5 hours ago, DailyQuads said:

    In that sense it isn't unfair, its just a specific way of determining a winner

    Yeah, didn't say it is unfair, just bit weird to me.

    5 hours ago, DailyQuads said:

    However, everybody has the same chance of ending up in that specific situation.

    Be that as it may, players are still put in different situations for no apparent reason that we will most likely never know. 

  15. Dortmund getting decent amount of shit on them with turning on military mode. Gotta agree to the point of why and what value military equipment producer get out of sponsoring football club when their clients are nations or military organisations. And they said you should watch out where clubs/leagues take their money 🤣 

    Naturally Watzke accepts any money avalable and came out with bs reasoning 🤥

    Dortmund chief executive Hans-Joachim Watzke said of the deal: "Security and defence are fundamental cornerstones of our democracy. That is why we believe it is the right decision to take a very close look at how we protect these cornerstones. Especially today, when we see every day how freedom must be defended in Europe. We should deal with this new normality."


  16. Once again opponent made it a match but Real took the price 😴 

    Don't really get why you are letting Ade go but eager to keep Sancho. Ok, based mostly on one match but Ade with just with his speed managed to create lot more than Sancho with his (doomed to begin with) dribbling attemps against two opponents. Maybe they work in buli against weaker opponents but don't see them helping the team against better teams.

    Ade has potential to be very good player under good coaching who can teach him to make better decisions and be more clinical with finishing.

    Edin went with Pep & Klopp way and played Maatsen in midfield when in possession. Did it bring any xtra? Not to me but on the other hand didn't hurt either. Hummels was boss of defence but how long can BVB count on him, ain't he heading for 40 already?

  17. Real doing Real things again. As long as BVB keeps defence tight and not start attacking with too many players to give space Vini , Rod and Jude things just might work out.

    And Ade has to start making better decisions, Fulle was totally open to give pass to but no, he headed straight forward to small angle shot.

  18. May days.

    Summer came really early this year, spent lot of time outdoors (paleface is red as tomato, partly due sun and other part probly cause trying to keep myself hydrated 😆 ) and so haven't played that much, even first step of level 3 for 1000 bp still undone. Sure some freerolling and random hexa, banzai and mtt goofing (which i was suppose to stop) but no cash tables. For some reason only motivation would be playing high stakes, what comes to cash tables, but as i don't know yet should i buy car to get to soon starting work or take long time per day to travel with public transport, i had to be quite stingy with my playing overall. On the other hand i could spend that long travelling time to same things as i would at home, scroll through internet, do some betting/casino/poker etc as i have no use for car otherwise and rather use that money elsewhere but to spend about 2 hours per day just to get to work and home ain't that tempting either. We'll see, i'll try public transport first and see if i am up to it.

    Like said, weather has been really great so took some boat trips with old man. Just like him, boat is old and slow which has actually been refreshing in this hectic world, even if you wanted to speed things up you couldn't as you can imagine 😄


    But anyhow checked deposits and withdraws at unibet from 1st of may until now and to my surprise i was 200€ up for month so thou no big success, + is always good. Positive result must have been mostly on one good offer in casino as i don't remember much poker success but who cares where it comes from.

    We'll see what this month brings, if weather remains the same probly not much playing coming this month either but things can change...

    • Like 5
  19. Agree, BVB is for dummies 😄

    But i still root for you. If this ain't cl final where Real must finally be more initiative and offensive, i don't know what is. And hopefully BVB wins the match with parking the bus so Real gets taste of them own medicine. And i would like to see Jude's reaction of losing 😄


  20. 1 hour ago, Samba said:

    Overlayed 1200 and 500 on the days I played

    It's raining money! Hallelujah!
    It's raining money! Amen!
    I'm gonna go out to run and let myself bet
    Absolutely soaking wet!

    It's raining money! Hallelujah!
    It's raining money! Every specimen!
    Euros, dollas, pounds and krones
    Dough and bread and bacon and bones


    • Haha 3
  21. Just in case you missed new afternoon tournament with 25€ buyin and 2000€ quaranteed, now would be good time to jump in as overlays have been huge 🥳 

    Daylight Brawl - 2000 EUR GTD

    * Buy-in: 25 EUR, 2RE
    * Chips: 2500
    * Blind increments: 7 minutes
    * Late registration: 7 levels
    * Running times: Monday to Saturday, 12:00 UTC // 13:00 UK // 14:00 CET

    * One turbo qualifier, 2x 25 GTD at 12:30 CET
    * One hyper turbo qualifier, 3x 25 GTD at 13:00 CET
    * Two flip qualifiers, 2x 25 GTD at 14:00 and 14:15 CET

    Example from yesterday:


    Giddy up 😉

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